Hi, we’re Lindsay and Bjork Ostrom. In my research, I noticed that most food bloggers do not use this technique. Actively promoting yourself is so important, you can do so by. 2. This was my first ever post on my page: terrible lighting, horrendous editing and composition (but yummy sushi for sure), and what hit me the hardest, only twenty five likes, For the next couple of months, my posts didn't do too much better. Make it you and relevant to your content. All Rights Reserved, 9 Lansdowne Street, Suite 2Boston, MA 02215, The Truth Behind the Misleading Labels on Food Packaging. Top shots and far away shots work okay, BUT close ups work better (not too close! Instagram is the fastest growing Photo sharing platform with more than 500mio monthly actives – 300mio daily actives. Forget all of what you've read anywhere else; this is the real deal! “On Instagram stories, I love to promote my blog posts and latest Instagram posts to increase my engagement,” Stephanie says. Plan and schedule your Instagram posts with Buffer! If you haven’t already, make sure to check out my first post on how to start and grow a successful lifestyle blog. Well then this blogpost is perfect for you. Originally published August 2016. What’s in an Instagram name? Then slide the hashtag so it "disappears". Having the hacked “Like + Comment” as you see below gets old and Instagram will see this as spam (thus impacting your account), but having the brand or location in a few more photos would help you grow more followers for people who are eating at that restaurant and exploring other photos of peoples experience of what they have eaten! It is important to be consistent and post regularly, but do not post for the sake of posting. Take a trip to the city for some Taiyaki or to Hoboken for a slice of crazy pizza from Tony Boloney's, it can instantly help your page gain a lot of attention. You don't have to add all 10 allowed hashtags. Unfortunately, this means that if you are set on becoming a famous Instagram food blogger, it’s going to take some work. In your page's settings, you can turn your page into a "business page" as opposed to a personal one. With over 1 billion monthly users, an ultra-smart algorithm, and tons of clever and creative accounts, Instagram is a competitive place if you want to grow your account and boost your following.. Thankfully, we know exactly how to make your business stand out, show off your brand, and get more followers on Instagram — so you can work smarter, not harder. When it comes to posting, consistency is key. Hashtags and self-promotion are super important to growth, but one of the easiest ways to grab attention and be the most searchable is posting about what is the current craze. This way you’ll all grow together and help each other during the process. Next, click “Switch to Professional Account”. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. D o you want to learn how to use Instagram to grow your blog? Pick a catchy name. The main job description of an Instagram food blogger is to travel around their cities, countries or towns and try different foods, then take pictures of it and write about it. Promote Your Blog. However, what people don’t often often say is you need a heck load of viewers to make a decent profit. 1. If only there were a more versatile and public medium of storage . Today we start the first in a series of posts on growing your Instagram account to complement your food blog. Decide on a focus, style, or trademark. Because they’re particularly helpful at helping you reach people in your target market who could be interested in your products, Instagram Ads are a prime way to help you grow your Instagram followers. Once you have set up your page, there are some things you should continuously be mindful of: One of the first ways to having your content be found on Instagram is through hashtags and tags. Instagram has become a challenging platform for a lot of food bloggers in recent months with algorithm changes, figuring out Instagram Stories, new features that only roll out to small groups and the disparity between business accounts and personal accounts. So, here's my deal with Instagram: I've been using Instagram since 2012, however, it's only been in the last few years that I've really pushed more content on my Instagram profile. Simple photos of what you ate for lunch aren’t going to cut it anymore. Post consistently (at least once a day) 2. After you will be able to select whether you want a creator account or a business account. considering removing Likes from each post. Learn how to become a food blogger on Instagram in a few simple steps! Below are examples of hashtags that relate to a food blog: #food #foodpic #breakfast #organic #foodie #dinner #dessert #cupcakes #eating #chef #yummy #instafood #delish #produce #cooking #foodporn #delicious #snack. Starting a page is not as easy as it seems. As with all of my blogging and Instagram posts, I want to preface this by saying that I … In the INSTAGRAM SERIES I've touched on subjects such as why you're losing followers (and what to do about it), how to grow your instagram following and shadowbanning.Just click here to find all the other parts in the series. This course is for you if: you want to start making money with your food blog and get paid to do what you love you want to get your first company collaborations and brand deals you want to grow your Instagram and your other social media channels you are looking for a complete guide on how to start your food blogging career you want to build your own brand Since I have started using these simple techniques, I have grown my feed from 20k to 52k in 9 months. Your work represents you and your vision so it should only include content you are proud to call your work. Instagram newbies are often so excited about entering the social space, they clutter their feed with post after post. This week we update you on what's working on Instagram for food bloggers with lots of instagram tips from FBC members. That gets time-consuming to add, right? Updated September 2017. With 1.9 billion and 2.4 billion users respectively, Facebook and YouTube are the largest social media sites on Earth. You can hide your hashtags. If you bought the cake from Carlo's Bakery, tag their page on the photo. It might be easier to type your captions and hashtags on a computer and then copy and paste them into Instagram. Go to food networking events! Now, her blog features a combo of her own amazing recipes, along with other food bloggers she’s following and loving right now. ... You understand that we have no obligation to monitor any discussion forums, blogs… Instagram Ads are a great tool to help boost your presence and performance on the social platform. You may think about changing your style or your marketing techniques, but everyone is capable of starting a successful page. Chances are, they want food! Here are 7 surefire ways to grow your Instagram followers, guaranteed to work in 2020. Top 10 Instagram Growth Tactics 10 actionable ways to supercharge your follower growth on Instagram: 1. Consistency in theme on Lisa Homsy’ feed. In the menu that follows, click on “Account”. Just type them, shrink them with your fingers, type a space and choose a background color in your story picture. But remember – quality trumps quantity. Lots of people asked how they could do the same thing. How to grow Instagram followers quickly. Tip #1 is a must-read. I was hardly getting any likes and I couldn't understand why. Instagram Composition. I have been adding about three and usually end up in at least one story. You can add up to twenty of these so make ever word count. Log in Design by BDW | Privacy Policy | Disclosure & Copyright, Top Ten List to Grow on Instagram & Your Blog. So I have composed a number of steps and tips that I wish I had known on how to start and continue to cultivate your "foodstagram.". Get started now for free with a 14-day trial. I messaged one of my favorite food Instagrammers, @ehgg, and an important piece of advice he gave me was to focus on photo quality. Another way to grow your blog through Instagram is by promoting new articles, products, or free resources. The great thing about Instagram is, you can always change it later down the line. If you took a picture of a cake, use those #cake #dessertgoals #sweet hashtags, add #food #foodporn and sprinkle in some location related tags as well like #nyc #hobokeneats. But not as often. Instagram Food Bloggers Are An Important Bunch! By night, she is the industrious owner of @eatthecapital, a quickly-growing D.C. food Instagram channel. It can get discouraging looking at the success of other pages, but Rome wasn't built in a day! There are a number of successful food Instagram pages run by average people who just love food (like @devourpower, who started taking food photos as a hobby but now make a living off of their page and brand)! Schedule how many days a week you want to post and which days. In 2010 we started a food blog called Pinch of Yum. With over 168 million photos on Instagram tagged as #food, it’s no secret that people love to take photos of food- and look at them too! 1. In this blogpost I will share my best 10 food blogging tips with you here in order to help you kickstart your own food blog channel! And what I discovered is that growing your Instagram is pretty easy and only takes about 5-10 minutes a day to do. This setting allows you to have access to powerful data and analytics: the demographics of your audience, the peak times and days of engagement on your page, where your audience finds your post and more. If you're like me, you have hundreds of food photos consuming your phone's memory. Do you have a food blog and want to grow on Instagram? Great photos of food will bring followers. We worked really hard to grow the blog into our primary source of income. They do not, however, automatically translate into visitors to your blog. By following these 21 simple steps, as told by your favorite foodies, @foodloverheaven1, @feedyoursoull, and @nomcitybetch, you’ll step up your food Instagram in no time. Stunning 95mio+ photos are shared every day, generating over 4,2bio likes per day as the average user is active for 21min+. You can add up to twenty of these so make ever word count. Click here for her post here on her blog! We built Food Blogger Pro as a place to teach people everything we've learned over … Now on with today's post! Keep the caption short and sweet. With 3.5 billion active social media users, individuals and brands are moving their business decisions to social media.Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms and this article will teach you how to grow your Instagram following this year. And, new since a few weeks ago, now add hashtags that are directly related to your content. 3. I have been a food blogger for over 3 years now. Sometimes I appear in the big sharing stories, like #bestofvegan #feedfeed or Whole Food's market #makesmewhole. In this Instagram for bloggers guide, we’ll show you how to boost your blog readership and build a strong social media presence. The answer: Instagram. Start your own food blog: the basic steps. You can find them on yelp or even take the initiative to plan a foodie meetup or even attend a Spoon event. 1. To start, head over to your profile and click on the hamburger icon in the top right corner. But how exactly do you successfully start your own food Instagram page? But, don’t worry, that’s where social media comes in. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! They need to be clear and the food needs to be visible. You can try to sit back and wait for your page to get big on it's own, but the chances it will go viral without any effort to help make it happen are slim. 4. Part 3 – coming soon – will cover monetizing your blog and Instagram. ) Buttery Vegan Brioche my only breadwinner Display advertising such as banners and pop-ups on a food blog can also contribute to a food blogger’s income. Let me tell you, there were so many days when I thought about abandoning my account. Lastly, don’t forget that Instagram isn’t only about the algorithm, it’s a community. Tell your friends and family about the page, they will always be a consistent and reliable source of support. Along with that, come up with a standard formatting to your photo captions, whether this be writing a review and then a rating or a pun and then the name of the dish. Who knows, they may even repost your photo on their page and gain you some new followers. 10. Everything, according to influencer Sarah Phillips, who wisely snatched up the handle @food years before being an Instagram … The strategies above help you grow your Instagram following. Instagram has over 700 million users now and is one of the most popular social media platforms around. Schedule single-image or video posts at your best times to grow your Instagram following. NOTE: This blog post is part 6 of my INSTAGRAM SERIES - content all about helping YOU manage your way around instagram. If you took a picture of a cake, use those #cake #dessertgoals #sweet hashtags, add #food #foodporn and sprinkle in some location related tags as well like #nyc #hobokeneats. Be sure to: The hardest thing with a project or hobby such as a food Instagram page is keeping the momentum. With so many people on the platform, it can feel difficult to grow your Instagram fast and organically.Whether you are a business trying to find more customers or a blogger looking to get paid to post on Instagram, having more targeted followers can certainly help you! You tryna be tricky? By adding your email you agree to get updates about Spoon University Healthier. Keep all this in mind, experiment, keep eating, have fun and you'll be an Instagram foodie in some time! Instagram followers are different to blog followers. Your blog will have your own domain name and your own distinct look, and it will be able to scale with you as your blog grows. I Am A Food Blog This content is imported from Instagram. Use a call to action (or CTA as it is known among marketers) to bring visitors to your blog. They still need to see what it is). Use Instagram as a platform for you to share your work, but also to enjoy the work of others. 7. Growing a following on Instagram is hard. Be a part of this community and don’t just use it to earn money. Copyright © 2019 Her Campus Media LLC. 3. Add a call to action at the end such as “double tap if you agree”, tag a friend, tap my profile for the link to the recipe. Once the analytics have been calculated, use it to decide when the best time to post is. For someone that’s just started a blog, finding the perfect method to grow your blog’s traffic can be tricky.. Include a shortened link to the recipe at the end of the caption. One part of a successful page is the content, but a marketing strategy is equally as important. Food blog advertisements. Choose very relevant hashtags. Create a plan and schedule for your content. I wish I had more advice about how to get my page out there that I only began to discover much later. This may take some time to develop and, like your handle, can change as you learn and try new things on your page. This article might make you hungry! One of the first ways to having your content be found on Instagram is through hashtags and tags. Your email address will not be published. Stay active. Here are the basic steps to set up a self-hosted WordPress food blog that is both beautiful and functional. When you follow someone on Instagram, you usually know what to expect from them. 3. How To Grow Your Instagram Following, According To A Food Influencer Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. That email doesn't look right. Every Instagrammer wants to know how to get more followers and increase their likes per photo. Put Hashtags, Topics in Profile: Create a bio/profile description that connects with your niche community, list your food recipe topics, food style, even quirky interests. In this post, you'll discover some super powerful and engaging ways to promote your blog on Instagram. We'll be covering topics like hashtags, improving your photos, engaging with other instagrammers and brands, defining your content, how to leverage your account to benefit your food blog and create other opportunities for yourself. Promote your blog through a call to action. I have been having success with ingredient or food-type-specific like #veganchocolate or #cashewcream. 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