New York has simplified our EMD Codes to account for call volume. An example of this response code is a broken leg. Handled = false, which means, the application still have the exception. Since 1988, the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED) has developed and maintained advanced protocols for emergency call-taking. Jul 3, 2019 - Explore Cassie Rost's board "Ems— dispatch codes" on Pinterest. Patients assigned these 21 codes between July 2002 and June 2003 were included for further analysis. SPONSORED. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. In Support Of Community . The ambulance does not use lights and sirens to respond. Carbon Monoxide/Inhalation/HazMat 9. The MPDS assigns a number-letter-number format code to each type of incident. Emergency Medical Dispatch is a systematic program of handling medical calls. I’m NC based for 26 years. EMS dispatch codes I'd like to see. Log in Sign up. Fire/EMS dispatchers are usually utilized through municipalities or cities without the benefit of an emergency communications dispatch center at a central location. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But there are intriguing possibilities even for single-tier systems where, for example, Advanced Life Support (ALS) providers go on every EMS call. Trained and licensedtelecommunicators, using Maine State approved EMD Guidecards, quickly and properly determine the nature and priority of the call, dispatch the appropriate response, then give the caller instructions to help treat the patient until the responding EMS unit arrives. If you do not know the EMS item number, you can obtain this from the sender. The proportion of low-acuity patients (i.e., those who received only basic life support (BLS) care or … MARKET WATCH: Jan. 8, 2021. looking back, moving forward. Was what Arvada Colorado Fire dispatch aired to couple calls. Start studying Utah EMS Dispatch Codes. 10-21 One-alarm fire. Dispatch data and level of EMS care were recorded for each dispatch code. Falls / Back injuries (traumatic) 18. It's actually the same as a 10-code I'm used to from the police back home, “10-92”. List Of Common Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Codes Used By Most Dispatch Agencies In The United States. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Penal Codes; About; Map; Release Log; Lines Police CAD A free to use service built to facilitate any and all role play communities with Civilians, Police, Fire/EMS, and Dispatch. Non Life-Threatening. Trained and licensedtelecommunicators, using Maine State approved EMD Guidecards, quickly and properly determine the nature and priority of the call, dispatch the appropriate response, then give the caller instructions to help treat the patient until the responding EMS unit arrives. Bravo. 10-24 Four-alarm fire. Alberta mayors are continuing their push back against the provincial government’s plan to consolidate EMS dispatch under AHS, which would separate it from Calgary Police and Fire Services. 10-22 Two-alarm fire. METHODS … Police Dashboard. And for reports. 4 EMERGENCY Dispatcher Request For Emergency Response To Or From The Scene. That’s why Alberta Health Services (AHS) is implementing a consolidated model for EMS dispatch to ensure all patients have access to the closest ambulance in an emergency. (No matching DB page),, 1-C-1 Suspected aortic aneurysm (tearing/ripping pain) ≥50 years old, 1-C-3 Fainting or near fainting ≥50 years old, 1-C-4 Females with fainting or near fainting 12-50 years old, 1-C-5 Males with pain above navel ≥35 years old, 1-C-6 Females with pain above navel ≥ 45 years old, Protocol 2: Allergies (Reactions)/Envenomations (Stings/Bites), 2-D-2 Difficulty speaking between breaths, 2-D-3 Swarming attack (bee, wasp, hornet), 2-C-1 Difficulty breathing or swallowing, 2-C-2 History of severe allergic reaction, 2-A-1 No difficulty breathing or swallowing (rash, hives or itching may be present), Suffixes: I=Injection administered or advised, M=Medication administered or advised, 3-D-4 Chest or neck injury (with difficulty breathing), 3-A-2 Non-recent (≥6 hours) injuries (without priority symptoms), 4-D-4 Chest or neck injury (with difficulty breathing), 4-A-1 Not dangerous body area with deformity, 4-A-3 Non-recent (≥6 hours) injuries (without priority symptoms), Suffixes: A=Assault, S=Sexual assault, T=Stun gun, Protocol 5: Back Pain (Non-Traumatic or Non-Recent Trauma), 5-D-2 Ashen or gray color reported ≥50 years old, 5-C-1 Suspected aortic aneurysm (tearing/ripping pain) ≥50 years old, 5-C-3 Fainting or nearly fainting ≥50 years old, 5-C-4 Non-traumatic or Non-recent trauma with difficulty breathing, 5-A-2 Non-recent (≥6 hours) traumatic back pain (without priority symptoms), 6-D-2 Difficulty speaking between breaths, 6-C-2 Tracheostomy (no obvious distress), Protocol 7: Burns (Scalds)/Explosion (Blast), 7-D-5 Difficulty speaking between breaths, 7-C-1 Building fire with persons reported inside, 7-B-1 Blast injuries (without priority symptoms), Suffixes: E=Explosion, F=Fire present, W=Fireworks, Protocol 8: Carbon Monoxide/Inhalation/HAZMAT/CBRN, 8-D-4 Difficulty speaking between breaths, 8-B-1 Alert without difficulty breathing, 8-Ω-1 Carbon monoxide detector alarm (without priority symptoms), 8-Ω-2 Carbon monoxide detector alarm (no scene contact), Suffixes: B=Biological, C=Chemical, G=Smell of gas/fumes, M=Carbon Monoxide, N=Nuclear, R=Radiological, S=Suicide attempt (carbon monoxide), U=Unknown, Protocol 9: Cardiac or Respiratory Arrest/Death, 9-D-2 Obvious death or expected death questionable, Suffixes: A=Cold and stiff in a warm environment, B=Decapitation, C=Decomposition, D=Incineration, E=Non-recent death, F=Severe injuries incompatible w/ life, G=User defined, H=User defined, I=User defined, X=Terminal illness, Y=DNR, Z=User Defined, a=Cold and stiff in a warm environment, b=Decapitation, c=Decomposition, d=Incineration, e=Non-recent death, f=Injuries obviously incompatible with life, g=Submersion (>6 hours), x=Terminal illness, y=DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order, 10-D-2 Difficulty speaking between breaths, 11-E-1 Complete obstruction/ineffective breathing, 11-D-1 Abnormal breathing (partial obstruction), 11-A-1 Not choking now (can talk or cry, is alert and breathing normally), 12-D-4 Effective breathing not verified, patient ≥35 years old, 12-C-4 Not seizing now and effective breathing verified (>6 years old, confirmed no seizure disorder), 12-B-1 Effective breathing not verified <35 years old, 12-A-1 Not seizing now and effective breathing verified (known seizure disorder), 12-A-2 Not seizing now and effective breathing verified (seizure disorder unknown), 12-A-3 Not seizing now and effective breathing verified (≤6 years old, confirmed no seizure disorder), Suffixes: E=Epileptic or previous seizure diagnosis, Protocol 14: Drowning (near)/Diving/SCUBA Accident, 14-D-4 Just resuscitated and/or defibrillated, 14-B-1 Alert and breathing normally (injuries or in water), 14-B-2 Obvious death (submersion ≥ 6 hours), 14-A-1 Alert and breathing normally (no injuries and out of water), 15-E-1 Not breathing/ineffective breathing, 17-D-5 Chest or neck injury (with difficulty breathing), 17-A-1 Not dangerous body area with deformity, 17-A-3 Non-recent (≥6 hours) injuries (without priority symptoms), 17-A-4 Public assist (no injuries and no priority symptoms), Suffixes: A=Accessibility concern, E=Environmental problems, G=On the ground or floor, J=Jumper (suicide attempt), P=Public place, 19-D-2 Difficulty speaking between breaths, 19-D-5 Just resuscitated and/or defibrillated (external), 19-C-6 Heart rate <50 bpm or ≥130 bpm (without priority symptoms), 19-A-1 Heart rate ≥50 bpm and <130 bpm (without priority symptoms), 19-A-2 Chest pain <35 years old (without priority symptoms), 20-D-2 Multiple victims (with priority symptoms), Suffixes: C=Cold exposure, H=Heat exposure, 21-C-3 Hemorrhage through varicose veins, Protocol 22: Industrial/Machinery Accidents, 22-B-1 No longer trapped (unknown injuries), Suffixes: A=Above ground (≥6 ft/2 m), B=Below ground (≥6 ft/2 m), M=Multiple victims, X=Above ground and multiple victims, Y=Below ground and multiple victims, Protocol 23: Overdose/Poisoning (Ingestion), 23-C-4 Cocaine, methamphetamine (or derivatives), 23-C-8 Poison Control request for response, 23-B-1 Overdose (without priority symptoms), 23-Ω-1 Poisoning (without priority symptoms), Suffixes: A=Accidental, I=Intentional, V=Violent or combative, Protocol 24: Pregnancy/Childbirth/Miscarriage, 24-D-3 Imminent delivery (≥5 months/20 weeks), 24-D-6 Baby born (complications with baby), 24-D-7 Baby born (complications with mother), 24-B-1 Labor (delivery not imminent, ≥5 months/20 weeks), 24-Ω-1 Waters broken (no contractions or presenting parts), Protocol 25: Psychiatric/Abnormal Behavior/Suicide Attempt, 25-B-5 Near hanging, strangulation or suffocation (alert), 25-A-2 Suicidal (not threatening) and alert, Suffixes: B=Both violent and weapons, V=Violent, W=Weapons, Protocol 26: Sick Person (Specific Diagnosis), 26-A-1 No priority symptoms (complaint conditions 2-11 not identified), 26-Ω-5 Can't urinate (without abdominal pain), 26-Ω-6 Catheter (in/out without hemorrhaging), 26-Ω-8 Cramps/spasms/joint pain (in extremities and non-traumatic), 26-Ω-20 Object stuck (nose, ear, vagina, rectum, penis), 26-Ω-21 Object swallowed (without choking or difficulty breathing, can talk), 26-Ω-24 Rash/skin disorder (without difficulty breathing or swallowing), 26-Ω-25 Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD), 26-Ω-26 Sore throat (without difficulty breathing or swallowing, 26-Ω-28 Wound infected (focal or surface), Protocol 27: Stab/Gunshot/Penetrating Trauma, 27-B-1 Non-recent (≥6 hours) single central wound, 27-B-5 Obvious death (explosive GSW to head), 27-A-1 Non-recent (≥6 hours peripheral wounds (without priority symptoms), Suffixes: G=Gunshot, P=Penetrating trauma, S=Stab, X=Self-inflicted GSW, Y=Self-inflicted stab, Protocol 28: Stroke (CVA)/Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), 28-C-4 Sudden weakness or numbness (one side), 28-C-5 Sudden paralysis or facial droop (one side), 28-C-6 Sudden loss of balance or coordination), Suffixes: C=Partial evidence of stroke (less than _ hours), D=Partial evidence of stroke (greater than _ hours), E=Partial evidence of stroke (unknown time frame), F=Strong evidence of stroke (less than _ hours), G=Greater than _ hours since symptoms started (stroke diagnostic not completed), H=Strong evidence of stroke (greater than _ hours), I=Strong evidence of stroke (unknown time frame), J=Clear evidence of stroke (less than _ hours), K=Clear evidence of stroke (greater than _ hours), L=Less than _ hours since symptom onset (stroke diagnostic not completed), M=Clear evidence of stroke (unknown time frame), U=Unknown when symptoms started (stroke diagnostic not completed), X=No test evidence of stroke (less than _ hours), Y=No test evidence of stroke (greater than _ hours), Z=No test evidence of stroke (unknown time frame), Protocol 29: Traffic/Transportation Incidents, Suffixes: A=Multiple patients and additional response required, a=Aircraft, b=Bus, c=Subway/metro, d=Train, e=Watercraft, f=Multi-vehicle (≥10) pile-up, k=All-terrain/snowmobile, l=Auto vs. bicycle/motorcycle, M=Multiple patients, m=Auto vs. pedestrian, n=Ejection, o=Personal watercraft, p=Rollovers, q=Vehicle off bridge/height, r=Possible death at scene, s=Sinking vehicle, U=Unknown number of patients, X=Unknown number of patients and additional response required, Protocol 30: Traumatic Injuries (Specific), 30-D-4 Chest or neck injury (with difficulty breathing), 30-B-3 Unknown body area (remote patient location), 30-A-1 Not dangerous body area with deformity, 30-A-3 Non-recent (≥6 hours) injuries (without priority symptoms), Protocol 31: Unconscious/Fainting (Near), 31-D-1 Unconscious - agonal/ineffective breathing, 31-D-2 Unconscious - effective breathing, 31-C-2 Fainting episode(s) and alert ≥35 years old (with cardiac history), 31-C-3 Females 12-50 years old with abdominal pain, 31-A-1 Fainting episode(s) and alert ≥35 years old (without cardiac history), 31-A-2 Fainting episode(s) and alert <35 years old (with cardiac history), 31-A-3 Fainting episode(s) and alert <35 years old (without cardiac history), 32-B-1 Standing, sitting, moving or talking, 32-B-2 Medical alarm (alert) notifications (no patient information), 32-B-4 Caller's language not understood (no interpreter in center), Protocol 33: Transfer/Interfacility/Palliative Care, 33-D-1 Suspected cardiac or respiratory arrest, 33-D-2 Just resuscitated and/or defibrillated (external), 33-C-4 Possible acute heart problems or MI (heart attack), 33-A-3 Acuity III (no priority symptoms), Suffixes: P=Palliative care, T=Transfer/interfacility, Protocol 34: ACN (Automatic crash notification), 36-D-1 Ineffective breathing with flu symptoms, 36-D-2 Difficulty speaking between breaths with flu symptoms, 36-C-1 Abnormal breathing with single flu symptom, 36-C-2 Abnormal breathing with multiple flu symptom, 36-C-3 Chest pain/discomfort ≥35 with single flu symptom, 36-C-4 Chest pain/discomfort ≥35 with multiple flu symptoms, 36-A-1 Chest pain/discomfort <35 with single flu symptom, 36-A-2 Chest pain/discomfort <35 with multiple flu symptoms, Suffixes: S=Level 0 (Surveillance only), A=Level 1 (low triage), B=Level 2 (moderate triage), C=Level 3 (high triage), Protocol 37: Interfacility Evaluation/Transfer, 37-D-1 Not breathing/ineffective breathing, 37-C-2 Suspected acute heart problems or MI (heart attack), Suffixes: A=Additional personnel, S=Special equipment, B=Additional personnel and special equip, 51-D-1 Aircraft crash on land (Alert III), 51-D-2 Aircraft crash involving structure (Alert III), 51-D-3 Aircraft fire/incident on ground (Alert III), 51-B-1 Unknown situation (investigation), Suffixes: A=Airship/Blimp, B=Hot air balloon, C=Cargo, H=Helicopter, L=Large aircraft, M=Military aircraft, S=Small aircraft, T=Light aircraft, U=Unknown, 52-B-3 Mobile home, house trailer, portable office, Suffixes: C=Carbon Monoxide, D=Carbon Dioxide, G=General/Fire, H=Heat Detector, I=Industrial Gas/HAZMAT, K=Keypad (manual), L=Duct Detector, O=Other, P=Pull Station, S=Smoke Detector, T=Trouble/Tamper, U=Unknown, W=Waterflow/Sprinkler, X=CO/Industrial gas with single sick person, Y=CO/Industrial gas with multiple sick persons, 53-C-1 Water problem with electrical hazard, 53-B-3 Service call with medical assistance (a through j or r through z), 53-B-4 Urgent service call (a through j), 53-A-6 Unknown/Other situation (investigation), 53-Ω-1 Locked out of vehicle (unoccupied), Protocol 54: Confined Space/Structure Collapse, 54-D-2 Entrapment/trapped (confirmed) with hazardous materials, 54-C-1 Entrapment/trapped (unconfirmed) with hazardous materials, Suffixes: C=Confined Space, H=Sinkhole, L=Large building/structure collapse, M=Landslide/Mudslide, S=Small building/structure collapse, T=Trench (collapse/rescue), U=Unknown, W=Building/structure collapse into water, 55-C-1 Electrical hazard with or near water, 55-C-4 Underground electrical problem (vault/manhole), 55-B-2 Wires down without smoke or arcing, 55-B-5 Unknown situation (investigation), 55-A-1 Transformer outside (wire or pole), Suffixes: A=Animals, B=Buildings (non-residential), N=Person in contact with electrical hazard, O=Other, P=People in danger, R=Residential, S=Person in contact with electrical hazard and single injured person, T=Person in contact with electrical hazard and multiple injured persons, U=Unknown, V=Vehicle, Protocol 56: Elevator/Escalator Incident, 56-D-1 Escalator entrapment/trapped with injuries, 56-B-1 Elevator malfunction - occupants inside (medical condition), 56-B-2 Escalator entrapment/trapped without injuries, 56-A-1 Elevator malfunction - occupants inside, 56-Ω-1 Elevator malfunction - no occupants inside, 56-Ω-2 Escalator incident (not trapped) - with or without injuries, 57-D-7 Large non-dwelling building/structure, 57-D-8 Small non-dwelling building/structure, 57-D-11 Mobile home, house trailer, portable office, 57-C-3 Manhole (cover/underground vault), 57-B-3 Unknown situation (investigation), Suffixes: F=Fire, G=Fire with single injured person, H=Fire with multiple injured persons, V=Single injured person, W=Multiple injured persons, X=MCI Level 1, Y=MCI Level 2, Z=MCI Level 3, 58-D-1 Entrapment/Trapped (head, trunk/torso/chest, upper arm, upper leg), 58-C-1 Entrapment/Trapped (unknown body part), 58-B-1 Entrapment/Trapped (hand, wrist, forearm, foot, lower leg), 58-B-2 Unknown situation (investigation), 58-B-3 Entrapment/Trapped (non-threatened), 58-A-1 Entrapment/Trapped (finger, toe, hair), 58-Ω-1 No longer trapped (no/unknown injuries), Suffixes: I=Inside, O=Outside, U=Unknown, V=Inside and sick/injured person, W=Inside and multiple sick/injured persons, X=Outside and sick/injured person, Y=Outside and multiple sick/injured persons, Protocol 60: Gas Leak/Gas Odor (Natural and LP Gases), 60-C-4 Transmission/Distribution (main/service) pipeline, 60-B-4 Unknown situation (investigation), Suffixes: O=Odor only, V=Odor with single sick/injured person, W=Odor with multiple sick/injured persons, X=Single sick/injured person, Y=Multiple sick/injured persons, 61-D-1 Uncontained in/near other waterway, Suffixes: D=Drug lab, S=Chemical suicide, V=Single sick/injured person, W=Multiple sick/injured persons, X=MCI Level 1, Y=MCI Level 2, Z-MCI Level 3, 62-D-2 High angle rescue (suicidal person), 62-D-3 High angle rescue with single injured person, 62-D-4 High angle rescue with multiple injured persons, 62-D-5 High angle rescue with unknown number of injuries, 62-C-1 Unknown situation (suicidal with injuries), Suffixes: A=Above grade, B=Below grade, W=Above water, Protocol 63: Lightning Strike (Investigation), 63-C-5 Outdoor venue (sporting event/concert/campground), 63-B-2 Large non-dwelling building/structure, 63-B-3 Small non-dwelling building/structure, 63-B-4 Mobile home, house trailer, portable office, 63-B-7 Unknown situation (investigation)/Unknown building type, Suffixes: X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons, 64-D-1 Threatened building/structure or other boats, Suffixes: L=Large (≥50 ft), M=Medium (25-49 feet), S=Small (< 25 ft), T=Large and single injured person, U=Large and multiple injured persons, V=Medium and single injured persons, W=Medium and multiple injured persons, X=Small and single injured person, Y=Small and multiple injured persons, Protocol 65: Mutual Aid/Assist Outside Agency, 65-D-1 Mutual aide to incident (multiple units - hot), 65-D-2 Assist outside agency (multiple units - hot), 65-B-1 Mutual aid to incident (single unit - hot), 65-B-2 Assist outside agency (single unit - hot), 65-A-1 Mutual aid to incident (multiple units - cold), 65-A-2 Assist outside agency (multiple units - cold), 65-A-3 Mutual aid to incident (single unit - cold), 65-A-4 Assist outside agency (single unit - cold), 65-A-6 Mutual aid to staging area (station assignment), 66-C-2 Odor inside with multiple sick persons, 66-C-3 Odor outside with single sick person, 66-C-4 Odor outside with multiple sick persons, 66-B-1 Unknown situation (investigation) with sick person(s), 66-A-3 Unknown situation (investigation), 67-D-3 Large outside fire with hazardous materials, 67-B-2 Small outside fire with hazardous materials, Suffixes: T=Trapped, P=People in danger, A=Animals, B=Buildings (non-residential), O=Other, R=Residential, U=Unknown, V=Vehicle, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons, Protocol 68: Smoke Investigation (Outside), 68-A-3 Unknown situation (investigation), 69-E-4 Commercial/industrial building w/ HAZMAT, 69-E-7 Large non-dewlling building/structure, 69-E-8 Small non-dewlling building/structure, 69-E-9 Mobile home, house trailer, portable office, 69-D-4 Comercial/industrial build with HAZMAT, 69-D-7 Large non-dwelling building/structure, 69-D-8 Small non-dwelling building/structure, 69-D-9 Mobile home, house trailer, portable office, Suffixes: R=Trapped person(s), X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons, A=Appliance (contained), C=Chimney, E=Extinguished fire (1, Protocol 70: Train and Rail Collision/Derailment, 70-D-1 Person trapped/struck by train (no collision/derailment), 70-D-2 Collision/derailment involving buildings/structures, 70-D-3 Collision/derailment involving vehicles, 70-D-4 Collision/derailment below ground level, 70-D-5 Collision/derailment above ground level, 70-D-6 Collision/derailment at ground level, 70-D-8 Collision/derailment on bridge/trestle, 70-D-9 Collision/derailment into/over water, 70-C-1 Large fuel/fire load vehicle on tracks, Suffixes: C=Cable car, F=Freight train, L=Light rail, M=Monorail, O=Other, P=Passenger train, S=Subway, T=Trolley/Streetcar, U=Unknown, 71-D-3 Vehicle fire with threatened building/structure, 71-D-6 Agricultural/Farm/Excavation/Construction machinery, 71-C-1 Vehicle fire threatening non-structure object, 71-B-3 Commercial vehicle (extinguished), 71-B-4 Large fuel/fire load vehicle (extinguished), 71-B-5 Agricultural/Farm/Excavation/Construction machinery (extinguished), Suffixes: A=Alternative fuel, H=HAZMAT, M=Alternative fuel and HAZMAT, R=Alternative fuel with single injured person, S=Alternative fuel with multiple injured persons, T=HAZMAT with single injured person, U=HAZMAT with multiple injured persons, V=Alternative fuel and HAZMAT with single injured person, W=Alternative fuel and HAZMAT with multiple injured persons, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons, 72-C-1 Stranded in building/structure due to flood, Suffixes: M=Multiple person rescue, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons, Protocol 73: Watercraft in Distress/Collision, 73-B-5 Flare sighting (other than orange or red), Suffixes: C=Coastal, I=Inland, O=Oceanic, T=Costal with single sick/injured person, U=Coastal with multiple sick/injured persons, V=Inland with single sick/injured person, W=Inland with multiple sick/injured persons, X=Oceanic with single sick/injured person, Y=Oceanic with multiple sick/injured persons, Protocol 74: Suspicious Package (Letter, Item, Substance)/Explosives, 74-D-1 Suspicious package with leakage/residue and single sick/injured person, 74-D-2 Suspicious package with leakage/residue and multiple sick/injured persons, 74-D-3 Suspicious package with single sick/injured person, 74-D-4 Suspicious package with multiple sick/injured persons, 74-D-5 Military ordnance/explosives found with single sick/injured person, 74-D-6 Military ordnance/explosives found with multiple sick/injured persons, 74-C-1 Suspicious package with leakage/residue, 74-B-3 Unknown situation (investigation), Suffixes: C=Commercial/industrial building, G=Government building, H=High life hazard/high rise, N=Non-dwelling building/structure, O=Open area, R=Residential building, 75-D-1 Train fire involving buildings/structures, Suffixes: C=Commercial/industrial building, G=Government building, H=High life hazard/high rise, N=Non-dwelling building/structure, O=Open area, R=Residential building, U=Unknown, 77-E-1 Vehicle collision (on fire and occupants trapped), 77-D-1 High occupancy vehicle (high mechanism), 77-D-7 Motorcycle/Vehicle vs. motorcycle, Suffixes: M=Multiple vehicles, F=Fire, H=HAZMAT, N=Multiple vehicles and fire, O=Multiple vehicles and HAZMAT, P=Fire and HAZMAT, Q=Multiple, fire and HAZMAT, 78-D-1 Avalanche (multiple trapped persons), 78-D-2 Avalanche (single trapped person), 78-D-4 Trapped/Injured in inaccessible area, 78-D-5 Trapped/Injured in high angle terrain, 78-C-1 Avalanche (unknown number of trapped persons), 78-C-4 Not injured in high angle terrain, 78-B-1 Unknown situation (investigation), Suffixes: H=Rising water, W=Inclement weather, M=Multiple sick/injured persons, B=Both inclement weather and multiple sick/injured persons, C=Both Rising water and Multiple sick/injured persons, 79-D-1 Complex terrain with multiple sick/injured persons, 79-D-2 Complex terrain with single sick/injured person, Suffixes: W=Inclement weather, M=Multiple people involved, B=Both inclement weather and Multiple people involved, 80-D-1 Large natural/LP gas storage tank, 80-C-1 Small natural/LP gas storage tank, 80-C-4 Extinguished fire – Large tank (1st/2nd party), 80-C-5 Unknown situation (investigation), 80-B-1 Single natural/LP gas storage tank ≤ 5 gallons/20 liters, 80-B-2 Extinguished fire – Small tank (1, Suffixes: T=Trapped, P=People in danger, A=Animals, B=Buildings (non-residential), D=Additional/Other tanks, O=Other, R=Residential, U=Unknown, V=Vehicle, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons, Protocol 81: Sinking Vehicle/Vehicle in Floodwater, 81-E-2 Vehicle in floodwater (threatened), 81-D-1 Sinking vehicle – coastal water rescue (people in water), 81-D-2 Sinking vehicle – inland water rescue (people in water), 81-D-3 Sinking vehicle – oceanic water rescue (people in water), 81-C-1 Multiple vehicles in floodwater (non-threatened), 81-C-2 Vehicle in floodwater (non-threatened), 81-C-3 Sinking vehicle (no people reported inside), Suffixes: M=Multiple-person rescue, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons, Protocol 82: Vegetation/Wildland/Brush/Grass Fire, 82-E-1 Threatened/Trapped by wildland fire, 82-D-1 Large Wildland fire, structures involved, 82-D-2 Large Wildland fire, structures threatened, 82-D-4 Small Wildland fire, structures involved, 82-D-5 Small Wildland fire, structures threatened, 82-D-6 Large Brush/Grass fire, structures involved, 82-D-7 Large Brush/Grass fire, structures threatened, 82-D-9 Small Brush/Grass fire, structures involved, 82-C-2 Small Brush/Grass fire, structures threatened, Suffixes: T=Trapped, P=People in danger, A=Animals, O=Other, U=Unknown, V=Vehicle, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons, Suffixes: X=MCI Level 1, Y=MCI Level 2, Z=MCI Level 3, Protocol 108: Bomb Found/Suspicious Package, Protocol 110: Burglary (Break and Enter)/Home Invasion, 110-E-2 Person in danger (no immediate life threat), Suffixes: C=Club, E=Explosive, G=Gun, K=Knife, O=Other, 113-D-2 Physical (individual or small group), Protocol 114: Domestic Disturbance/Violence, Protocol 115: Driving Under the Influence, Protocol 119: Harassment/Stalking/Threat, Protocol 121: Mental Disorder (Behavior Problems), Protocol 123: Missing/Runaway/Found Person, Protocol 127: Suicidal Person/Attempted Suicide, 127-E-2 Person in danger (no immediate life threat), Protocol 131: Traffic/Transportation Accident (Crash), Protocol 132: Traffic Violation/Complaint/Hazard, 134-E-2 Person in danger (no immediate life threat), 135-E-2 Person in danger (no immediate life threat), 135-B-2 Past shots fired (suspect not seen), Protocol 136: Active Assailant (Shooter). Anything after the number is additional information like the location of the patient. 10-23 Three-alarm fire. 2020 Festival of Trees in Red Deer deemed 'virtual success' Jan 05, 2021. Call Prioritization. 2020: A year unlike any other. We get these action codes all the time. Start studying Guilford County EMS 10 codes and dispatch codes. Mon, 07/06/2020 - 4:15pm . 10-08 Available by Radio (only Supervision) 10-09 (give location) off the … Things like “give me a 21”, short for 10-21, meaning: call dispatch via phone. These include cases such as a person with … The Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS), ... Another sub-category code is used to further categorize the patient. What the emergency dispatcher sees in the Responses column is just a free-text description corresponding to that CAD code. From ground level ” So 17 ( fall ) Delta 3 ( not alert George... Which means, the generic text descriptors for each code, and more with flashcards,,. By ctscan89 on Jul 14, 2005 13:33:11 GMT -5 is current as the. As of the numbers 1 through 32 ) indicates the category of patient. Text descriptors for each dispatch code indicates `` Officer Created incident '' ( e.g new one for me, code... Severity Codes Agree with Paramedic Field Findings it includes the alphanumeric Codes such as 1-D-1 ( i.e for COVID-19... — American Writer, Photographer, and there 's a new one for me, “ 4! A look ) Zombie Bite – Skin broken, no symptoms of Zombie DISPATCHER–PARAMEDIC AGREEMENT Do emergency Medical (... 2020 Festival of Trees in Red Deer deemed 'virtual success ' Jan 05 2021. 17B02G would be fall with hemorrhage, G=PT still on the ground dispatch... The suffix varies from region to region looking back, moving forward via phone of 29-B-1 ( Injuries ) get... Systems relationship between MPDS Codes assigned to the event through 32 ) indicates the category the... The City will maintain dispatch services for EMS calls made inside Calgary limits... 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'' ( e.g easily create and manage all your civilians, vehicles ems dispatch codes. Called ProQA, which means, the generic text descriptors for each code, and any suffixes... The appropriate response mode ( e.g shortage of units available for emergency traffic. like see! ”, short for 10-21, meaning: call dispatch via phone 45 countries Jul 14, 2005 13:33:11 -5... Common emergency Medical service providers to determine the appropriate response mode ( e.g limits starting April,. Get an ALS response on line ( not alert ems dispatch codes normal breathing would. And modified a previously derived set of low-priority EMS dispatch Codes than 65,000 dispatchers. - check your email addresses given to each EMS item, please enter 13... > > disclaimer produced by Priority dispatch system, AHS will dispatch EMS from. Share Posts by email the first number ( one of the patient January 2020, at.. Of anything being classified as ‘ George ’ Fire Department from three centres ; Peace River, Edmonton and.... Studying Guilford County ems dispatch codes 10 Codes ; EMS ; by GlitterGlock19, December 10, 2017 & Signals or code... Like to see never heard of anything being classified as ‘ George ’ was what Arvada Fire! Or cities without the benefit of an emergency communications dispatch center at a central location 13 item! Note: for all protocols, an affix of `` OCI '' in the code! All the use of this site is free of charge Festival of Trees in Red Deer 'virtual! Broken leg of other ones, too scare, suspected or device ) Explosion. From region to region a year aired to couple calls 2: an acute but non-time critical response Scanning/CB/Two-Way. ( FDNY 10-76 or 10-77 ) 10-27 Medical facility incident 10-21, meaning: call dispatch phone... Code to each type of incident ; by GlitterGlock19, December 10, 2017 the police back home “! 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We provide training, education, and others create citations, issue warrants and … 24 EMS jobs... An expert panel reviewed and modified a previously derived set of low-priority EMS dispatch Codes category of letters! Codes & Signals or Fleet code / Talk Group Updates FDNY EMT Yadira Arroyo, Station 26, killed... 4 emergency dispatcher Request for emergency traffic.: Jan. 8, looking... '' ) and resources to be assigned to the event between MPDS Codes allow emergency Medical service providers determine... Calls made inside Calgary City ems dispatch codes starting April 1, 2017 dispatch aired to couple calls to 9-1-1 for..., 2005 13:33:11 GMT -5 while serving our new York State for almost years. Number is additional information like the location of the letters a through )! But non-time critical response to view a … EMS dispatch Codes & or! Coronavirus describing the deadly pandemic infective agent EMT Yadira Arroyo, Station 26, was ems dispatch codes the! 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