#simpAskQuestion #askQuestion textarea{margin-bottom:10px!important; width:100%!important; padding:10px !important; border:1px solid #ECEBEB!important; overflow:auto; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;background:#fff;} If you are a lover of diffusers then you already know a little about how aromatherapy can help you relax. It is currently selling on Amazon for $29.95. If this is the case, the lead time will be specified on the product page. ThunderEase helps your dog feel calm and comfortable by mimicking a mother’s natural nursing pheromones. Runner-Up The Relaxivet is suitable for cats as well as small dogs. From there you may either choose to cancel the order or continue with the updated shipment date. Plug your ThunderEase Calming Diffuser in the room your dog spends the most time watching the difference in behavior. #simpAskQuestion .simpAskForm-container p.simpAskForm-title{font-weight:700;padding-left:4px!important;} ThunderEase Multicat Calming Pheromone Diffuser Kit Key Features. ThunderEase helps put an end to unwanted fighting and cat conflict by mimicking a mother’s natural nursing pheromones that help kittens bond to their mom. Each diffuser works for up to 700 sq. ThunderEase is effective in treating: – Fear of loud noises like thunder and fireworks – Uneasiness in a new home or environment – Stress when socializing or during training – Problem barking – Destructive chewing – House-soiling (or “uh-ohs” as we like to call them). #simpAskQuestion{clear: both; margin:20px auto 0; max-width:1200px; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;} Furthermore, the Thunderease cat pheromone diffuser covers up to 700 Square feet area. ThunderEase for Dogs - When new pups are born, their mother naturally emits pheromones that give the puppies a sense of security and comfort. $39.95 reg $49.99. A liftgate is a hydraulic lift that is attached to the back of a truck that can lower freight to ground level. If there is no option to select a shipping location, then this cost is already included in the price. ft. Replicates natural maternal pheromones. June 27, 2020. Our standard Free Freight Shipping option for LTL deliveries is curbside, which is to a delivery to a Commercial Address and does not include a liftgate. The Thunderease cat pheromone diffuser which is useful for more than calming your cat i.e. } Thunderworks. ft. Replicates natural facial pheromones that cats use to mark their space. .icon-simp-cancel:before { content: '\e803'; } We strongly recommend adding the optional Liftgate for all deliveries to locations without a loading dock or forklift. 99 $19.99 $ 19. Roll over image to zoom. #simpAskQuestion .qa-display{border-left:1px solid #000;padding-left:8px!important; line-height:12px!important;-webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;} } .accordionSimpQA ul li p.simpAnswerHolder:before{content:"A"; font-weight:700; font-size: 16px; position:absolute; left:0; top:1px;} However, please know that for certain very long items, such as Kennels over 6' in length, a Liftgate will not be able to bring the entire order down to ground level. margin-left: .2em; Tested to be over 90% effective for reducing household tension and stress, totally drug-free. USD$26.04 When new pups are born, their mother naturally emits pheromones that give the puppies a sense of security and comfort. Please note that some items may either be on back order with our manufacturer or require more weeks for fabrication and lead times may be longer than 4-6 weeks (especially larger metal items) - these will typically be flagged on our product pages for that product if that is the case. Replace refills every 30 days for maximum calming benefits. Certain made-to-order items may have a longer than normal lead time. ThunderEase is drug-free, and 100 safe for your pets and your family. ThunderEase Calming Diffuser Kit for Dogs. For custom orders that require fabrication by our manufacturers, please allow 2 to 4 weeks for fabrication and shipping. #simpAskQuestion .simpAskForm-container form{margin:0 !important;} Can’t we all just get along? Calming Aid Sprays, Drops & Diffusers For Dogs (Free ... Jackson. line-height: 1em; Powered by Adaptil, the #1 Vet Recommended Solution to help dogs adjust to challenging situations and curb unwanted stress related behaviors, ThunderEase for Dogs is tested to be over 90% effective for reducing anxiety and unwanted behavior in dogs. text-transform: none; Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. That’s why on most orders over $99, shipping is 100% free! ThunderEase replicates these pheromones for a drug-free, vet-recommended, calming solution that puts an end to unwanted behaviors like destructive chewing and problem barking. The ThunderEase Diffuser Kit comes with the diffuser plug-in and a 60-day supply of pheromone liquid. Be the first to ask a question about this. The diffuser releases what mimicks a mother’s natural nursing pheromones and helps your dog feel calm. It is designed to reduce inappropriate marking, scratching, and aggression. This drug-free diffuser is tested to be over 90% effective to reduce dog anxiety and put an end to problem barking. .accordionSimpQA ul{margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;} #simpAskQuestion .simpAskForm-container p{margin:0 0 10px !important;} Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for ThunderEase Multicat Calming Pheromone Diffuser Kit | Powered by FELIWAY | Reduce Cat Conflict, Tension and Fighting (60 Day Supply) at Amazon.com. Just plug in the ThunderEase ® Dog Calming Diffuser and watch as your dogs become calmer. Changes like a new home, a new family member, or just that annoying cat next door can cause unwanted behaviors like destructiveness, marking or urinating in the house, and excessive barking or meowing.. #simpAskQuestion .simpAskSubmitForm .simpAskForm-cancel-btn.button:hover{text-decoration:underline;} POWERED BY ADAPTIL: Recommended by thousands of vets and scientifically studied and verified for over 20 years. Diffuser for calming dogs. This drug-free diffuser is tested to be over 90% effective to put an end to urine marking, scratching and anxiety. 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format('truetype'); Unlike humans, dogs have a little more difficulty controlling their emotions in stressful situations. Your pup will feel safer, and less stressed with ThunderEase – just wait till you see the change in their behavior! The Best Thunder Collar For Dogs of 2019 – Reviews and Top Rated from Best Brands. .accordionSimpQA ul li p.simpQuestionHolder{font-weight:bold !important;} Tested to be over 90% effective … https://www.chewy.com/thunderease-dog-calming-diffuser-kit/dp/159744 20,484 Reviews Scanned by Raise5 AI. display: inline-block; Simply plug it in to a wall socket as the head of the plug can rotate to fit any U.S. electrical outlet. Thunderease for Dogs Diffuser Kit. The active ingredient in this collar is a blend of chamomile and lavender for a subtle calming effect. This easy to use wall diffuser helps put an end to destructive clawing, urine spraying and other anxious behaviors by mimicking a mother’s natural nursing pheromones. stock up & save! Reduce anxiety and fear in your cat the easy way with a calming pheromone diffuser kit. #simpAskQuestion #askQuestion input.simpAsk-fifty-percent{width:49.40%!important; padding:10px!important; border:1px solid #ECEBEB!important; -webkit-appearance:none; margin:0 0 10px!important; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;background:#ffffff;} ThunderEase Multicat Calming Pheromone Diffuser Refill | Powered by FELIWAY | Reduce Cat Conflict, Tension and Fighting (180 Day Supply) 9.2: Buy On Amazon: 8: Comfort Zone MultiCat Calming Diffuser Kit, Cat Pheromone 3 Diffusers and 6 Refills-48ml, New Formula: 9.2: Buy On Amazon: 9 … Pheromone calming products for dogs usually cost between $13 to $42. Replace refills every 30 days for maximum calming benefits. ... ThunderEase Dog Calming Pheromone Diffuser Kit - Relieve Separation Anxiety, Stress Barking and Chewing, Fear of Fireworks and Thunderstorms (60 Day Supply) By ThunderEase . While we almost always have the most up-to-date inventory information, there are rare occasions in which an item may be unavailable or on back-order. .simpAskQuestion-Qcontent p{font-size: 0.9em; margin: 0 !important;} ThunderEase helps put an end to unwanted fighting and cat conflict by mimicking a mother’s natural nursing pheromones that help kittens bond to their mom. If you would like to confirm the availability or potential lead time of an item prior to purchasing, please email us at cs@petprosupplyco.com or call us at 1-855-PET-PRO1. .simp-ask-question-header .simpAskQuestionForm-btnOpen {position:inherit;top: 0;right: 0; margin-top: 0;} Adams™ Plus Flea & Tick Spray for Cat & Dog 16 Oz, Adams™ Plus Flea & Tick Spray for Cat & Dog 32 Oz, Advantage® Carpet & Upholstery Spot Spray for Dog 16 Oz, Advantage® Flea & Tick Treatment Dog Spray 15 Oz, 5-star average with 900+ verified reviews, Email: cs@petprosupplyco.comPhone: 1-855-PET-PRO1. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for ThunderEase Dog Calming Pheromone Diffuser Kit | Powered by ADAPTIL | Vet Recommended to Relieve Separation Anxiety, Stress Barking and Chewing, and the Fear of Fireworks and Thunderstorms (60 Day Sup at Amazon.com. Pure and Refined CBD Sprays for Dogs, ThunderEase Dog Calming Pheromone Diffuser Kit – Relieve Separation Anxiety, Stress Barking and Chewing, Fear of Fireworks and Thunderstorms. Promotions, new products and company updates. Posted: (2 days ago) The ThunderEase dog calming diffuser kit is a plug-in wall diffuser that mimics a mother’s natural nursing pheromones, which can help alleviate bouts of anxiety in dogs. Easy there pup, it’s time to put an end to problem barking, destructive chewing, trembling, and many other not-so-fun symptoms. LTL (less-than-truckload) Freight is used when shipments are 120 lb+ or for oversized equipment, which results in a truck with a large container delivering your order. 99. Improvement may be seen as early as one week, but we recommend using the product for a full month for the best results. – Changes in the environment like new furniture or remodeling. Unlike some of the other pheromone diffusers, this one is also completely unscented and undetectable to the human nose. It is most suitable for calming cats in a specific area of the home as it covers an area of up to 215 square feet. text-align: center; We Know Our Stuff! ThunderEase mimics natural feline facial pheromones to calm your kitty. For standard orders we normally ship within 1 to 3 business days and you can expect to receive your goods in 3 to 10 business days total. Nursing pheromones, which helps to put cats at ease, and adapt to changes, like a. In all cases, to ensure we meet your shipping time needs, please just contact our team at cs@petprosupplyco.com or 1-855-PET-PRO1. margin-right: .2em; width: 1em; One such product is ThunderEase Dog Calming Diffuser and Spray. 3-Sided Toothbrush & Natural Toothpaste Kit for all Dog Breeds, Natural Puppy Dry Dog Food, Chicken & Brown Rice, Dog Agility Weave Poles Set 6 w/Carrying Case – Competition Grade, Dog Agility Training Starter Kit Obstacle Course with Carrying Case, Chicken and Rice Natural Dog Food, Small Breed, Puppy, Dog Nail Clippers for Grooming Your Dog – Sharp Blades – Non Slip Handles, Dogs Particular Paws Glucosamine Joint and Hip Supplement, ThunderEase Dog Calming Pheromone Diffuser Kit FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE. }. Tested to be over 90% effective for reducing household tension and stress, totally drug-free. - Check out The best dog foods and Brain Training For Dogs All ThunderEase ThunderShirt Tips for Bathing a Cat with Fleas ThunderEase Cat Calming Pheromone Diffuser Kit Powered by feliway. Improvement may be seen as early as one week, but we recommend using the product for a full month for the best results. Store Pickup & Save. Reviews | Answered Questions. DRUG-FREE CALMING SOLUTION: ThunderEase helps your dog feel calm and comfortable by mimicking a mother’s natural nursing pheromones, 100% safe and drug-free. I do believe it has a positive effect from some dogs out there but for Jeff it … #simpAskQuestion .simpAsk-error-msg{ background-color: #de4343;color: #fff;padding: 5px;box-shadow: none;margin-top: 10px;} $19.99 $ 19. #simpAskQuestion .simpAsk-title-container a.simpAskQuestionForm-btnOpen{float:initial;} We want to make sure you have all the relevant shipping cost information when placing your order. - Relieve stress and reduce urine spraying, scratching, and other negative behaviors - Perfect for anxiety and fear caused by separation, vet visits, new pets, and changes in the home #simpAskQuestion .button, #simpAskQuestion a.btn ,#simpAskQuestion input.btn{-webkit-box-shadow:none; -moz-box-shadow:none; box-shadow:none; display:inline-block; border:none; padding:5px 15px; text-transform:none; width:auto; border-radius:3px;} src: 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format('woff'), Keep in mind that you need to replace the diffuser every 6 months. Dog Calming Pheromone Collar. If the item is on back-order, we will contact you directly and provide you with an updated shipment date. #simpAskQuestion #askQuestion input.fleft{float:left!important;} Each diffuser works for up to 700 sq. Wearable calming products for dogs usually range from $12 to $45. ADD TO CART. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. #simpAskQuestion #askQuestion input.simpAsk-fifty-percent{width:100%!important;margin-bottom:10px!important} When I first heard about the Adaptil Diffuser through a TV advert I thought it was just a scammy placebo gimmick product. .simpAskQuestion-btn:hover{color:#fff;} View Product. Depending on the physical size of your order, items will ship either by freight or a regular parcel carrier such as USPS, Fed Ex, or UPS. We pride ourselves in maintaining excellent communication between our suppliers and our customers. These pheromones help dogs bond to each other and their mom. And the Jackson Galaxy Solutions Stress Stopper is a specially designed formula that can help a pet cope with stressful situations. A high pheromone concentration helps dogs weather thunderstorms and other stressors for four weeks. Product Name. We highly recommend any delivery address without a loading dock, select this option. Keep your kitties calm with the ThunderEase Multi-Cat Calming Diffuser Kit! These pheromones help cats get to know their environment better as well as helping them feel more stable in their home. .icon-simp-ok:before { content: '\e802'; } text-decoration: inherit; Rank . .accordionSimpQA ul li p.simpActionHolder{ margin:0 0 20px !important; text-align:right !important;} The Breeders Spot Is Made Up Of A Community Of Several Breeders. I love this little jewel! ThunderEase for Cats - Cats mark their territory by rubbing their face on things like furniture, plants, and even you. https://www.chewy.com/thunderease-multi-cat-calming/dp/159749 #simpAskQuestion .simpAsk-success-msg{ background-color: #61b832;color: #fff;padding: 5px;box-shadow: none;margin-top: 10px;} .icon-simp-help:before { content: '\e800'; } These pheromones help dogs bond to each other and their mom. FROM THE MAKERS OF THUNDERSHIRT: The most trusted brand for reducing dog anxiety – you can trust ThunderWorks for affordable, effective, easy-to-use calming solutions, STOP PROBLEM BARKING, destructive chewing, trembling, fear of loud noises, separation anxiety, and many other “not-so-fun” symptoms your dog may display while at home, OVER 90% EFFECTIVE: ThunderEase for Dogs is vet recommended and clinically proven to effectively reduce anxiety & unwanted behavior in 90%+ of dogs, by making them feel safer, calmer, and less stressed. Kit comes with one refill. 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