And you shall observe a man of the people picking his way along, step by step, using every time an old boulder, yet never setting his foot on an old place. So, I believe I said I wanted to be a fishery manager. Both have unique challenges; bottom line, fiction is hard because you have to come up with the credible, twisty plot, and memoir is hard because you have to say something true and profound, albeit in a funny way. You have to say no to something else, in order to make time to pray. Votes: 3, You can only watch injustice go on for so long until you're compelled to say something. Votes: 3, It is no great art to say something briefly when, like Tacitus, one has something to say; when one has nothing to say, however, and none the less writes a whole book and makes truth into a liar - that I call an achievement. "It tastes just the same.". Votes: 3, The cat looked as if it were about to say something sarcastic. The novelist's ambition is not to do something better than his predecessors but to see what they did not see, say what they did not say. Always be natural. Votes: 3, I do my best work when I feel conviction to say something through the character I play. I can let you in, Eva. I think that's the direction we [the americans] are going to have to go, the idea of people understanding that if you see something, say something, as simple as it sounds. "So I suppose you hit him, huh?" Votes: 3, I've got five grandkids. Well close that wound or else keep on bleeding and change your tune, it's got no meaning. Votes: 3, The best time for you to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something or bust. Votes: 0, When something happens, we always say it happens for a reason. Be silent. And something as simple as a quote can remind us not to engage in a disagreement that isn’t going anywhere. I'd rather look at her than Mike Castle. That's how you win at life, Gin. Win at internet. All talk of method and style seemed suddenly trivial; I became interested in meaning. I tried to think of something to say. And I'm interested in being an artist. I'll always say my prayers...and if God doesn't answer them at once I shall know it's because He's planning something better for me. If you don't feel obligated to say something brilliant or funny or surprising or cool. Votes: 3, Please remember that how you say something is often more important than what you say. It's got to say something. I have realized that I hate going to the premieres of the movies that I'm in. Let’s say you need to quote a book for an essay, and the passage you have in mind contains a quote from some other source. That gets weird. Each voice deserves to be heard. it would be, Love yourself more. Maybe not on schedule, but it usually happens. I guess in order to say something to one person, I have to sing it to a couple of thousand. Votes: 3, When I was younger, I used to drive up to a bunch of turkeys, roll down the window and say something. My grandmother used to always say, 'People need to be worth something.'. I want to say i miss you. We tried to do the news without frills, without fluffy hairdos, without graphics. But I do not know whether the photograph can, or does, say things as they really are. It's so unnatural and uncomfortable. But hardly ever is found, that the new is also sound. At the end of the day, somebody someday is going to say something about you. Votes: 0, At the most basic level, I appreciate writers who have something to say. I tend to feel if people say they're going to do something, they will, if given the chance. 94. Votes: 3, People find a way in which they can say something. But to live in the hearts of people-that is worth something. Votes: 3 Krzysztof Kieslowski The Berlin Wall has fallen. If I get rejected for a part, I pick myself up and say, 'OK, not today, maybe tomorrow I'll get this other part or something.'. If you have to say it, you will. For I'm taxed too, and as a toll provide men for the nation. Votes: 3, Photography gives you the opportunity to use your sensibility and everything you are to say something about and be part of the world around you. They always say 'youth is wasted on the young' - there's something to that. When you do have songs where you're going to say something, some kind of statement about cultural or social stuff, that in general people love it. You learn how to be more creative and whacky and amusing. Something that I think is very important. If you're not saying 'Hell Yeah' about something, say 'No'. It's so unnatural and uncomfortable. So I say it again, and he says, "What?" Votes: 3, The trouble is, once you say something about a source, then you've pegged it down, and so now I'm reluctant to say anything. Votes: 0, To be a photographer you must have something to say about the world. Don't Ever fix your lips like collagen My father, George, has also affected the choices in my life regarding films. If you see something, say something was a hell of a slogan, but first you had to see something. I can see how the authorities could not like Todd [ Willingham], because he's not a person who is going to give you respect if you don't deserve it just because you say something. Running through a lot of traditional photojournalism there is an overwhelming sense of... pictures that say something, that define something. One thing Della Valle taught me is the power to say no if something isn't right. I don't really worry so much about it when I'm writing a song. Votes: 3, The best defence against bullshit is vigilance. Better to have something to say than to have to say something. IT'S NOT YOUR SEAT. For those who want to find love through their own faith or explore the teachings of other traditions, these love phrases are worth studying. Something momentous? Votes: 0, Gardens always mean something else, man absolutely uses one thing to say another. If you say something they're stunned by, you see their jaws drop. Votes: 0, Be memorable. I spent a year in Professor Baker's famous class at Harvard. I sat there and watched Donald Trump, and I said, look, someone has got to say something. You have to pretend like you want to use a condom. In that way, I was probably the perfect guy to play in New England. The main thing is to know something and to say it. I cannot say something different to one person and then another. Touchstone watched, suddenly conscious that he probably only had five seconds left to be alone with Sabriel, to say something, to say anything. Votes: 3, I just love to have fun with music, and try to find songs that say something that people want to hear. Buying art is not understanding art. I mean, Franklin Roosevelt made people write one-page memos. I've been working since I was 18. I feel nervous because I revere [Zadie Smith] so much. You do it every time and I can't stand feeling like any moment I'm going to do or say something wrong and you're going to bolt. At 49, I can say something I never would have said when I was a player. If nobody spoke unless he had something to say, the human race would very soon lose the use of speech. The educational aspect of art shows has become overbearing: some of exhibits can leave you bleary from trying to read the walls. Reason is something people say to make sense of things that don't make sense. People say that envy is a deadly sin, but I disagree. The skulls were there and I could say something with them. Votes: 0, That's why I survived because I still believe I've got something to say. Often it was is joke. Hello. If someone compliments me, I'll say something nice to them. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Votes: 0, Better to say nothing at all, rather than something you'll regret. Votes: 3, Everybody is a political person, whether you say something or you are silent. A good friend of mine once told me, "Harv, a closed mouth won't get fed." Because you want to say something. The very first one will say, ‘Jesus! She would say, "Someone should invent something to do with things you cannot use anymore but that you still cannot throw out. Develop your reflective will and gain better insight before you say or do something. I said Ted Cruz has been lying because if you say something that isn't true, and you say it over and over again, and you know that it's not true, there's no other word for it. Maybe in the minor leagues. I was always curious about the anxiety a person would feel when you open your mouth and you have an accent. All my life I've wanted, just once, to say something clever without losing my train of thought. Votes: 3, I'll say something else about Christine O'Donnell. In my mind the job of a natural scientist is to bend over backwards to say something which can be demonstrated to be true or at least which is not of such a nature that there's no way to demonstrate that it's false. It didn't matter how good the show was. But if Cee Lo Green, a maverick of sorts, can't get on Twitter and say something outlandish or outrageous, then what is the whole point of Twitter at all? They say 'He cannot be found'. They are powerful because they are true. Votes: 0, I take pride in having something to say, which people actually want to hear. The second time, it's recognized, and the third time it's learned. If women lose the right to say where and how they birth their children, then they will have lost something that's as dear to life as breathing. Votes: 0, Not everyone has something to say. I can't say, maybe it's something in the ingredients, but again, we have a couple of contestants from Long Island and a phenomenal array of chefs. 55. When you are just you, without thinking or trying to say something special, just saying what is on your mind and how you feel, then there is naturally self-respect. Photography is not difficult - as long as you have something to say. But I can say that my world is all smiles whenever I am with you. Here are some Christian quotes that I pray encourage you to do something. You don't have to spend massive amounts of screen time. Productivity 45 Quotes From Mr. Rogers That We All Need Today It's been a hard week in so many ways, but, as when he was alive, Fred Rogers can help us get our bearings. In the transcribing and the editing, you want some retention of how the person speaks - you don't want to edit out all of the hesitations and idiosyncrasies. I go to all the games. You wanted to talk. Valentino, he did something for fashion, no? I just always loved stand-up. I'm not against women. They say stay in the lines, but there's always something better on the other side. Luckily, I had incredible parents who, when they saw a problem, didn't say, "Why doesn't somebody do something?" I've always felt like my music would stand for itself and I would stand for myself. I wanted to say something about the universe. At the time, we thought it was a nice way to say something unique about the group to make us different from all the other bands kicking around in London. There are only a few people who can say something about art - it's very restricted. The best way to honor someone who has said something smart and useful is to say something back that is smart and useful. My mom wasn't put in that position because I always had an acting teacher helping with the feelings rather than how to say something. Votes: 0, She has something to say about what life is like-which is all we ask of poetry. Votes: 3, Don't Ever fix your lips like collagen He sighed. I love watching a person do something that I can't. Votes: 3, That's pretty weird"”and when I say something's weird, you know it's serious. Body language is so important, as is composition. You know, they'll say something like, 'Oh, didn't he, like, only read one-page memos when he was in the White House?' Votes: 0, I always believed that I have something important to say and I said it. And this is mine!" I say something I didn't think through adequately. In a moment, I thought, I will say something. So often people say something and you realise you haven't really heard it. Every time I say something they find hard to hear, they chalk it up to my anger, and never to their own fear. Votes: 0, I hope people will say, 'Mr. The photographs that excite me are photographs that say something in a new manner; not for the sake of being different but ones that are different because the individual is different and the individual expresses himself. Trust and love shouldn’t be given to anyone before ascertaining whether they are worthy enough. Quotes. Votes: 3, I really think that movies are the most popular form of story telling ever and have such a huge impact on culture when they do. When wearing a bikini, women reveal 90 % of their body… men are so polite they only look at the covered parts. Votes: 3, I moved, looking for a cigarette. They always like to say something is new. OK, I want to say something positive. I maintain that no movie can be funny enough. I've always tried to say something. Don't you think music should say something~? And it works. I'm not too big on cats, and sometimes I'll say something like that, and people get so mad at me. When people say " I just don't have enough time " they mean " I prioritized something else. I'd like to just get to a point where maybe we can say something that will be matterful. Go where there is silence and say something. Because, when I say something, I mean it... so I used to feel that everybody else meant what they said. There wasn't a single nasty message. I heard John Wells say something really smart, many years ago. My music has a high irritation factor. I don't go up and say something unless I really feel it. Every time someone puts an objection to me, I want to say: 'OK, OK, let's go on to something else.' I really think that movies are the most popular form of story telling ever and have such a huge impact on culture when they do. I guess I feel at odds with things like society. Votes: 0, We cannot say no to temptation without saying yes to something far better. Did you say something Macey?' You have to be very, very careful. No matter what you do, you're going to have people who have something to say about something you do. You can say the opposite of something you've said but you can't do the opposite of something you've done. I just don't see the point of talking unless there's something to say. It's funny. Votes: 0, I always hesitate to say that something is lifelike. Votes: 0, These two rules make the best system: first, have something to say; second, say it. If I say something which you understand fully in this regard, I probably made a mistake. You can't say something like, "I will have compassion on Monday, Thursdays and Fridays only. Lots of times I say it even before I think of it. "But I think it's got something to do with how people should behave... you should do things because they're right. In personal conversations with technical people, I call myself a hacker. Commonly we say a judgment falls upon a man for something in him we cannot abide. When you clearly know how you feel. It's not just blurting stuff out and having verbal diarrhea. Every time I get scared or feel like I'm not going to be good enough at something, I say that mantra to myself. I love the art house, and when I say the art house, I don't just mean little, independent movies but movies that really aim to be about something and say something and I love those movies. – Unknown. Failure's still something I can say I've achieved. You are a ghost, Andi," she says. A review that has some kind of insight, and sometimes people say something that's startling or is so poignant. If Hitler invaded Hell, I'd find something nice to say about the Devil himself. The greatest of faults, I should say is to be conscious of none. Journalists write because they have nothing to say, and have something to say because they write. I don't really want to do the Hollywood thing, I think you ought to try to say something with your movies. Free verse served me best when I embarked on poetry. You should say it. So the name of a group has to say something. I'll be worried when they say nothing. Votes: 3, This place? If you are wearing a bandana you better have something wise to say, because you are starting with a credibility deficit. It could achieve a lot if everyone in Burma could stop saying something is good if it is not good, or say something is just if it is not just. Whenever you say something, it is you who says it. I can't say I agree with something that takes the focus away from me. A warrior should not say something fainthearted, even casually. It is lines and colors put together so that they may say something. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. If you want to do something, try it! Because we want to say something. Of course when you're a candidate's wife and when you're first lady and the first African-American first lady to boot, that is very, very hard to do. Neither of us knows what the public will think. I mean, I don't type my speeches, then sit up there and read them off the teleprompter, you know. If, after hearing my songs, just one human being is inspired to say something nasty to a friend or, perhaps to strike a loved one, it will all have been worth the while. Say something you shouldn't. Votes: 3, Wise men talk because they have something to say; Fools, because they have to say something. As a writer, there are times when you have something to say, and yet no particular 'hook' upon which to hang the missive you are burning to release. If you choose to do something, then you shouldn't say it's a sacrifice, because nobody forced you to do it. What is a whack? Wise men speak because they have something to say Fools because they have to say something. Votes: 3, I learned a long time ago to be honest when I'm talking to other artists. Whenever I wanted to say something, I said it the way I believed I should. Votes: 3, I'm a very good thinker, but I sometimes grab the wrong word. I found it extremely annoying when somebody would say something like "You seem to be influenced by Ken Nordine." They all have a special place in my heart because they say something about who you are today. To do something, say something, see something, before anybody else -- these are things that confer a pleasure compared with which other pleasures are tame and commonplace, other ecstasies cheap and trivial. It's a symbol. Who can really say who invents something first in fashion? Votes: 3, Young parents in America are holy and not to be messed with. If you see someone turning toward violence, say something. 54. But I've sort of given up on believing that I'm going to change the world with every film I choose to act in. They are shouting or criticising something. What I really like is an intelligent review. Not for you, but for women. Votes: 3, One begins with two people on a stage, and one of them had better say something pretty quick. Votes: 0, The important thing is, you have to have something important to say about the world. That for far too long in this country, people who can work, people who are able to work, and people who choose not to work: you cannot go on claiming welfare like you are now. You can just be together. If you say something that undermines the stability of the country, then you have to be held accountable. Jan 24, 2016 - Your Daily Love Emotions <3. It is one thing to say that something should be done, but quite a different matter to do it. Believing blindly will only get you hurt, nothing else. If you want the truth rather than merely something to say, you will have a good deal less to say. Votes: 3, So often people say something and you realise you haven't really heard it. But then sometimes you have to say something. It's still a pretty sexist world out there and someone's got to stand up and say something. But when something needs actually to be done, you look for a woman. Have faith for what you just prayed for! Votes: 3, You know how sometimes when you're drunk you say something you sort of regret... to Ace Frehley? I've done better work in the theater. Votes: 3, When you play the guitar, you don't have to say nothing. Votes: 3, Do not say something if you do not mean it.Do not do something if you can't accept the consequences. She's a conservative. You cannot destroy the appointment of a prophet of God, but you can cut the thread that binds you to the prophet of God, and sink yourselves to hell. Be still! Then you think, man, who knows? I'm just more content with myself. I can't, anyway. You know when something feels so good but you're afraid to feel good about it? Ask HOW to afford it. Votes: 3, Ever notice how people wait until they're not going to see you anymore to say something nice to you? After forty years, with whatever authority comes from lived experience, I can say: You, too, can create something. Votes: 3, I say 'here's the thing' a lot, both to alert people that I'm about to say something important and to give myself a moment to figure out what that important thing might be, because my head is so often completely empty. We don't to be some kind of rock supergroup for the sake of being a supergroup. Votes: 3, I'm an actress, I live in L.A., I work in Hollywood. and completely throw you off guard. Art as a whole is a riddle. The world needs to have a Palestinian state that is free and at peace. All you have to do is say something nobody understands and they'll do practically anything you want them to. Votes: 3, Whatever you may say something is, it is not! Votes: 2, Spin is 'something is beautiful because we say it's beautiful.' Within every episode, you could find a life lesson hidden in JD’s various thoughts and quotes, and looking back at all that JD learned makes Scrubs a very mature show. in thoughts one keeps a reserve of hope, in spite of everything. I am interested in costume. I have two-pointsomething million followers on Twitter, and if I say something, they all listen. Better to say nothing at all, rather than something you'll regret. Votes: 3, I still feel that a movie has to attempt to say something - even if it fails miserably. It is that, you, we - we own this country. Meanings of words are slaves that I put to work constructing my pyramids of thought.". Votes: 3, The worst evil is - and that's the product of censorship - is the self-censorship, because that twists spines, that destroys my character because I have to think something else and say something else, I have to always control myself. I am absolutely not interested in hurting anyone, or being mean or insensitive. That's why I survived because I still believe I've got something to say. This is the war room.” —President Merkin Muffley (Peter Sellers), … Votes: 3, Go where there is silence and say something. But lyrics - they're a lot more tangible. -ONE NIGHT @ THE CALL CENTER Chapter 1 page 22 I wait to hear it and then I go for it. If you are a Steve Earle and you're up on a platform and there are people out there listening to you, say something to them. If you're gonna title it, you might as well try and say something. Votes: 3, The trouble with talking too fast is you may say something you haven't thought of yet. Votes: 3, As a former U.S. attorney general under President Reagan, and a former Ohio secretary of state, we would like to say something that might strike some as obvious: Those who oppose photo voter-ID laws and other election-integrity reforms are intent on making it easier to commit vote fraud. Or, if I find a way to say something a bit more freshly than it was expressed originally, I'll do it. The most touching thing that anyone can say to me is that I have done something beautiful for the community. You say something, they say something, you move back and forth. When I write something, every word of it is meant. ...and surely goodness and mercy shall follow you! I'll be worried when they say nothing. Go to where the silence is and say something. But I even annoy myself when I say something like "Oh, I like burgers," because I sound like one of those girls. There's no doubt in my mind that I have found out how to begin (at forty) to say something in my own voice; and that interests me so that I feel I can go ahead without praise. Votes: 0, If you want to hear Him say, 'Well done,' you need to do something well. Unless I'm talking to somebody and I'm being funny and I say something mean but then I'm like, Hashtag...something that's funny. I never sit down to write or say, "Today, I have to record something." As a mother I have to speak up and say something. They need to know when they say something that they will never back down, ever, ever. That's what the note says. The press always ends up being much nicer than I expect. There've been a couple of times that a director will walk up and say something to me, and all it does is make me mad. But those of us who do have no choice. I would hate to play a princess waiting for the prince to come and give her a kiss. Votes: 0, They always say 'youth is wasted on the young' - there's something to that. It would be in the spirit of where I'm going with my career - avatars played by actors to say something about the human condition. Gurbaksh Chahal "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. I assume people know when I'm just saying something for effect. The second you don't have anything to say, you stop making art - you might start making product. Startup Life 100 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire You to Succeed Everyone needs some inspiration, and these motivational quotes will give you the edge you need to create your success. I wanted to say something about home. If you see something, say something was a hell of a slogan, but first you had to see something. "I"m trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't stick my head that far up my butt. " Time becomes different. Votes: 3, Go to where the silence is and say something. Votes: 4, I never say what I mean, but I always manage to say something similar. 84. The ones who say, "I love pizza!" As you're rushing through life, take time to stop a moment, look into people's eyes, say something kind, and try to make them laugh! Votes: 4, People want to say something negative before they say something good. But I would plead guilty on the grounds that I prefer eccentricity to the bland. I can't say it enough. The great painter has something to say. On speaking: first, have something to say; second, say it; third, stop when you have said it; and finally give it an accurate title. Practice, practice, continuous practice-becaus e when you're in touch with the inner body, spaciousness arises. You know it's easy to say you shouldn't do something and then something happens and you say, 'Wow, I wish I would have done something.'. You can literally hear a pin drop, they don't make a sound until you say something to the crowd. I love certain actors, but sometimes they say the stupidest things about technique. The other way to honor them is to go do something with what you learned. You know, having raised animals all my life for 50-something years, I would say that you know, I'm fascinated by cats. I view the director as my boss. Votes: 3, I thought I might say something to newsmen that could be turned into a scandal. Whatever you do, make a difference. "See how the female beast giggles behind a shrub while she organizes her face to say, Pardon dear, did you say something? Wait for beep. 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