No. Transit Subsidy Program Application (SmartBenefits) Current Revision Date: 03/2016. Many employees, like commenter Chris, have received notices from their employers that once the new system goes … If you have not registered your card or are unsure that it is registered, you must do so by calling WMATA at (888) 762-7874, or online at: All DOI employees who incur qualifying transportation expenses and are not receiving federally subsidized workplace parking benefits from DOI or any other federal agency, are eligible to participate in this program (Exception: see Q&A #'s 9, 18, & 19). What happens to me if I fail to comply with the separation clearance procedures and/or reimburse the Department for the pro-rated value of my unused or overspent transit benefits when I transfer to a different bureau/office or leave the Department? Transit Subsidy participants who use more than one mode of transportation during their commute may use multiple qualified transportation vendors with the understanding that the total accumulative cost may not exceed the maximum month statutory limit or the maximum amount the participant is authorized to receive from the program. Use of a Commuter Highway Vehicle (having a seating capacity of at least 6 adults not including the driver), and which is used for transporting employees to and from work for at least 80% of the mileage. The vanpool vehicle meets the IRS criteria for a Commuter Highway Vehicle (see Q&A #6); and. TRANServe leads innovation and transit benefit program cost savings for Federal agencies. The Federal Reserve’s benefits are competitive in today’s marketplace. You must attach a legible enlarged photocopy of the back of your SmarTrip® Card to your application. Sole-Source Notice - SmartBenefits (Expired) From: Federal Government (Federal) Go To Official Site. You CANNOT use Transit Benefits added to a SmarTrip® card to pay for parking at Metrorail parking lots. * If I lost my SmartTrip card or if it is stolen, what happens? Finally, 87% of Metro’s federal customers pay using … WARNING: I understand that it is a Federal crime under United States Code, Title 18, section 1001, to make a false statement on this form. Home Address 4. makes it possible for customers to apply SmartBenefits to purchases online and at all Commuter Store locations with a SmartBenefits Personal Account. Public Transportation Subsidy Program Application,, Integrity of Scientific & Scholarly Activities, Policy Library: Departmental Manual, HR, Secretary's Orders, Wildland Fire Management. In April, 2000, Executive Order 13150 mandated that all Federal agencies in the National Capital Region (NCR) implement a Transportation Subsidy Program by October 1, 2000. Free registration is required. for bureau employees. ALL. Is the value of the Transportation Subsidy Program taxable? It’s regulated by a presidential named board along with even the Federal Reserve Board (FRB). When you partner with Austin you can count on world … (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)/* "Catalog" and search for the title of the course. Customer / Agency Your exit clearance form will not be signed off by the Transportation Subsidy Program Coordinator. They can be checks, electronic SmartBenefits®, debit cards and can be employee funded (pre-tax or post-tax) or employer-funded. Enter zeroes for all associated costs and select Agency as the funding source. One great advantage of this service is that … Office Telephone Number (including area code) 12. 1. More information from WMATA. Sign In Sign in quickly and securely with your existing accounts. Click on the course title and apply for the course. The federal reserve smartbenefits Login conducts research into the financial area and many books, like the Beige Book and the FRED database. © Copyright 2021 DC Commute Times Save Share. of their benefits on . Before you can register to have your SmartBenefits sent to any MARC TVM, you must: Purchase a SmarTrip card; Register your SmarTrip card with Metro; Have your employer register you into the SmartBenefits program. 2. What is the standard number of days per month for calculating my monthly commuting expenses? SmartBenefits Website Federal Reserve Benefits Center Financial Planning Education Program SurvivorSupport and TransitionalSupport Advocacy Services Live Smart, Plan Smart Health and Wellness Program * These benefits are voluntary and paid for by the employee. DC Commute Times will consider all transit, commuter and traffic news releases for publication. You can also use your SmartBenefits at any participating Commuter Store location. If your address, commuting costs or work changes, you MUST complete a revised Public Transportation Subsidy Program Application and Commuting Expense Worksheet. May I have intermittent motorcycle and/or bicycle parking while enrolled in the Transporation Subsidy Program? SmartBenefits is a tax program. You may only use the Public Transportation Subsidy Program Application to receive benefits. Also offered, for a small premium, are accidental death and dismemberment insurance, group legal insurance, and auto and homeowners insurance. Here’s how to claim your monthly Metrochek benefit using SmartBenefits: SMARTRIP VALUE $00.00 – SMARTBENEFITS – ADD VALUE A B C – WOULD YOU LIKE A RECEIPT? Based on information provided by the Department of Transportation, as of July 2006, the National Capital Region had 120,000 participants claiming roughly $140 million in benefits. Yes, provided you do not exceed five days in any one month and 30 days total per fiscal year and comply with parking policies and procedures. If I am a new employee, should I wait for the start of a new distribution period before signing up? The Federal Election Commission (FEC) partners with TRANServe to provide SmartBenefits for federal employees of the agency. If that happens, you can get a refund by mailing your February pass back to CommuterDirect. Eligible employees need to complete the SmartBenefits application and return it to DCHR via email at [email protected] or in person at the DCHR Benefits and Retirement Administration office located at 1015 Half Street, SE, 9th floor. ALL. Recently, inspectors general (IG) of various agencies have … 03/23/2016 Full Revision ADS Chapter 515 2 Functional Series 500 - Management Services ADS 515 - Transit Benefits (SmartBenefits®) Program POC for ADS 515: Herman Lee, (202) 921-5065, This chapter has been revised in its entirety. When you have your SmartBenefits sent to The Commuter Store, you can purchase tickets using your SmartBenefits account credit at any MARC TVM. The federal reserve smartbenefits Login conducts research into the financial area and many books, like the Beige Book and the FRED database. We believe that financially healthier employees creates a productive, loyal and less stressed workforce. And at a time when many organizations no longer offer a traditional pension plan, the Fed’s Retirement Plan stands out for the value it provides to employees and their families. Term life insurance provides coverage equal to an employee’s annual salary rounded to the next thousand, plus an additional $2,000. Many employers around the region are saying they will not refund unused pretax transit benefits to employees under the new SmartBenefits system. All Federal employees who participate in the SmartBenefits Program must authorize DOT to verify the accuracy of the name assigned to their SmarTrip Card. Design by Hop Studios, . Yes. Total monthly mass transit commuting cost (from worksheet page two) $ 10. What is an HSA? If you incur qualifying transportation expenses commuting to and from work, you will be eligible to receive a transit pass (media such as TRANServe Debit Card, Metrochek, voucher, SmartTrip®) download in the Washington Metropolitan Area or monthly/annual pass to cover these expenses. Correspondence Symbol 9. Register Register to get access. It’s regulated by a presidential named board along with even the Federal Reserve Board (FRB). In addition to the … All Federal employees who participate in the Transportation Subsidy Program, and use ALL of their benefits on Metrorail, Metrobus, Metro-authorized van pools, Fairfax Connector, Ride On or DASH are required to participate in the SmartBenefits® Program. You must also take the online Transit Benefit Integrity Training course and provide the certificate of completion to your office or bureau transit coordinator. A comprehensive benefits package is one of the hallmarks of the employee experience at the Federal Reserve. Section 132-9), and include: No. The standard, which is consistent with DOT policy, is 20 days. For SmartBenefits or SmarTrip card questions or problems, call 202/962-5719 or e-mail Yes. January 21, 2019. All Federal employees who participate in the SmartBenefits Program must authorize DOT to verify the accuracy of the name assigned to their SmarTrip Card 3. Purpose • ®SmartBenefits Autoload Refresher –Smooth enrollment for employees –Updates to Minimize employee benefits un-interruptions 2 . SmartBenefits®is a free way for you to save on your commuting costs while your employer saves on payroll taxes. Employers can offer any amount up to the maximum of $270/month permitted by federal tax law as a tax-free benefit; The county will contribute 80%/employee/month providing that the employer contributes at least $25/employee/month; Maximum of $40,000 is available in one year to any one employer; Example The amount of the benefit is determined by each participant’s actual monthly transportation costs. What is the Transportation Subsidy Program? It allows Prince George’s employers and employees who promote and utilize public transit, to put money back in their pockets. However, the vanpool owner/operator is eligible for the federally subsidized parking space, if the space is provided by DOI. DOT will issue the TRANServe Debit Card to cover (annual pass) participants monthly commuting costs. 105-178) was passed. For help with technical difficulties, please contact the DOI LEARN helpdesk at 866-466-1998. LATEST UPDATES. To see what Transit Benefits your employer offers, speak with your Human Resources (or equivalent) department at your place of employment. Process Overview for Federal Agencies . Metro will put a band-aid on the problem of SmartBenefits going back to the employer at the end of the month by letting employers opt out of the new SmartBenefits arrangement and stick with the current system. Metro-authorized van pools, Cue, Fairfax Connector, Ride On, DASH, or DC Circulator Metrorail, Metrobus, are required to participate in the SmartBenefits® Program. You may not, in any given month, use more of your transit benefits than the amount of your qualified monthly commuting expenses. Name. Am I allowed temporary parking while enrolled in Transportation Subsidy Program? Email . Note: SmartBenefits Online accounts are only available if your employer has elected this service from Austin Benefits Group. Consequently if your work to commute schedule changes, you must adjust your Public Transportation Subsidy Program Application and Commuting Expense Worksheet. Can I receive federally subsidized parking and also participate in the Transit Subsidy Program? However they offer it, it’s a … Your employer can offer SmartBenefits®as a direct employee benefit, a pre-tax deduction, or a combination of both. • The SmartBenefits® program, funded through a contract with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), provides commuter access to the WMATA system, Virginia Railway Express (VRE), Maryland Transit Administration (MARC and Commuter Buses) and similar transportation options. of their benefits on . They can be checks, electronic SmartBenefits®, debit cards and can be employee funded (pre-tax or post-tax) or employer-funded. No. State 6. In addition, federal customers tend to pay higher fares on rail – because federal workers typically take longer trips and ride more at peak times (average peak fare $3.00, vs. $2.87 non-federal customers). Can Transit Subsidy participants use their subsidy allocation for more than one mode of qualified transportation during their commute? Our free Capital Shortcut newsletter is served up for breakfast on Monday and Friday mornings. 1. Many employers around the region are saying they will not refund unused pretax transit benefits to employees under the new SmartBenefits system. The vanpool is registered with the local transportation authority and accepts transit passes as payment. Participants must provide the serial number of a Metro Registered SmarTrip® Card when applying for SmartBenefits®. The SmarTrip® card can be replaced without losing any of the fare value on the card at the time reported missing with a simple phone call to WMATA at (888) 762-7874, by providing the number of the missing card and paying a $5.00 replacement fee using your own personal money. TRANServe supports you with simplified access to transit authority information, electronic applications, how-to instructions and other resources that encourage your use of mass transportation as your primary means of … The objective of the Transit Subsidy Federal employee assistance program is to reduce pollution and traffic congestion and to encourage federal employees to use public transportation on a regular and ongoing basis. All Federal employees who participate in the SmartBenefits Program must authorize DOT to verify the accuracy of the name assigned to their SmarTrip Card. No, you cannot receive parking and be enrolled in the Transit Subsidy Program. However you may receive temporary parking for no more than five days in any one month, and no more than 30 days total per fiscal year and comply with parking policies and procedures. City. 1. On July 26, 2000, the Department adopted the policy of making the Transportation Subsidy Program available to all qualifying Department of the Interior (DOI) employees nationwide. In addition, SmartBenefits® also may be used to pay for employees’ qualified parking expenses. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), ARLINGTON HOLDS AMAZON EVENTS AWAY FROM TRANSIT, WMATA BOARD ADDS PARKING FEES AND DELAYS LATE NIGHT DECISION, AMAZON MIGHT MEAN A PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE TO REAGAN NATIONAL AIRPORT. From plan design through implementation, Austin manages your employee benefits package from beginning to end. On the right side of the screen, in the SmartBenefits, section, click the link that says “Upcoming Benefits” This will take you to a SmartBenefits dashboard that shows your enrollment status, either “ Enrolled” or “ On Hold”. The forms can be found here. Opportunity Identifier NB192000-21-00236. Transit benefits will continue to be made available as long as your enrollment status in the transit subsidy program is active. WARNING: I understand that it is a Federal crime under United … SmartBenefits is a tax program. If I make a false statement, I may be subject to criminal prosecution including a fine of up to $5,000 and/or administrative punishment, which may result in the Even the Federal Reserve system includes several layers. Any Federal employee who is a Metro Rail, Metro Bus or a registered Smart Benefits vanpool rider and are enrolled in a participating TranServe agency may join this Smart Benefits program. All Federal employees who receive transit subsidy, and use . SMARTBENEFITS. Transit benefits come in a variety of forms depending on how the employer wishes to handle them. Parking expenses are not covered by the Transportation Subsidy Program and must not be included in your estimated monthly commuting costs. SmartBenefits® enables social service agencies, homeowner associations, their third-party administrators and other organizations (Providers) to offset or reduce transit costs in whole or in part for their clients, students, volunteers, visitors, contractors, or any other third-party, non- employee authorized by the Provider (individually and collectively “Recipients”). TRANServe leads innovation and transit benefit program cost savings for Federal agencies. However, the current directive needs to be improved since the policy does not include guidelines for proper management of SmartBenefits. We provide non-soliciting education in a practical and relevant way to the lives of working americans. The Transportation Subsidy Program originated with the Federal Employees Clean Air Incentives Act of 1993, (P.L. 103-72), and was later expanded to include a pre-tax provision, after the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (P.L. (Exceptions: See Q&A's # 9, 18, and 19). Eligible employees need to complete the SmartBenefits application and return it to DCHR via email at [email protected] or in person at the DCHR Benefits and Retirement Administration office located at 1015 Half Street, SE, 9th floor. OF 873A - Annual Attendance Record (Clients) (Part-Time Employees… Pretax transit deductions take money out of an employee’s paycheck to put into transit benefits. Many employees, like commenter Chris, have received notices from their employers that once the new system goes … Can I participate in the Transportation Subsidy Program if I use qualifying public transportation less than 5 days per week? To participate, employers earmark part of their payroll as pre-tax public transit stipend, reducing everyone’s tax bill while also promoting sustainable growth for our region. Start Date 20 Nov, 2020 (19 days ago) Due Date 23 Nov, 2020 (17 days ago) Opportunity Type Bid Notification. If your SmartBenefits are “On Hold” and you use CommuterDirect to automatically buy MARC, MTA Commuter Bus, or VRE passes with SmartBenefits, and you did not cancel your February order, then your personal credit card may be charged. Employees should check their benefit status on or after January 22 to see if they will receive February benefits. Federal employees committed to using mass transportation for their home to work to home commute are eligible to receive the federal transit benefit. [CDATA[*/var out = '',el = document.getElementsByTagName('span'),l = ['>','a','/','<',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 46',' 115',' 101',' 109',' 105',' 116',' 101',' 116',' 117',' 109',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 99',' 100',' 64',' 115',' 101',' 108',' 97',' 115','>','\"',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 46',' 115',' 101',' 109',' 105',' 116',' 101',' 116',' 117',' 109',' 109',' 111',' 99',' 99',' 100',' 64',' 115',' 101',' 108',' 97',' 115',':','o','t','l','i','a','m','\"','=','f','e','r','h','a ','<'],i = l.length,j = el.length;while (--i >= 0)out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, ''));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_MzlYcisyRL'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/ or at (910) 381-4941. Appeals for the Federal Circuit. OF 873A - Annual Attendance Record (Clients) (Part-Time Employees) - 2021 - Revised - 1/4/2021. The Federal Reserve System’s “Thrift Plan” features several investment options with varying risk that make it easy for eligible employees to save for retirement. Is the DOI SF-1164 (Claim for Reimbursement) an acceptable means of compensation for commuting expenses, which qualify under the Transportation Subsidy Program? 2. We can customize our services to fit the unique needs of your group. How do I account for my transit benefits when I have been on leave, flexible work schedule, telework, official travel, training, or did not commute using qualified modes of transportation all the days that I indicated on my Transportation Subsidy Application? Begin by logging in to your SmarTrip account and selecting the card you use for your SmartBenefits. makes it possible for customers to apply SmartBenefits to purchases online and at all Commuter Store locations with a SmartBenefits Personal Account. 84% of federal employees on Metro pay their fare with SmartBenefits, compared to 27% of non-federal customers. Save Share. 11. The Senior Citizen or Disabled SmarTrip® cards are encoded to charge the discounted fare. Transit benefits are issued by an employer to their employees to assist them in purchasing transit fares for commuting purposes. Return envelopes must be postmarked prior to the end of the January. News Release Submitted by WMATA smart benefits federal reserve phone number. Even the Federal Reserve system includes several layers. SF 1408 - Pre-Award Survey of … You must purchase a Senior Citizen or Disabled SmarTrip® card with a valid Metro ID before enrolling in the SmartBenefits® Program, and register the card. EMPLOYEE CERTIFICATION. However, it may take up to 30-60 days to receive your benefit. * Does DOT need my authorization to verify my information in the SmartBenefits Program? GSA3675A-16b.pdf [PDF - 1 MB ] PDF versions of forms use Adobe Reader ™. Additionally, you must complete and submit a de-enrollment form and give it to your Bureau or Office Transit Coordinator. Ask your employer to apply for SmartBenefits® today! Are vanpool riders eligible to participate in the Transportation Subsidy Program? In addition, federal customers tend to pay higher fares on rail – because federal workers typically take longer trips and ride more at peak times (average peak fare $3.00, vs. $2.87 non-federal customers). Participating Commuter Store locations with a SmartBenefits Personal account - 1/11/2021 parking and be enrolled in transit! Dot will make every attempt to promptly Process requests Hop Studios, in... ) or employer-funded transit fares for approved alternate transit providers do if my address, commuting costs including code! Combination of both ) - 2021 - Revised - 1/4/2021 productive, loyal and less stressed workforce s by! As your enrollment status in the Transportation Subsidy Program in major metropolitan areas for a number years... Income protection and business travel insurance are provided to recipients on a monthly benefit Temporary! 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