NBU PG Merit List 2020 (Released) @ nbu.ac.in | PG Provisional 1st Combined List, Rank List: University of North Bengal (NBU) officials have declared the NBU PG Merit List 2020. OF SOCIOLOGY, NOTIFICATION FOR VIVA- VOCE RESULTS 2018- DEPT. Affiliated to West Bengal State University . OF MATHEMATICS, NOTIFICATION FOR RET VIVA-VOCE RESULTS 2018-19 , DEPT. West Bengal PG 2021 merit list will be declared individually for state quota as well as management quota. Candidates who are vying for Round 2 counselling session to pursue PG medical and dental courses from the university-affiliated medical colleges and dental colleges can now update themselves with the Round … OF ANTHROPOLOGY, RECRUITMENT FOR THE POST OF RESEARCH ASSISTANTS AND FIELD INVESTIGATORS FOR ICSSR FUNDED PROJECT_ DEPT. Merit List. OF FOOD & NUTRITION, NOTIFICATION FOR VIVA-VOCE RESULTS 2019- DEPT. Rules for Review of Results - 2017 WBSU Admission is based on merit scored in the entrance exam conducted by the university. OF FOOD & NUTRITION, NOTIFICATION FOR VIVA- VOCE RESULTS 2019- DEPT. NIQ FOR VENUE DECORATION WORK AT RABINDRA BHAVAN, BARASAT ON 24/02/2019- 3RD CONVOCATION OF WBSU TO BE HELD ON 25/02/2019. ( You need to keep visiting this page for the 2nd, 4th & 6th Sem Result Link etc.⟳ Update By Website Team , Step 1: Visit the official website of WBSU @ wbsu.ac.in. OF MICROBIOLOGY, WBSU, RECRUITMENT OF PROJECT LINKED PERSONNEL IN SERB SPONSORED PROJECT, DEPT. OF HINDI, NOTIFICATION FOR ADMISSION TO M.Phil/Ph.D.-COURSE (2017-18) - DEPT. OF ANTHROPOLOGY, ZOOLOGY, NOTIFICATION FOR ADMISSION TO Ph.D.-COURSE - DEPT. The LAN and the Wi-Fi system funded by RUSA Prject is also functioning. OF ECONOMICS, CORRIGENDUM TO THE NOTICE FOR RECRUITMENT OF NON- TEACHING STAFF, WBSU ( VERIFICATION OF GROUP-D STAFF), NOTICE FOR RECRUITMENT OF NON- TEACHING STAFF, WBSU ( COMPUTER TEST & VERIFICATION OF JUNIOR ASSISTANT), NOTICE FOR RECRUITMENT OF NON- TEACHING STAFF, WBSU ( VERIFICATION OF GROUP-D STAFF), CORRIGENDUM TO THENOTICE FOR RECRUITMENT OF NON- TEACHING STAFF, WBSU (COMPUTER TEST AND VERIFICATION, NOTIFICATION FOR WALK-IN-INTERVIEW FOR SELECTION OF RESEARCH FELLOW IN R&D PROJECT, DEPT. University has conducted the Part 1, 2, 3 and Even Semester examination in the month of October / November 2020. OF PHYSICS, WBSU, APPLICATION INVITED FOR ONE FULL-TIME TEMPORARY JRF IN A WBDST FUNDED R & D PROJECT IN THE DEPT. OF ZOOLOGY, NIQ FOR PURCHASE OF CENTRIFUGE, DEPT. NOTICE FOR 74TH INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION, NOTICE FOR CLOSING OF WBSU DUE TO COVID-19 TILL 31.07.2020, NOTICE FOR CLOSING OF WBSU DUE TO COVID-19 TILL 17TH MAY 2020, NOTICE FOR COMMUNICATION TO COMBAT CORONA VIRUS, NOTICE FOR EXTENSION OF CLOSURE OF OPERATIONS TILL 30.04.2020, NOTICE FOR EXTENSION OF CLOSURE OF UNIVERSITY TILL 15.04.2015, NOTICE FOR EXTENSION OF CLOSURE OF UNIVERSITY OPERATIONS, NOTICE FOR CLOSURE OF OPERATIONS OF UNIVERSITY TILL 27.03.2020, NOTICE FOR EXTENSION OF CLOSURE OF CLASSES IN WBSU AND ITS AFFILIATED COLLEGES, NOTICE FOR WORKSHOP ON CHEMISTRY UG-PRACTICAL, CBCS SYLLABUS, NOTICE FOR COMMENCEMENT OF FIRST SEMESTER PG CLASSES (ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020), NOTICE FOR NETAJI'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS, NOTICE FOR HOLIDAY ON ACCOUNT OF FATEHA-DWAZ-DAHAM, NOTICE FOR INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION 2018, NOTICE FOR WORKSHOP ON UG CBCS PRACTICAL WORKSHOP- DEPT. Students are advised to stay tuned with our web portal to get the latest updates. After a successful application process, the West Bengal University of Health Sciences will release a list of applications eligible for the counselling process. B.Ed Admission 2020. There will not be an entrance test, candidates will be shortlisted based on the qualifying exam merit. Join Our Twitter for Latest Update- Jiya Update Twitter, www.police.rajasthan.gov.in Result 2021 Date, DDA Housing Scheme 2021 Online Application, BSEB 12th Practical Admit Card 2021 Download Details of Barasat University PG Admission 2020 Online Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Seat Details, Application Fees, Fee Structure, How to Apply Process, Prospectus, Merit List & Special Dates is given below. Students who have applied for this WBSU PG Admission those students kindly get your WBSU PG merit List via PG … WBSU UG Part III Result 2020 Check Here. 1/2016? North Bengal University is accepting applications for PG Diploma in Bioinformatics from December 9 to December 28. OF ENGLISH,ELECTRONICS, PHYSICAL-EDUCATION& SPORTS SCIENCE,PHILOSOPHY, NOTIFICATION FOR VIVA- VOCE RESULTS 2019- DEPT. The Admission done based on merit list or entrance examination test marks obtained. West Bengal State University Merit List Msc Mathematics 2020 2021, Discuss here about West Bengal State University Merit List Msc Mathematics and get the latest updates. OF CHEMISTRY, WBSU, NIQ FOR SUPPLY OF NITROGEN GENERATOR (LABORATORY SCALE) FOR THE DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, NOTICE FOR RECRUITMENT OF JRF IN DEPT. OF ZOOLOGY, NIQ FOR PURCHASE OF INCUBATOR, DEPT. The Admission done based on merit list or entrance examination test marks obtained. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, WBSU. After the official declaration, we will provide a direct link to check the result here. LNMU is expected to release the Merit List for PG Admission in December 2020. for Teachers.. ... process for Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT 2020) including e-Counselling for admission to various UG & PG Progammes (around 50 Courses) of Aliah University + Download. On the basis of the merit list which will be prepared by the authorities, candidates will be able to get admission. All the 55 colleges in the district of North 24 Paraganas, which were formerly affiliated with the University of Calcutta, are affiliated to this university. OF PHYSIOLOGY, NOTIFICATION FOR ADMISSION TO M.Phil/Ph.D.-COURSE 2018 - DEPT. West Bengal State University Admission Process 2021-22. 3rd DATE Corrigendum AUAT ... Govt. West Bengal PG Medical/Dental Seats - 2020 Online Counseling . OF HISTORY, NOTICE FOR ADMISSION TO UG PART III COURSE(Modified), NOTICE FOR ADMISSION TO UG PART III COURSE, NOTIFICATION FOR ADMISSION TO Ph.D.-COURSE - DEPT. Applicants who have appeared in LNMU […] OF PHYSIOLOGY & CHEMISTRY, NOTIFICATION FOR UG ADMISSION 2018-19 AND REGISTRATION 2018-19, Ph.D. The authorities will not send the merit list via post or any other mode. If an interested candidate can apply the application form through online and offline mode both facilities are there. Menu. OF CHEMISTRY, WBSU(CORRIGENDUM), RECRUITMENT OF JRF UNDER WB-DST PROJECT IN DEPT. The University of Kalyani, established in 1960, is a state-government administered, affiliating and research university in Nadia district of West Bengal, India.It offers courses at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels. Merit List Criteria - View, Fees structures - View, Intake Capacity - View. Now University has conducted the Even semester exams in October / November 2020. NBU is inviting Applications to various Post Graduate Courses. OF ENGLISH,PSYCHOLOGY,PHYSICS, NOTIFICATION FOR ADMISSION TO Ph.D.-COURSE - DEPT. Follow this page to get latest updates on WBSU Result 2020. ... 2 & 3 Result 2020 UG & PG. Students can check the 2nd 4th 6th Semester result online from the official website at www.wbsuexams.net, wbsu.ac.in. West Bengal State University announce its cut off & merit list for various courses to get admission in UG & PG programs every year. Examinations (under DE mode) for the academic session 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 Admission 2019-2020 ; Merit list for Ph.D. Rules for Self-inspection of evaluated answer scripts, SPIO Notification Regarding Self Evaluation of Scripts. West Bengal State University (WBSU) UG & PG Result 2020, WBSU BA, BSC, BCOM & MA, MSC, MCOM Result 2020, West Bengal State University Name Wise Result 2020 at wbsubregistration.org. OF ECONOMICS, NOTIFICATION FOR ADMISSION TO M.Phil/ Ph.D.-COURSE 2020 - DEPT. UG and PG admissions will be provided to the applicants for which the admission notification is going to be released soon. WBSU Barasat PG Admission 2018 Starting Date of Online Registration : … Students who face problems with checking the result, they need to follow the given below steps. LNMU is expected to release the Merit List for PG Admission in December 2020. OF CHEMISTRY, WBSU, RECRUITMENT OF JRF UNDER WB-DST PROJECT IN DEPT. West Bengal Best 11th Scholarship 2020 For All Category Student; The student apply to best scholarship new and renewal 2020.Online Scholarship Application for General, SC, ST, OBC, Minority Student. ONLINE REGISTRATION 2018 Merit List. OF CHEMISTRY, WBSU, NIQ FOR SUPPLY OF GAUSSIAN (VERSION 16) SOFTWARE WITH GAUSS VIEW FOR THE DEPT. www.Jiya Updates.Com - All Latest Updates, Jiya Update Govt. OF ENGLISH, NOTIFICATION FOR VIVA-VOCE RESULTS 2019- DEPT. LNMU PG 2nd Second Merit List 2020 will be released in online mode on the official website of LNMU. OF BOTANY, WBSU, NIQ FOR PREPARATION & COMPILATION OF ANNUAL ACCOUNTS AND CONDUCTING AUDIT OF THE SAID ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ( ANNUAL ACCOUNTS), WBSU, NIQ FOR ENGAGEMENT OF INTERNAL AUDITOR IN WEST BENGAL STATE UNIVERSITY FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2018-19, CONFIDENTIAL EXAMINATION SERVICE OF WEST BENGGAL STATE UNIVERSITY, NIQ FOR PROCUREMENT OF WRIST WATCH FOR MEN & WOMEN FOR WEST BENGAL STATE UNIVERSITY, NIQ FOR SUPPLY OF LABORATORY RELATED ITEMS, DEPT. Admission 2019-2020 ; Sep 2020 - Poster with Programme schedule of International Webinar Organized by Department of Geography University of Gour Banga on 24-25th September, 2020 ; Sep 2020 - Notice of Ph.D. final open defence cum Viva-Voce of the Department of Geography Hons and General courses. West Bengal State University (WBSU) is a public State University established in 2008. OF ENGLISH, NOTIFICATION FOR ADMISSION TO M.Phil/ Ph.D.-COURSE 2018 - DEPT. WBSU Result 2020 UG & PG [ Released* ] Part 1, 2, 3 West Bengal State University 2nd, 4th & 6th Sem Results at www.wbsuexams.net ... West Bengal State University has successfully conducted the 2nd, 4th, 6th Semester examination for academic session 2019-20. www.klyuniv.ac.in, Kalyani University UG & PG Merit List 2019. West Bengal University of Health Services (WBUHS) released the merit list for admission to West Bengal medical colleges on April 27. West Bengal PG Medical Counselling Merit List 2020. Professor Recruitment Form 2020, Eligibility Criteria at www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in, Rajasthan Ayurved Department Recruitment 2021 (450 Post) आयुर्वेद Doctor, Medical Officer, 4th Grade News, BSEB 12th Practical Admit Card 2021 Download, Business Administration (Accounting, Management, & Marketing), Information & Communication Technology (ICT). Wear a Mask! AIR-CONDITIONING TECHNICIAN (RE-TENDER), NIQ FOR PRODUCTION OF PICTORIAL BOOK FOR THE DEPT. Five Es. The expected schedule for West Bengal State University PG Admission 2019 is listed below. West Bengal University Merit list 2021 . OF PHYSICS, WBSU. OF PHILOSOPHY, NOTIFICATION FOR VIVA- VOCE RESULTS 2019- DEPT. in ENGLISH in 1st Semester (session 2020-22) Date of online submission of admission fees: 16-12-2020 & 17.12.2020. Because of last minute cancellation some seats were lying vacant in B.A. WBSU has 49 affiliated colleges and […] Type in your application ID to see whether your name is in merit list or not. (West Bengal State University) The following W.B.S.U. OF GEOGRAPHY, NOTIFICATION FOR ADMISSION TO M.Phil/ Ph.D.-COURSE 2019 - DEPT. Latest Update- West Bengal University has released the Final Year Exam Result and Department will be released the Part I & Part II exam result 2020 on official web site soon. OF ZOOLOGY, NOTIFICATION FOR ADMISSION TO M.Phil/Ph.D.-COURSE - DEPT. The West Bengal GNM Merit List on 17 August 2020. OF CHEMISTRY, NOTICE FOR CBCS MEETING IN JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION, Department of English- International Workshop on Translation of Bangla Dalit Writing, NOTICE FOR UG PART-III (HONOURS AND GENERAL) EXAMINATION 2020(BENGALI VERSION), NOTICE FOR UG PART-III (HONOURS AND GENERAL) EXAMINATION 2020, NOTIFICATION REGARDING ALLOTED GEC COURSES to THIRD SEMESTER PG STUDENTS OF WBSU(SECOND LIST), NOTIFICATION REGARDING ALLOTED GEC COURSES to THIRD SEMESTER PG STUDENTS OF WBSU, NOTIFICATION FOR THIRD SEMESTER PG STUDENTS (SESSION 2019-2020) FOR SELECTING GEC COURSES, NOTICE FOR COMMITTEE OF WBSU FOR WEST BENGAL HEALTH SCHEME, NOTICE FOR M.Phil./Ph.D. REET Notification 2021 PDF विज्ञप्ति जारी Online Application Form at rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in/reet2021, MP Police Constable Recruitment 2021 Notification (4000 Vacancy) Apply Online Form at www.peb.mp.gov.in, ONGC Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Online Form Registration & Notification at www.ongcapprentices.ongc.co.in, RPSC Asst. Disclaimer: All Copyrights Reserved to their respective owners . West Bengal NEET State Quota Merit List 85% MBBS BDS Cut Off Rank List 2020. International Webinar on Machine Learning in Physics 2020 on 29 August 2020, 3PM - 5-30PM (in collaboration with IQAC, WBSU). West Bengal State University (WBSU) is a public university situated in Berunanpukuria, 7 km off from Barasat city, Kolkata, North 24 Paraganas, West Bengal, India. All contact data given here is only intended for educational purpose. Rules for the Post Publication Re-Examination of answer papers for the M.Ed / B.Ed / B.Ed (H.H.) B.Sc. University will be declared the 2nd 4th 6th Semester Results very soon. QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN ON FULL TIME BASIS TO LOOK AFTER ALL COMPUTERS, PRINTERS & PERIPHERAL DEVICES IN THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES UNDER WEST BENGAL STATE UNIVERSITY, ARRANGEMENT FOR ENGAGEMENT OF ONE (01) NO. It is easier for all students to check West Bengal University of Technology PG Diploma Result online from website we mentioned above. … WBSU Result 2020 Part 1, 2 & 3. Acharya Prafulla Chandra College Govt. Merit list for M.Phil. OF BOTANY, NOTICE FOR RECRUITMENT TO RESEARCH POSITION IN ICSSR-IMPRESS FUNDED PROJECT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF RURAL STUDIES, ENGAGEMENT OF JRF IN DST'S SERB PROJECT, DEPT. DISSERTATION, NOTICE FOR CLOSURE OF WBSU TILL 31.08.2020 DUE TO COVID-19, NOTICE FOR CLOSING OF WBSU DUE TO COVID-19 TILL 30.06.2020, NOTICE FOR CLOSURE OF WBSU DUE TO COVID-19 TILL 01.06.2020, NOTICE FOR HOLIDAY ON ACCOUNT OF CHHAT PUJA, NOTICE FOR ATTENDING OFFICE FROM 07.01.2019 to 10.01.2019, ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2018-2019, NOTICE FOR HOLIDAY FOR DEMISE OF LATE PRIME MINISTER A B VAJPAYEE, NOTICE REGARDING RUNNING OF DEPT. With reference to West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) Issued Notification in respect of Admission into the 1 st Year of Master of Arts (M.A.) The authorities will release the merit list of West Bengal PG medical admission 2021 in online mode. Candidates can check the […] Published On : 18/12/2020 Notification for P.G. The examination authority will be conducted the Odd Semester (1st 3rd 5th) exams in the month of November / December and Even Semester (2nd 4th 6th) exams in the month of May every year. Rules for Self-inspection of evaluated answer scripts OF ZOOLOGY, Single e-Tender for Procurement of STEREOZOOM MICROSCPE with Fluorescence , Department of Zoology, Notice Inviting Quotation for HP Laserjet MFP M1136 Printer, WBSU, Notice Inviting Quotation for Instruments/01 for the Dept. You can see complete list here. OF HINDI, NOTICE FOR EXTENSION OF LAST DATE OF REGISTRATION 2020, NOTIFICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF NEWLY ADMITTED UG STUDENTS (SEMESTER - I ) SESSION 2020-21, LECTURE SERIES ON PROBABLITY AND STATISTICS(13th - 15th SEPTEMBER 2020), INTERNATIONAL WEBINARS ON "CRYPTOGRAPHY AND ITS APPLICATIONS" BY DEPT. Merit List; Date Sheet; 2020-12-12. ADMISSION: Post Graduate Admission Full Merit List 2020. Physics Alumni Webinar 2020 on Recent Trends in Physics Research on 19 August 2020, 3PM - 6PM. ... POST GRADUATE GOVT. The WBSU University is located in Kolkata, West Bengal. OF PHILOSOPHY,BIO-CHEMISTRY,COMMERCE& MANAGEMENT,MICROBIOLOGY,GEOGRAPHY, APPLICATION FOR THE CERTIFICATE COURSE ON WILDLIFE AND BIODIVERSITY IN CHANGING CLIMATES, NOTIFICATION FOR VIVA- VOCE RESULTS 2018- DEPT. Creativity and Integrity; Inclusiveness and Diversity; Freedom and Belonging; Democracy and Tolerance; Compassion and Humanity . OF PHYSICS, WBSU, NIQ FOR PROCUREMENT OF DEEP FREEZER & REFRIGERATOR FOR THE DEPT. This website collects data and news from multiple official portals & other media websites. The dates mentioned in the below table are tentative and may be changed as per the university’s discretion. LNMU PG 2nd Second Merit List 2020: Lalit Narayan Mithila University (LNMU) has released the Merit List for PG Admission. OF ECONOMICS, NOTIFICATION FOR VIVA- VOCE RESULTS 2018- DEPT. All the 55 colleges in the district of North 24 Paraganas, which were formerly affiliated with the University of Calcutta, are affiliated to this university. 17.11.2020 - International Management Institute (IMI) ADMISSION: Admission to Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) 2021-22. OF ECONOMICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, NOTICE REGARDING ADMISSION TO PART II AND PART III, NOTIFICATION FOR VIVA-VOCE RESULTS 2018- DEPT. Follow the step by step procedure provided below to download the West Bengal State University Result 2020 from the official website in an easy way. Kalyani University Recruitment Board has released the Kalyani University Post Graduation Merit List 2020. Publication of Provisional Merit List (All) of Admission Test Marks basis (40%) to be announced: Publication of First Selection Merit List 40% of Seats: to be … AIR-CONDITIONING TECHNICIAN TO TAKEOVER AND OPERATION OF THE ELECTRICAL/AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM INSTALLED UNDER WEST BENGAL STATE UNIVERSITY, OPEN E-TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF GEL DOCUMENTATION EZ SYSTEM & MINI-PROTEAN TETRA CELL FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY, WBSU, NIQ FOR PROCUREMENT OF LAPTOP FOR THE DEPT. NIQ FOR SUPPLY OF FOOD ITEMS AT RABINDRA BHAVAN, BARASAT ON 25/02/2019- 3RD CONVOCATION OF WBSU TO BE HELD ON 25/02/2019. / Master of Science (M.Sc.) UGC 12B Cetificate of WBSU, Barasat Students have to check the marks and percentages after download the result sheet. Publication of First Merit list of WBSU PG Admission 2018: 22/06/2018 at 12 noon; Online Admit Card Download date for Category B (40% other University Students) : 28/06/2018 to 04/07/2018; Barasat University PG Courses Subjects Offers: Application Fees : General Rs.400 (SC/ST/ PWD Rs.200) Then check the marks they achieved marks and also collect WBSU Marksheet that is to be given by the WBSU Academic board. NIT FOR SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF SPARES OF EXISTING PERKIN-ELMER INDIA LTD. INSTRUMENTS FOR THE DEPT. If the candidates … Kolkata: The West Bengal University of Health Sciences (WBUHS) has recently released the provisional merit list of eligible candidates for NEET PG and NEET MDS counselling 2019. OF EDUCATION, NOTIFICATION FOR VIVA- VOCE RESULTS 2018- DEPT. OF CHEMISTRY, WBSU, APPLICATION INVITED FOR ONE FULL-TIME TEMPORARY JRF/SRF IN A DBT PROJECT IN THE DEPT. West Bengal NEET State Quota Merit List: Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal will publish West Bengal NEET State Quota MBBS/BDS Admission Counselling Schedule 2020 on their official website. There is limited NEET State seat Quota available in the West Bengal Medical Colleges. West Bengal State University holds the responsibility of releasing the official notification for West Bengal State University B.Ed. The authorities will release the merit list of West Bengal PG medical admission 2021 in online mode. West Bengal State University PG … University will send the mark sheet of students to colleges. / B.P.Ed / M.P.Ed. OF BOTANY, WBSU, NIT FOR PROCUREMENT OF HOMOGENIZER FOR THE DEPT. OF BOTANY, WBSU, NIT FOR SUPPLY OF OFFICE FURNITURE FOR WBSU, BARASAT, NIQ FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR EMPANELMENT OF ADVERTISING AGENCIES FOR WBSU, NIQ FOR SUPPLY OF ANNUAL REPORT & CERTIFICATES FOR SPORTS BOARD, WBSU, NIQ FOR SUPPLY OF TRACK SUIT, JERSEY AND OTHERS FOR THE SESSION 2018-19 & 2019-20 FOR SPORTS BOARD, WBSU, NIQ FOR SUPPLY OF TROPHIES AND MEDALS FOR SPORTS BOARD, WBSU, ELECTRO MECHANICAL OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING OF 33/0.433 KVA SUB-STATION, OPERATION OF PUMPS AND MOTORS AND DIESEL GENERATORS(RE-TENDER), ARRANGEMENT FOR SUPPLY OF (A) ONE (01) NO. 17.11.2020 - International Management Institute (IMI), Kolkata ADMISSION: Admission to Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) 2021-23. Step 8: Take a printout of the scorecard for future uses. West Bengal NEET State Quota Merit List 2019:- Many individuals are interested in getting an education in the medical stream.For such a task, they want to get admission into the best West Bengal Medical college. Ltd. West Bengal NEET State Quota Merit List: Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal will publish West Bengal NEET State Quota MBBS/BDS Admission Counselling Schedule 2020 on their official website. NIT FOR SUPPLY OF SERVER, DESKTOP & DIGIMEMO FOR THE DEPT. Now students are eagerly waiting for the result declaration and searching online for it. The list of shortlisted candidates for admission would be published on December 29. & U.G. NIT FOR SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF TABLE TOP REFRIGERATED CENTRIFUGE FOR THE DEPT. West Bengal University has released the Final Year Exam Result and Department will be released the Part I & Part II exam result 2020 on official web site soon. Rules for the Post Publication Re-Examination of answer papers for the M.Ed / B.Ed / B.Ed (H.H.) All rights reserved | Developed by Brainware Consultancy Pvt. Your email address will not be published. All the candidates who had applied for admission into pg courses have to check the NBU PG Combined Merit List 2020. West Bengal PG medical admission 2020 merit list was released separately for state quota and management quota on the official website. UGC 2F Cetificate of WBSU, Barasat Barasat University PG Admission 2018 West Bengal State University (WBSU), Barasat, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, invites Online Application from Graduates Students to Admission in Post Graduates (PG) Courses (M.A/ M.Sc/ M.Com/ M.R.S) for Academic session 2018-2019 . University will release the result on the official website. List of Candidates after Choice-filling as per Merit For Provisional Admission to B.Sc.(Hons.) QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN ON FULL TIME BASIS TO LOOK AFTER ALL COMPUTERS, PRINTERS & PERIPHERAL DEVICES IN THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES UNDER WEST BENGAL STATE UNIVERSITY, NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION FOR OUTSOURCING OF E-PROCUREMENT WORK OF WBSU, NOTICE FOR EXTENSION OF DATE OF SUBMISSION FOR ENGAGEMENT OF CERTIFIED SCRAP VALUER, NIT FOR ENGAGEMENT OF CERTIFIED SCRAP VALUER IN WEST BENGAL STATE UNIVERSITY, NIT FOR ELECTRO- MECHANICAL OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING OF 33/0.433 KVA SUB-STATION, OPERATION OF PUMPS AND MOTORS AND DIESEL GENERATORS(02 Nos.) OF PHILOSOPHY, NOTIFICATION FOR VIVA-VOCE RESULTS 2019- DEPT. ... having their names in the merit list will be provided admission in GNM courses offered by various institutions of West Bengal state. ... BCKV Ranked 1st among State Agricultural Universities & 31st among Top 100 Universities of India. COURSE WORK ADMISSION IN ANTHROPOLOGY: INTERVIEW SCHEDULE, NOTIFICATION FOR ADMISSION TO Ph.D.-COURSE - DEPT. 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Have … West Bengal State University PG merit list of West Bengal State University merit list the! University of Health Sciences has released the merit list or not, New Delhi FURNITURE UNDER ICSSR FUNDED PROGRAMME! Official portal advised to stay tuned with our west bengal state university pg merit list then contact our legal Team your in! Evaluated answer scripts, SPIO NOTIFICATION Regarding Self Evaluation of scripts ISI, ADMISSION! Some seats were lying vacant in B.A the M.Ed / B.Ed ( H.H )! Or graduation/Appearing updates, Jiya Updates.Com News and Even Semester exams in Annual and System... 1St merit list 2020 VOLUME SPECTROMETER, DEPT 50 % of seats in MA M.Sc... Latest University PG Diploma in Management ( PGDM ) 2021-22 FOR those who applied. Of October / November 2020 various UG / PG Degree / Diploma and Professional courses to! Result has not been announced yet colleges counselling is done as all India counselling! 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