With chapter titles like: "Since Evil and Suffering Exist, a Loving God Cannot" "It's Offensive to Claim Jesus is the Only Way to God" " A Loving God Would Never Torture People in Hell" and more...these are all topics Lewis covers in Mere Christianity but what is different about Strobel is that he searches for answers with people specializing in certain topics...Strobel is a man with questions and seeks out the most int. He was eighty years old, fighting Parkinson’s disease, but he stared intently at the throngs inside the RCA Dome in Indianapolis and spoke in a steady, forceful voice. He demonstrates this in another of his books, "The Case for Christ," which I suppose is used to draw us to Christianity over Islam, Hindiusm or Buddhism. :). Noté /5. If I recommend they read it, they won't. Twists, turns, red herrings, the usual suspects: These books have it all...and more. In _the case for faith_, Strobel attempts to tackle the top 8 criticisms or objections to forging a Christian faith. The Case for Faith - Student Edition book. I read this book. I really appreciate how thorough Lee Strobel is. But one thing bothered me was the chapter about hell. 2 + 2 = 4. Strobel also hosted a television program called Faith Under Fire on PAX TV, and runs a video apologetics web site. 28,624 ratings by Goodreads. Why is ther suffering? I definitely recommend this book-for those who have questions and even for those who are secure in their faith. This was a great book. But he takes an open-minded look at many people's "toughest objections." Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Reminded me of when I was in an astronomy class and was just mesmerized and wondered how people cannot believe in their Creator. This book is.... unctuous. I plan to leave this book lying around and hope my kids pick it up. This in no way affects my thoughts expressed in this review*, Wow. WOW. The Tough Objection at this point is “God isn’t worthy of worship if he kills innocent ch, Some of this book is so unintentionally funny. I love this book. After breaking up with the guy with the different religion, and being devistated it made me really sit down and think about my faith one more time. If I recommend they read it, they won't. In The Case for Faith, Strobel turns his skills to the most persistent emotional objections to belief―the eight “heart barriers” to faith. That's what this book does. This book should be renamed "The Case for Faith (if you already have plenty of it)". Okay. Lee Patrick Strobel is an American Christian author, journalist, apologist and pastor. Strobel simply cannot think critically when it comes to his religion. He also leads witnesses and prejudices the jury (which I'm assuming is the reader), so the whole idea of faith being "on trial" is totally absurd. Strobel knows from the outset what kind of answers he is looking for, and he chooses beforehand the kind of experts who will best support the conclusion he had intended to write from the outset. The parts of the book where Strobel tries to come across as being truly critical of what the interviewees tell him are laughable in their blatant artificiality. Through in-depth interviews with highly accomplished theologians, chemists, and professionals from a variety of disciplines, he examines each of the most ardent objections that atheists level against the Christian faith. Noté /5. Retrouvez The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity / Prepack of 6 et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. This is the only thing that makes sense. I have found that rabid atheists get angry by this book, thinking he wrote it to prove faith without a shadow of a doubt. He is honest and asks hard questions. Strobel raised some interesting arguments and gave valid answers. The book does include a number of weak spots that a well-versed casual philosopher could expose. And while his search for the truth convinced Lee that Jesus is real, it also confronted him with some particulary knotty, gut-level questions about Christianity. It was much easier to raise doubts and manufacture outrageous objections that to consider the possibility that God actually could trigger a revolutionary turn-around in such a depraved and degenerate life.”. Special offers and product promotions. 3 people found this helpful. What may be especially … Today we are reviewing a Christian apologetics book written for the 9 and up crowd, titled Case for Faith for Kids(Updated and Expanded). In _the case for faith_, Strobel attempts to tackle the top 8 criticisms or objections to forging a Christian faith. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Strobel asks some hard questions, and the people he interviews don't shy away from answering them. You might end up like Luke. i was looking for a great book as instead i found it a little bit strange. It's up to the reader to make their decision, just like it's up to every soul to make it's. It is not a knock on it, but just the way it is. From BargainBookStores (Grand Rapids, MI, U.S.A.) AbeBooks Seller Since January 23, 2002 Seller Rating. 4.4, 38 Ratings; $2.99; $2.99; Publisher Description. I went along with the premise of assuming Jesus to be real, but it really didn't help. In looking through the goodreads reviews for this book, it seems the ones who gave it a high rating are Christians, and the ones who gave it a low rating are not Christians. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion They're the kind of conundrums that can---and have---blocked people's faith. I was expecting to find a good but not too wordy response to the "toughest objections to Christianity" in this short paperback. I somehow had the urge, on Christmas day, no less, to review this... maybe as explanation for why I'm not sitting in church right now... a "bah, humbug" review, I suppose. In his #1 bestseller The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel examined the claims of Christ, reaching the hard-won verdict that Jesus is God’s unique son. The Case for Faith for Kids (Case for... Series for Kids) [Strobel, Lee, Suggs, Rob] on Amazon.com. * I received this book for review from the publisher. The Case for Faith for Kids (Case … Case for Faith tackles eight of the toughest objections to Christianity. The latter I can acknowledge as the author's attempt to reach out to a target audience, but the fact that a 'student edition' exists at all speaks to me of a publisher's desire for more money- also given away by the fact that the last eighth or so of the book is nothing but ads for other, similar books. The Case for Faith examines two questions that challenge the faith of Christians: 1) Why is Jesus the only path to God? Author, Lee Strobel, systematically tackles each topic with a series of interviews with respected experts on the matter. I really dislike the opening where they use the 9/11 tragedy as an attention-getter, and I'm not fond of the lack of depth in the chapters. To see what your friends thought of this book, Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming from your lead-in that you haven't read the book. Wow. Another reviewer, for example, points out the logical fallacy in the first chapter about Todd Beamer's faith. I read the original edition of this book but this is the student edition of just 95 pages. Because if you don't already have faith, this book makes zero valid points and just frustrates any analytical reader with non-existant logic, false sincerity and a lot o. I tried to read this with an open mind, but the lack of any sort of rational argument is making this very difficult. In The Case for Faith, Strobel turns his skills to the most persistent emotional objections to belief---the eight “heart barriers” to faith. Will need to read up on that . I have found that rabid atheists get angry by this book, thinking he wrote it to prove faith without a shadow of a doubt. For me, my father is an attorney born the same year as Lee Strobel and my mother has a minor in journalism. These include the problem of suffering in the world, the apparent contradictions of miracles and science, hell, the idea that Jesus is the only way to heaven, and the hypocrisy of the Church. As far as Christian books go, this one was pretty good (better than some we've been assigned to read for school). This is a must-read for all Christians and non-Christians alike; however, non-believers...please have an open mind when reading and know that there can never be hard, scientific, testable proof for the existence of God. I read this book for theology class, and it's now one of my favorites. If not for your own sake, then for the person who gets stuck cleaning chunks of skull and gray matter from the ceiling of your bathroom. He interviews eight scholars, who each hold prestigious appointments at reputable tier 1 to 3 schools, and have authored numerous publications--though many are through Christian presses. The Case for Faith Study Guide Revised Edition by Lee Strobel, 9780310698807, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. The sub-title is “A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity”. Everyone. I enjoyed this book because it didn't make me question it even more, but made me think... what else CAN I believe. It presumes that the reader believes the Jesus mythology then goes ahead and uses quotes from the bible, in a circular logic, to support the claims of...wait for it...the bible. Each scholar is meant to be the credible voice on one of the eight objections. As a piece of journalism, the book is a joke. He has written several books, including four which received ECPA Christian Book Awards (1994, 1999, 2001, 2005) and a series which addresses challenges to a Biblically inerrant view of Christianity. these include the problems of human suffering and human evolution. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Strobel also hosted a television program called Faith Under Fire on PAX TV, and runs a video apologetics web site. This book I think is best. and 2) How could a loving God allow evil in the world? Whereas, on the one hand, I agree with your more abstract assessment of faith and one's own unique journey with faith, I also value an intellectual, philosophical approach to the subject. of the university because the physics dept. I'm now agnostic. It's great to see such intelligent men expound on such interesting and important topics...and all without ever even once insulting or questioning the intelligence of those with contrary opinions or beliefs--a truly rare thing indeed. Doesn't science. What about hell---and the millions who've never heard of Jesus? As a piece of journalism, the book is a joke. Sure, many of the questions Strobel posits are indeed difficult ones, but he doesn't ask them with the tenacity of a true atheist. With his background as an award-winning legal journalist, asking tough questions has been his business. And its ok to have questions still, but Faith is all that is needed. Lee Strobel. Absolutely yes. Maybe it's becuz this is a student edition so it's not discussed in depth as in the original edition? This leader s guide gives you everything you need to take your youth group or Sunday school class through both books. Those who struggle with faith, and those that do not. Obviously, losing faith isn't that simple, correlation doesn't imply causation, and this book may be great for some people, but I want to add my reaction because I'm concerned for anyone who reads this book while troubled about their faith...it may be a really, really bad idea. Life changing. Answered. Strobel asks tough questions and makes a great case for a lot of the struggles people have with a loving God and His people. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion For that matter, I wish it organized its sources better in a log in the back by topic instead of listing them in-chapter. The book itself was wonderful. So, why then the four stars? Really simple to read but very helpful. by Zondervan Publishing Company. I love the way Strobel takes us through the gathering of evidence, the logical arguments, and finally the presentation of the case. Why bring people with a vested interest and a well-established opinion to talk about historical figures? Because if you don't already have faith, this book makes zero valid points and just frustrates any analytical reader with non-existant logic, false sincerity and a lot of circle-jerking. Be the first to ask a question about The Case for Faith - Student Edition. Chapter 3 is fascinating. Overall it was a good read and very thought-provoking but still since I didn't read all of it (I found myself skimming) because it was boring a lot I must give it three stars. Very evocative book! New Condition: New. Noté /5. He interviews eight scholars, who each hold prestigious appointments at reputable tier 1 to 3 schools, and have authored numerous publications--though many are through Christian presses. Does it have comprehensive answers to every question about faith and doubt? For what it is, it's decent. For Christians, it will deepen their convictions and give them fresh confidence in discussing Christianity with even their most skeptical friends. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published I love this book. It answered lots of my questions. This book reaffirmed my faith in God, and led me to read more and more and more books relating to faith, which I continue to read today. Very rational arguments presented. For Christians and open-minded seekers of Jesus, this book will open your eyes and hearts to understand the objections to Christianity and offer valid, beneficial viewpoints to help answer them. I really dislike the opening where they use the 9/11 tragedy as an attention-getter, and I'm not fond of the lack of depth in the chapters. For the Love of Emma book. The Case for Faith A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity Lee Strobel INTRODUCTION: THE CHALLENGE OF FAITH Billy Graham steadied himself by gripping both sides of the podium. as in his other books, strobel tackles some of the tough objections to the christian religion--this time objections that would lead to a lack of faith. Closed-minded atheists will not appreciate this work (or any other pro-God book) and will ultimately find ways to ridicule its content simply because they don't want to hear/believe any case for our Creator. by Zondervan Publishing Company. To do this our Mr Strobel puts these Toughest Objections to several top guys and presents us with these interviews where they wrestle mightily. And I commend him for his impartial approach throughout the entire work. Are there deeper arguments that can be made against some of the answers Strobel gives? This book is so worth reading! Perhaps a litmus test for one's attitude toward fundamental Christianity. But I've digressed, onto the. read it in couple hours as it was short. Retrouvez The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Questions to Christianity et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. With his background as an award-winning legal journalist, asking tough questions has been his business. See reviews & details on a wide selection of Blu-ray & DVDs, both new & used. If God Then What: Wondering Aloud About Truth, Origins & Redemption, 36 of the Most Anticipated Mysteries and Thrillers of 2021. I usually like reading the student edition on certain books as almost reading the cliff notes for the book or subject matter. The Case for Faith: Amazon.co.uk: Books Select Your Cookie Preferences We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads. Lee Patrick Strobel is an American Christian author, journalist, apologist and pastor. The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity, Some of this book is so unintentionally funny. In The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith student editions, Lee Strobel unfolds the compelling evidence that turned him from an atheist to a Christian. It's really helping my Christian faith. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion This Gold Medallion-winning book is for those who may be feeling attracted to Jesus but who are faced with difficult questions … We’d love your help. these include the problems of human suffering and human evolution. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published The Case for Faith: Book Review A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity Joseph Gallo 5/10/15 REL: 110 Rev. I had no idea that they had such little fact on which to base their beliefs. Strobel also hosted a television program called Faith Under Fire on PAX TV, and runs a video apologetics web site. Case for Faith tackles eight of the toughest objections to Christianity. it did not really have cases for God ,only couple .i dont know if the long version its better but this one its not convincing.. But then it just got boring and some of the arguments I couldn't agree with. Retrouvez The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. And he answers them, and lets the ready use their own brains and common sense to choose to believe the truths. As a representative of skeptics, Strobel fails to follow up on his experts' opinions with questions that most intelligent atheists would be bound to ask. In a nutshell, Strobel brings forth New Testament historians. I've been a Christian for nearly twenty years and I've had many doubts about my faith in the past. However, is not faith acquired through individual, spiritual understanding and demonstration? Just finished studying Revelation with BSF, this chapter totally gave me a different feeling about hell. To see what your friends thought of this book, The Case for Faith - Student Edition: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity. Noté /5. Mind gripping answers to soul seeking questions. Lee Patrick Strobel is an American Christian author, journalist, apologist and pastor. Lewis. This is a very interesting book, though I would certainly agree with those who say it's misleadingly advertised. As a former journalist, lawyer, and devout atheist, author Lee Strobel makes much of his unique qualifications for compiling this work; however, he lets the reader down on every count. Is God unjust? It starts with 'You ask too many questions and you think too much' then gets worse from there. But he takes an open-minded look at many people's "toughest objections." Try to win this debate against the facts he and leading scholars and scientists present. Why is ther suffering? The latter I can acknowledge as the author's attempt to reach out to a target audience, but the fact that a 'student edition' exists at all speaks to me of a publisher's desire for more money- also given away by the fact that the last eighth or so of the book is nothing but ads for other, similar books. Even if you are already a believer, you're likely to learn some things about the Christian faith; I sure did! I used to identify as Christian. If I put a note on it that says "this book is cr, Wow. Refresh and try again. I think the best conclusion from this book is that, if your soul willingly makes the decision to trust (or in the beginning, try to trust) in a loving God, follow Him, love His people, obey His commandments, read His Holy Word, strive to live like Jesus did, pray and watch His will take hold of your life, because you trust and love Him, you will trust that He has a sovereign purpose and a plan. Find books like The Case for Christ/The Case for Faith from the world’s largest community of readers. In his #1 bestseller. The case for faith is another apologetic text from lee Stobel is excellent. And the case for Faith wins in the court of reason, hands down. Doesn't science disprove miralcles? The stories included by Strobel are easy to understand and relate to what I see our teens struggling with. For what it is, it's decent. It's a truly provocative read. "But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. Not blind, meaningless faith, but faith because He knows the greater good, and faith that is rooted in truth, because you have seen his miracles take place in your own life, on a personal, intimate level, and because you have tasted that He is good. For those who have questions about faith, evolution, what to believe, the facts are presented, examples, and further resources. This student edition hits the highlights of The Case For Faith so if you are looking for a shorter version as a faith booster or to give you some succinct answers to your questions until you have time to dig deeper, this is the book for you. Read 16 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. ISBN 10: 1480555037 / ISBN 13: 9781480555037. With chapter titles like: "Since Evil and Suffering Exist, a Loving God Cannot" "It's Offensive to Claim Jesus is the Only Way to God" " A Loving God Would Never Torture People in Hell" and more...these are all topics Lewis covers in Mere Christianity but what is different about Strobel is that he searches for answers with people specializing in certain topics...Strobel is a man with questions and seeks out the most interesting people and each chapter is laid out in a kind of interview format, asking all the questions you ever wanted to know to people you could only dream of asking. The questions are presented in a context that suggests the discussion might help Christians offer answers to these questions to others that are skeptical of the Christian faith. This book should be renamed "The Case for Faith (if you already have plenty of it)". How much the better if this book had been written by a true skeptic! This book is so worth reading! Buy New Price: US$ 8.86 Convert Currency. Retrouvez The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity, Library Edition et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. Parts of it are really scientific and, for me, those were difficult to get through, but I was astounded by the quotes of the atheistists! So, despite its myriad flaws, the book was a valuable read for me. A book about faith and how to accept God's love. He doesn't claim to do that and he doesn't claim the case to be closed. This Gold Medallion-winning book is for those who may be feeling attracted to Jesus but who are faced with difficult questions standing squarely in their path. THE CASE FOR CHRIST: As is always the case with Lee Strobel books, the big problem with THE CASE FOR CHRIST is that it's written by Lee Strobel. I plan to leave this book lying around and hope my kids pick it up. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Twists, turns, red herrings, the usual suspects: These books have it all...and more. This is a very interesting book, though I would certainly agree with those who say it's misleadingly advertised. Rated 1 star for false advertising, unsatisfactory answers given. Start by marking “The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity” as Want to Read: Error rating book. April 7th 2002 I tried to read this with an open mind, but the lack of any sort of rational argument is making this very difficult. Maybe I was wrong in going into this book thinking it was justifications for everyone and not just those who already have faith. Welcome back. So here he is talking with Norman L Geisler who is “one of the most well-known and effective defenders of Christianity in the world”. Strobel has been interviewed on numerous national television programs, including ABC's 20/20, Fox News, and CNN. I had no idea that they had such little fact on which to base their beliefs. Read this and give it to your kids and friends. Your immediate impression is an interesting one and I real. Maybe I was wrong in going into this book thinking it was justifications for everyone and not just those who already have faith. Typical Lee Strobel. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Lee Strobel knows how important it is to find answers that ring true. Great read. I really wanted to give this book a five star rating, it was extremely engaging and thought-provoking for about the first half. Strobel has been interviewed on numerous national television programs, including ABC's 20/20, Fox News, and CNN. strobel does this by talking to people, he interviews christian authorities on these matters and then shares his refections. Parts of it are really scientific and, for me, those were difficult to get through, but I was astounded by the quotes of the atheistists! Was God telling the truth when he said, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart"? it might not convince anyone who isn't already convinced, but it does offer a personal approach to intellectual problems which at least helps make the book more intersting to read. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming from your lead-in that you haven't read the book. Start by marking “The Case for Faith - Student Edition: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity” as Want to Read: Error rating book. For Christians and open-minded seekers of Jesus, this book will open your eyes and hearts to understand the objections to Christianity and offer valid, beneficial viewpoints to help answer them. But, in this particular trial, Strobel embodies the entire trinity of prosecution, defense, and judge. This small book is an excellent introduction to the thought of C.S. One part of the book that stuck with me was when someone said that when he needs an atheist point of view, he goes to the pyschology dept. The Case for Christianity functions much as a microcosm of the theology of C.S. This book gets absolutely no stars from me and I will explain why. He has written several books, including four which received ECPA Christian Book Awards (1994, 1999, 2001, 2005) and a series which addresses challenges to a Biblically inerrant view of Christianity. The format of this book is really good for students who have specific questions and need a place to find answers. Welcome back. Reminded me of when I was in an astronomy class and was just mesmerized and wondered how people cannot believe in their Creator. Closed-minded atheists will not appreciate this work (or any other pro-God book) and will ultimately find ways to ridicule its content simply because they don't want to hear/believe any case for our Creator. I'm now agnostic. It is SO amazing!!!!! Thus, would not your "case for faith" be based on your perception and may not touch another who has less faith? Not for being an effective piece of journalism, mind you, but for expanding my mind as to the possibilities of how God might reasonably operate--the best example for me being the chapter on hell, which changed my perspective on the topic completely; and that kind of paradigm shift just doesn't happen to people very often. The Tough Objection at this point is “God isn’t worthy of worship if he kills innocent children” which, Christians who only want to be told what they want to hear. I dreamed of Noah last night. Read 18 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. A perfect book for the intellectual, the doubter and the inquisitive. Quantity Available: > 20. Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully.". I somehow had the urge, on Christmas day, no less, to review this... maybe as explanation for why I'm not sitting in church right now... a "bah, humbug" review, I suppose. He has written several books, including four which received ECPA Christian Book Awards (1994, 1999, 2001, 2005) and a series which addresses challenges to a Biblically inerrant view of Christianity. This book I think is best served as something to invite further research into the topics and questions it raises. I read this book. For what this book purposes to do, it does well. Even better than The Case for Christ! I used to identify as Christian. The Cases for Christianity book series by multiple authors includes books The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith - 6 Pak: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity, The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God, and several more. 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