MDIVue came into life with the aim to provide an easy-to-use icon library for Vue with the use of Templarian's Material Desing Icons project. For example, person and person_outline are available, but visibility_outline isn’t, while visibility is. link: string | object: Valid Vue Router menu. Vue component wrapper for @mdi/js. You can add your custom component. android-material-icons allows you to include any of the Material Design 2.1.1 icons by Google packed by Sergey Kupletsky in your texts, your ActionBar, and even in your EditTexts. // icons.js import {mdiHeart} from ' @mdi/js '; export default {heart: mdiHeart}; Now we can use our icon-component easily across the app ... We have reviewed how we can easily integrate SVG icons with our Vue apps. You can utilize component icons with Font Awesome Pro to select individual icon weights: Instead of provided icon fonts presets you can use your own component icons. To use any of these icons simply use the mdi- prefix followed by the icon name. Vue component wrapper for @mdi/js. DataTable & Treeview. I am trying to use some of the custom SVG icons in my project, which I have designed, instead of default icons from Material Icons or FontAwesome Icons which are supported by vuetify . This library has over 5,400+ icons thanks to the amazing people at Material Design Icons. mdi mdi-arrow-top-left-bottom-right-bold ... Jobs for Vue. It also produces single file components from material design icons. In this part we are going to install Vue.js, run the front-end server and customize our application. The QIcon component allows you to easily insert icons within other components or any other area of your pages. If you are already using Vue CLI, this is done for you automatically. And then we can add them with the v-icon component: