ARD Combustion System. Air System Verification Test.....passed. Clean the ground probe inside the ARD combustion head by running a 305-2389 Plug Bore Brush through the hole in the ARD combustion head. The spark ignites the air/fuel mixture. Turn the key to the OFF position before servicing the ARD plug. C. Use the “Aftertreatment #1 Ignition Transformer Primary Override” on Cat ET to turn ON the ARD ignition system. Download PSRPT. Illustration 14 g02111062 Not all connectors may be shown in the illustration above, refer to the electrical schematic. Use the Aftertreatment #1 Ignition Transformer Primary Override in Cat ET to turn ON the ARD ignition system. Ill check the wire right now but … The inline fuel filter fittings for the ARD are bad about plugging up, the spark plug, and coil fails on the ARD occasionally. I haven't been able to find any aftermarket ones, Pichu2. The have a device after the turbo which contains a fuel nozzle, spark plug and air supply. B. I always try one of thises first. Remove the spark plug (5) from the ARD combustion head. ARD Combustion System. The secondary circuit is between the ignition coil and the ARD combustion head. The current flow through the primary circuit indicates the condition of the primary circuit and of the secondary circuit. Thanks in advance. Cut open and inspected all filters, no metal found. B. If you felt a “click”, the clip inside the boot was not previously connected. If you have a CAT engine with use of this ARD HEAD, we highly recommend replacing every 12 months, as a preventative maintenance item. This can be caused by a bad spark plug, bad ard head, or bad coil. Troubleshooting, "Diesel Particulate Filter Has Differential Pressure Problem" Share this post. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 3703 is a code for the regen inhibit switch turned on. Repair/Condition Report: At 8691 hours, the local CAT dealer diagnosed a regen issue and completed the following: - Updated software - Installed a NEW spark plug - Tested ARD head and it passed - Diagnosed to turbo outlet NOX sensor - Replaced sensor - Ran unit through tests and all passed Upon arrival, this unit was serviced and checked over We removed all covers from the machine and completely washed it … The Fuel Nozzle in the ARD Head is used to supply diesel fuel to the Aftertreatment System. Differential pressures OK. Any of you CAT owners have this code before? Aftertreatment #1 Ignition Transformer Secondary : Current Below Normal. Changed ARD head spark plug. DPF is clean. I have replaced the entire system ( ard head, spark plug, dpf sensor, and coil). I think Cat is on gen 7 or 8 now. When the DPF soot loading is above 80%, the Manual DPF Regeneration must be performed using Cat ET. 3251-0 Diesel Particulate Filter Differential Pressure (bank 1) : High - Most Severe (3). Push the boot on each end of the ignition wire. Result: The voltage between terminal 1 and terminal 3 is less than 8 VDC. ARD head and spark plug have been replaced already. Vocational, Technical or Trade Scho. Result: Spark is not present in the indicator. The ARD Ignition Test cannot be performed if the DPF soot loading is above 80%. Proceed to Test Step 7. It could be as simple as a fouled/worn spark plug for the ard head. Ran fuel system verification test. Proceed to Test Step 7. Has anyone had the same problem? Thanks in advance. I found a seller who can sell me the CAT ET program with a factory password and instruction to shut off the DTF for 2000$. Turn the key to the OFF position before servicing the ARD plug. Has anyone had the same problem? Local CAT dealer performed the following: Performed inspection. Checked final drive and pivot shaft oil. Complete … Ensure that the wire for the heater is tied to the sensor wires within 152.4 mm (6 inch) of the combustion head. Assuming spark is present, I will then : 2) trace 2 largest fuel lines back away from ARD head and there will be filter (screens) ? There should be a “click” when you push the boot onto either part. D. Use the Aftertreatment #1 Ignition Transformer Primary Override in Cat ET to turn ON the ARD ignition system. Replace the ignition coil. Install the spark plug indicator between the spark plug and the end of the spark plug wire. At 8,691 hours, the local CAT dealer diagnosed a regen issue and completed the following: - Updated software - Installed a NEW spark plug - Tested ARD head and it passed - Diagnosed to turbo outlet NOX sensor - Replaced sensor - Ran unit through tests and all passed. Moisture on the connectors or the ignition wire, 3. If you have a CAT engine with use of this ARD HEAD, we highly recommend replacing every 12 months, as a preventative maintenance item. Engine itself isn't that bad (when the EPA stuff works), but looks like a massive pain to work on until you dig into it. Replace the ignition wire. Clean the ground probe inside the ARD combustion head by running a 305-2389 Plug Bore Brush through the hole in the ARD combustion head. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service Tools”, if necessary. The ECM will turn on the fuel and ignite the spark plug. I would next suspect a faulty spark plug wife, transformer, and lastly, a failed ard head. If the plug is not the problem. If after the 6th try, it sees no temp increase, it logs a failure to ignite. It will do this 6 times in an attempt to start a flame to regen. B. ARD Spark Plug - Inspect/Replace Removing the Spark Plug NOTICE If the engine is running or the key is in the ON position the ARD plug will continue to fire. You either have a bad spark plug or bad ARD head. C. Inspect the spark plug. Can you guys take a look at the ARD and tell me if I am right or wrong? I always try one of thises first. Result: The test is not successful and additional codes are logged. at those connections. The spark plug is threaded into the ARD combustion head. If a regeneration is in progress, the ARD completes the regeneration. Today, we just removed ARD head and cleaned the whole thing but it seems ARD haven't been working or igniting because ARD and its spark plug were covered in soot. Cat Caterpillar C7 C7.1 C7.2 C9 C9.3 Engine Service Repair M Cat Caterpillar C7 C7.1 C7.2 C9 C9.3 Engine Service Repair Manual Loaded with illustrations, instructions, photos, and diagrams, complete to service and repair your engine. All of the attempts were unsuccessful. Ask Your Own Heavy Equipment Question. This ARD Head can fail over time, stopping the regeneration function of the CAT aftertreatment system, and plugging the DPF … The ARD ignition system has two circuits. 1. Carbon Deposits – Use a … The ARD ignition system must operate for 20 seconds in order for a diagnostic trouble code to become active. warning: This product can expose you to chemicals including Lead and lead compounds, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other … The current flow through the primary ignition circuit is above the threshold. Check for spark in the spark indicator. ARD combustion head (1) Flame detection temperature sensor (2) Electrical connection for the ARD nozzle heater (3) ARD pilot filter connector (4) ARD main filter connector (5) ARD combustion head (6) ARD spark plug (7) Coolant flow (8) Ground point (9) Combustion air inlet Air System Verification Test.....passed. Carbon Deposits – Use a … The spark ignites the air/fuel mixture. This can be caused by a bad spark plug, bad ard head, or bad coil. Now I am thinking there could be ARD … Run the brush through the hole several times. Spark: Result: Spark is present in the indicator.Replace the spark plug. 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Oil Pump – Inspect, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Oil Pressure – Test, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Valve Lash – Inspect/Adjust, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Aftercooler – Test, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Inlet Manifold Pressure – Test, Aftertreatment #1 Ignition Transformer Primary : Current Below Normal. Run the brush through the hole several times. Damaged insulation on the ignition wire. The spark jumps between spark plug electrode (9) and ground probe (8) inside the ARD combustion head. This ARD HEAD is used for 2007-2009 CATERPILLAR AfterTreatment Systems in on-road truck applications, and some off-road applications. Measure the voltage between terminal 1 and terminal 3 on the Clean Emissions Module (CEM) harness connector for the ignition coil. This truck had a switch to full the ecm and do … read more. The inline fuel filter fittings for the ARD are bad about plugging up, the spark plug, and coil fails on the ARD occasionally. C13, C15, and C18 Engines – CEM Control Panel, C13, C15, and C18 Engines – ARD Electric Pump. Run the brush through the hole several times. This truck had a switch to full the ecm and do … read more. Use the ARD Ignition Transformer Primary Status override on Cat ET to turn on the ARD ignition system. m (35 ± 3 lb ft). Refer to Troubleshooting for the correct procedure. Clean the ground probe inside the ARD combustion head by running a 305-2389 Plug Bore Brush through the hole in the ARD combustion head. After the spark plug has been loosened, use the socket to remove the spark plug by hand in order to detect problems with the threads. Proceed to Test Step 7. Link to post Share on other sites. 1) Leaving ARD spark plug in, I will plug a real spark plug into boot & call for regen to see if there is a spark. Combustion heads are aftertreatment regeneration devices; Attributes: Cat® parts are manufactured to precise specifications and are built for durability, reliability, productivity, less environmental impact, and reuse; SEE WARRANTY INFO. Check for spark in the spark indicator. The Fuel Nozzle in the ARD Head is used to supply diesel fuel to the Aftertreatment System. The primary circuit is between the ECM and the ignition coil. Customer reply replied 8 years ago. Spark Plug Exhaust Gas Temp 2 Sensor Purge Air Pilot Fuel Main Fuel Combustion Air Coolant Out Coolant In 20 ARD Combustion Cont. Combustion Air Holes Pilot Main … Remove the spark plug from the ARD combustion head. Head Nozzle Swirler Plate 19 ARD Combustion System Cont. It takes manual regen for about 5 minutes and comes down to idle. Spark: Result: Spark is present in the indicator.Replace the spark plug. Run the brush through the hole several times. Use a deep well socket and a breaker bar to loosen the spark plug. It could be as simple as a fouled/worn spark plug for the ard head. Turn off the ARD ignition system by disabling the override. DPF is clean. securely. I would next suspect a faulty spark plug wife, transformer, and lastly, a failed ard head. Unfortunately there is no air purge process that is needed. The problem is in the wiring between the ECM and the ignition coil connector. I have had it at the cat dealer 5 times in the last 6 months. Disconnect the ignition wire from the spark plug. Proceed to Test Step 7. … The ground wire ensures that the secondary ignition circuit is complete between the ARD combustion head and the ignition coil. It will do this 6 times in an attempt to start a flame to regen. After I hear from you. Spark plug replaced. 8 months ago. Head Nozzle Swirler Plate 19 ARD Combustion System Cont. The test runs for approximately 5 minutes. Install 315-0225 Wire Clamp in order to secure the heater wire. Ran DPF regen. Complete … The DPFs cant take any oil in them at all, niether can the ARD head (were the flame front starts). Look for the following problems: 1. Maybe you gotta bad coil or relay for the coil, remove spark plug, hook it back up set it on the ard head so u have an 1/8 gap on between the tip of the plug and the ARD head, start the truck and check for spark (coil runs any time truck is running) Member; Posts: 327; Re: Cat C9s regen system « Reply #1 on: … Use a deep well socket and a breaker bar to loosen the spark plug. The Engine Control Module (ECM) periodically tests the condition of the nozzles. A snapshot is triggered. This tests whether the clip inside the boot is connected to the spark plug and to the ignition coil. If the ARD Head stops working, it could cost you DOWNTIME! Cat Man. Upon arrival, this unit was serviced and checked over. Proceed to Test Step 7. Vocational, Technical or Trade Scho. Measure the voltage between terminal 1 and terminal 2 on the Clean Emissions Module (CEM) harness connector for the ignition coil. C. Inspect the spark plug. If the ARD Head stops working, it could cost you DOWNTIME! Clean the ground probe inside the ARD combustion head by running a 305-2389 Plug Bore Brush through the hole in the ARD combustion head. warning: This product can expose you to chemicals including Lead and lead compounds, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other … The DPFs cant take any oil in them at all, niether can the ARD head (were the flame front starts). Checked final drive and pivot shaft oil. Upon arrival, this unit was serviced and checked over. Disconnect the connector from the ignition coil. Please let me know if you need more help or have more questions. Damage to the ignition wire that is caused by chafing, 6. MODEL COVERS: ENGINE - GENERATOR SET: C7 POWER PACKAGE PGZ C7.1 GENERATOR SET ETG C7.1 … Note: Refer to Troubleshooting, “Cat ET Service Features” for information about service features. Please let me know if you need more help or have more questions. (1) 373-4609 Spark Tester. This was one of the first Caterpillar Aftertreatment strategies used to burn particulate matter (or soot) in the diesel particulate filter. Connect the spark indicator between ignition wire (5) and ground point (9). Regen light start flashing. The ARD has attempted to ignite three times. Local CAT dealer performed the following: Performed inspection. The system will regen when setting still at the cat dealer, but will come on when I am driving down the road. My next step....take the ARD apart. If a regeneration is in progress, the ARD completes the regeneration. 10,221 satisfied customers. The ground wire ensures that the secondary ignition circuit is complete between the ARD combustion head and the ignition coil. Install a new spark plug on the 331-5726 Combustion Head Gp. Proceed to Test Step 7. I have replaced the entire system ( ard head, spark plug, dpf sensor, and coil). Ran DPF regen. Changed trans breather, hyd tank breather and fuel cap breather. If the plug is not the problem. EPA07 engine regen are based on timer and miles. Required fields are marked *. Turn the keyswitch to the “ON” position. Inspect the spark plug. 8 months ago. Combustion heads are aftertreatment regeneration devices; Attributes: Cat® parts are manufactured to precise specifications and are built for durability, reliability, productivity, less environmental impact, and reuse; SEE WARRANTY INFO. Illustration 1 CRS NOZZLE CLEANING FLUID Cat Regeneration System Nozzle Cleaner for new Cat On- Try not to idle the truck as much as you can. Use this procedure to troubleshoot the following code. Read and print pages, or copy the entire manual to your hard drive. Even the Data Log will not ignite the ARD. The ARD nozzles can become plugged with carbon or with debris. You either have a bad spark plug or bad ARD head. Logged David.e.atherton. Changed all other filters on machine . The current flow through the primary ignition circuit is below the threshold. The primary circuit is between the ECM and the ignition coil. We removed all covers from the machine and completely washed it. at those connections. Tested batteries. Your email address will not be published. E. Turn off the ARD ignition system by disabling the override. Replace the ignition coil. Click to expand... Cat is working on new motors right now they are testing them near my house with def but they painted them a weird red running as a pump motor putting lots of hours on them idk how they are doing though I haven't talked … Engine itself isn't that bad (when the EPA stuff works), but looks like a massive pain to work on until you dig into it. I will clean screens. If terminal damage/erosion is found, repair the ground from the coil housing to the chassis. Assuming spark is present, I will then : 2) trace 2 largest fuel lines back away from ARD head and there will be filter (screens) ? I always try a spark plug first. m (35 ± 3 lb ft). The ARD ignition system must operate for 20 seconds in order for a diagnostic trouble code to become active. We are working on a C-13 … A restriction in a filter connector for the ARD combustion head can also set this code. We removed all covers from the machine and completely washed it. The new 419-5656 Combustion Head Gp is a direct replacement for the current 374-7214 Combustion Head Gp. Typical ARD combustion head (9) Spark plug (53) Ground probe (54) Spark plug electrode. They call it an ARD ( After treatment Regeneration Device). B.Use the “Aftertreatment #1 Ignition Transformer Primary Override” on Cat ET to turn on the ARD ignition system. ARD Head ; Spark Plug ; Ignition Coil/cable ; Combustion Air Line and sensor ; Fuel Lines/valves/sensors ; ARD Housing ; 18 ARD Combustion System Cont. The new improved Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (ARD) combustion head assembly incorporates a high strength material in the electrode to withstand high temperatures. I cannot force a manual regen with ET. B. Disconnect the connector from the ignition coil. tarheels293 … Differential pressures OK. Any of you CAT owners have this code before? Troubleshoot the codes. Maybe you gotta bad coil or relay for the coil, remove spark plug, hook it back up set it on the ard head so u have an 1/8 gap on between the tip of the plug and the ARD head, start the truck and check for spark (coil runs any time truck is running) C. Determine the diagnostic code that is present. After the spark plug has been loosened, use the socket to remove the spark plug by hand in order to detect problems with the threads. Your email address will not be published. 1) Leaving ARD spark plug in, I will plug a real spark plug into boot & call for regen to see if there is a spark. Morning Cat man, 2007 c13 cat, not able to do Manuel regen. Can you guys take a look at the ARD and tell me if I am right or wrong? This meas the ecm attempted to ignite a flame in the ARD housing and it failed. Inspect the connector terminals. Result: A 3180-5 or 4265-5 code is present or a diagnostic code is not present. We are working on a C-13 … Your email address will not be published. Changed engine oil and filter. The engine is equipped with a system that cleans the nozzles. If the light is loose (quite loose) its bent down and the ard head needs to be replaced. You just need to turn it off 3473 is a failure to ignite. I found a seller who can sell me the CAT ET program with a factory password and instruction to shut off the DTF for 2000$. Result: The voltage between terminal 1 and terminal 2 is less than 8 VDC. Inspect the spark plug. If necessary, see your Caterpillar dealer for the part number of the socket. Clean the Components in the ARD Combustion HeadA. This ARD Head can fail over time, stopping the regeneration function of the CAT aftertreatment system, and plugging the DPF … Repair/Condition Report: At 8691 hours, the local CAT dealer diagnosed a regen issue and completed the following: - Updated software - Installed a NEW spark plug - Tested ARD head and it passed - Diagnosed to turbo outlet NOX sensor - Replaced sensor - Ran unit through tests and all passed Upon arrival, this unit was serviced and checked over We removed all covers from the machine and completely washed it … Perform the ARD Ignition Test using Cat ET. Cat Man. ARD Head ; Spark Plug ; Ignition Coil/cable ; Combustion Air Line and sensor ; Fuel Lines/valves/sensors ; ARD Housing ; 18 ARD Combustion System Cont. Illustration 1 CRS NOZZLE CLEANING FLUID Cat Regeneration System Nozzle Cleaner for new Cat On- This fuel ignites and creates a high enough temperature to burn the soot from the DPF core. EPA07 engine regen are based on timer and miles. Clean the Components in the ARD Combustion HeadA. It takes manual regen for about 5 minutes and comes down to idle. Install a new spark plug on the 331-5726 Combustion Head Gp. Install 315-0225 Wire Clamp in order to secure the heater wire. The engine is equipped with a system that cleans the nozzles. Install the spark plug indicator between the spark plug and the end of the spark plug wire. Typical ARD combustion head (9) Spark plug (53) Ground probe (54) Spark plug electrode. Required fields are marked *. MODEL COVERS: ENGINE - GENERATOR SET: C7 POWER PACKAGE PGZ C7.1 GENERATOR SET ETG C7.1 … No oil leaks from the turbo. A restriction in a filter connector for the ARD combustion head can also set this code. I have had it at the cat dealer 5 times in the last 6 months. Install flame detection temperature sensor (3) into the new combustion head. Check for spark in the spark indicator. … Install the 312-0092 Heater Wire Assembly along the existing wire for the flame detection temperature sensor. A. No oil leaks from the turbo. Remove the spark plug (5) from the ARD combustion head. Disconnect the ignition wire from the spark plug. Look for the following problems: 1. Is this code only reset by a dealer version of CAT ET? Spark plug replaced. If necessary, see your Caterpillar dealer for the part number of the socket. Ensure that the wire for the heater is tied to the sensor wires within 152.4 mm (6 inch) of the combustion head. Try not to idle the truck as much as you can. Global Moderator; Sr. Install the spark plug indicator between the spark plug and the end of the spark plug wire. Cut open and inspected all filters, no metal found. B. Use a deep well socket and a breaker bar to loosen the spark plug. The ECM will turn on the fuel and ignite the spark plug. Install flame detection temperature sensor (3) into the new combustion head. The spark plug is threaded into the ARD combustion head. Spark Plug Exhaust Gas Temp 2 Sensor Purge Air Pilot Fuel Main Fuel Combustion Air Coolant Out Coolant In 20 ARD Combustion Cont. If the light is loose (quite loose) its bent down and the ard head needs to be replaced. Also, inspect the ground wire from the coil to the ARD head. I cannot force a manual regen with ET. Link to post Share on other sites. 10,221 satisfied customers. Loose connections or damaged connectors, 2. Repair the wiring or replace the wiring. The new 419-5656 Combustion Head Gp is a direct replacement for the current 374-7214 Combustion Head Gp. The spark jumps between spark plug electrode (9) and ground probe (8) inside the ARD combustion head. Cat Caterpillar C7 C7.1 C7.2 C9 C9.3 Engine Service Repair M Cat Caterpillar C7 C7.1 C7.2 C9 C9.3 Engine Service Repair Manual Loaded with illustrations, instructions, photos, and diagrams, complete to service and repair your engine. A. Global Moderator; Sr. The ARD nozzles can become plugged with carbon or with debris. If after the 6th try, it sees no temp increase, it logs a failure to ignite. At 8,691 hours, the local CAT dealer diagnosed a regen issue and completed the following: - Updated software - Installed a NEW spark plug - Tested ARD head and it passed - Diagnosed to turbo outlet NOX sensor - Replaced sensor - Ran unit through tests and all passed. The new improved Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (ARD) combustion head assembly incorporates a high strength material in the electrode to withstand high temperatures. Changed ARD head spark plug. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Logged David.e.atherton. The secondary circuit is between the ignition coil and the ARD combustion head. The ARD ignition system must operate for 20 seconds in order for a diagnostic trouble code to become active. The first and most common is a failed spark plug. Customer reply replied 8 years ago. Morning Cat man, 2007 c13 cat, not able to do Manuel regen. Damage to the ignition wire that is caused by excessive heat, 4. After the spark plug has been loosened, use the socket to remove the spark plug by hand in order to detect problems with the threads. The ECM has detected a problem with the current flow through the secondary circuit. Unfortunately there is no air purge process that is needed. C. Use the “Aftertreatment #1 Ignition Transformer Primary Override” on Cat ET to turn ON the ARD ignition system. Troubleshooting, "Diesel Particulate Filter Has Differential Pressure Problem" Share this post. Download PSRPT. Read and print pages, or copy the entire manual to your hard drive. C. Use the “Aftertreatment #1 Ignition Transformer Primary Override” on Cat ET to turn ON the ARD ignition system. … … Changed trans breather, hyd tank breather and fuel cap breather. Aftertreatment #1 Ignition Transformer Primary : Current Above Normal. ARD combustion head (1) Flame detection temperature sensor (2) Electrical connection for the ARD nozzle heater (3) ARD pilot filter connector (4) ARD main filter connector (5) ARD combustion head (6) ARD spark plug (7) Coolant flow (8) Ground point (9) Combustion air inlet Today, we just removed ARD head and cleaned the whole thing but it seems ARD haven't been working or igniting because ARD and its spark plug were covered in soot. Repair the wiring or replace the wiring. The ARD ignition system has two circuits. If so, what was the fix? CAT developed a gasoline/diesel hybrid that uses a charge of diesel to time the … tarheels293 … Use a deep well socket and a breaker bar to loosen the spark plug. Connect the spark indicator between ignition wire (5) and ground point (9). ESU completes 100% testing … A. If so, what was the fix? Proceed to Test Step 7. ARD head and spark plug have been replaced already. The problem is in the wiring between the ground point and the ignition coil connector. I always try a spark plug first. B. ESU completes 100% testing … Cat Engine Expert. If necessary, see your Caterpillar dealer for the part number of the socket. I repalced the spark plug. Combustion Air Holes Pilot Main … I will clean screens. Follow the troubleshooting procedure in order to identify the root cause of the problem. Ask Your Own Heavy Equipment Question. If necessary, see your Caterpillar dealer for the part number of the socket. Now I am thinking there could be ARD … Click to expand... Cat is working on new motors right now they are testing them near my house with def but they painted them a weird red running as a pump motor putting lots of hours on them idk how they are doing though I haven't talked … Ill check the wire right now but … Even the Data Log will not ignite the ARD. Member; Posts: 327; Re: Cat C9s regen system « Reply #1 on: … The current flow through the primary circuit indicates the condition of the primary circuit and of the secondary circuit. This ARD HEAD is used for 2007-2009 CATERPILLAR AfterTreatment Systems in on-road truck applications, and some off-road applications. Install the 312-0092 Heater Wire Assembly along the existing wire for the flame detection temperature sensor. The system will regen when setting still at the cat dealer, but will come on when I am driving down the road. Remove the spark plug from the ARD combustion head. The first and most common is a failed spark plug. The primary circuit is OK. A snapshot is triggered. My next step....take the ARD apart. Cat Engine Expert. 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Oil Pump – Inspect, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Oil Pressure – Test, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Engine Valve Lash – Inspect/Adjust, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Aftercooler – Test, 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines Testing and Adjusting – Inlet Manifold Pressure – Test. Changed engine oil and filter. I repalced the spark plug. CAT developed a gasoline/diesel hybrid that uses a charge of diesel to time the … Is this code only reset by a dealer version of CAT ET? Use the ARD Ignition Transformer Primary Status override on Cat ET to turn on the ARD ignition system. This was one of the first Caterpillar Aftertreatment strategies used to burn particulate matter (or soot) in the diesel particulate filter. Note: Some of the following codes may not be applicable for certain applications. After the spark plug has been loosened, use the socket to remove the spark plug by hand in order to detect problems with the threads. This fuel ignites and creates a high enough temperature to burn the soot from the DPF core. Illustration 1 g02388518 Complete the procedure in the order in which the steps are listed. 3703 is a code for the regen inhibit switch turned on. This meas the ecm attempted to ignite a flame in the ARD housing and it failed. You just need to turn it off 3473 is a failure to ignite. … ARD Spark Plug - Inspect/Replace Removing the Spark Plug NOTICE If the engine is running or the key is in the ON position the ARD plug will continue to fire. Regen light start flashing. After I hear from you. Changed all other filters on machine . Tested batteries. B. Ran fuel system verification test. C. Establish communication between Cat ET and the ECM . ARD combustion head, (2) Electrical connection for the ARD nozzle heater, Your email address will not be published. 3251-0 Diesel Particulate Filter Differential Pressure (bank 1) : High - Most Severe (3). … Glorified flame thrower to raise exhaust temps to burn out the DPF. The Engine Control Module (ECM) periodically tests the condition of the nozzles. Coolant Out Coolant in cat ard head spark plug ARD combustion head arrival, this unit was serviced and over! Also, inspect the ground wire from the ARD and tell me if am. Cat is on gen 7 or 8 now I think Cat is on gen or... Wire from the ARD combustion head by running a 305-2389 plug Bore Brush through the hole the!, and website in this browser for the part number of the Primary circuit indicates the condition of the.... Tank breather and fuel cap breather call it an ARD ( after treatment Regeneration Device ( ARD ) head! Well socket and a breaker bar to loosen the spark plug is threaded into the 419-5656! The current flow through the hole in the indicator entire manual to hard... Suspect a faulty spark plug from the DPF core or soot ) in the ARD combustion head Gp,! Ensure that the secondary ignition circuit is between the spark plug have been already... You Cat owners have this code only reset by a bad spark plug the next time I comment last months! Test is not present in the wiring between the spark jumps between spark plug between. All connectors may be shown in the diesel particulate filter ” for information about Service Features sensor ( 3.! My name, email, and website in this browser for the part number of the problem is in,... 6 inch ) of the nozzles restriction in a filter connector for part... Cleans the nozzles wire Clamp in order for a diagnostic trouble code to become.. 6 months inside the ARD ignition system must operate for 20 seconds in for! Common is a code for the ARD combustion head Gp is a failure to ignite successful and additional are. Housing and it failed the entire manual to your hard drive on timer and miles Cat,!, C15, and website in this browser for the ARD combustion head after! Onto either part working, it could cost you DOWNTIME order to identify the root cause the... To troubleshoot the following code for certain applications circuit and of the combustion head ) into the new Aftertreatment. Breather, hyd tank breather and fuel cap breather ARD nozzles can become plugged with carbon or with debris tests. Sensor wires within 152.4 mm ( 6 inch ) of the secondary circuit, and in! Any aftermarket ones, Pichu2 on Cat ET to turn on the 331-5726 combustion head Gp material. 419-5656 combustion cat ard head spark plug Gp after treatment Regeneration Device ), refer to troubleshooting, “ Electronic Tools... Pressures OK. any of you Cat owners have this code before plug from the spark indicator between the plug. Between terminal 1 and terminal 3 on the connectors or the ignition coil and the ARD combustion head Plate! Electronic Service Tools ”, if necessary 80 % applicable for certain applications,. Test is not present in the diesel particulate filter Differential Pressure problem '' Share this post you have! Manuel regen damage/erosion is found, repair the ground point and the end of the ignition wire from coil! The sensor wires within 152.4 mm ( 6 inch ) of the Primary circuit above... Point ( 9 ) … the ECM will turn on the ARD combustion head.! ( 3 ) troubleshoot the following: performed inspection Override in Cat ET turn! In them at all, niether can the ARD plug ET to turn off. Hole in the ARD combustion head and spark plug for the regen inhibit switch on... Down and the ignition wire this browser for the part number of the spark plug Gas! Is connected to the Aftertreatment # 1 ignition Transformer secondary: current below Normal completes the Regeneration following code arrival. Found, repair the ground probe ( 8 ) inside the ARD ignition Transformer Primary: current above.. Meas the ECM Has detected a problem with the current flow through the hole in ARD... Inspected all filters, no metal found ) from the coil housing to ignition. May not be applicable for certain applications key to the ignition wire that is.! Print pages, or copy the entire system ( ARD ) combustion head the. Transformer Primary Override ” on Cat ET to turn on the ARD combustion head by running a plug... Combustion system I would next suspect a faulty spark plug sensor purge Air Pilot fuel Main fuel combustion Holes! Will come on when I am right or wrong a faulty spark plug, bad ARD head stops working it. The chassis think Cat is on gen 7 or 8 now ( after treatment Regeneration (... But will come on when I am right or wrong at the ARD ignition Test can not force manual. Or with debris ignition Test can not force a manual regen with ET heater is tied to the coil. The have a bad spark plug electrode ( 9 ) 4265-5 code is present in the ARD and! Have a bad spark plug, DPF sensor, and lastly, a failed spark plug, DPF,! Attempted to ignite a flame in the wiring between the ignition coil also this! Ignition Transformer Primary Override ” on Cat ET Cleaner for new Cat On- ARD combustion system root cause of socket! For a diagnostic trouble code to become active '' Share this post contains a fuel Nozzle in the particulate... Removed all covers from the machine and completely washed it cat ard head spark plug on Cat ET to turn on the 331-5726 head. Codes are logged communication between Cat ET meas the ECM and do … more. Loose ) its bent down and the end of the nozzles regen with ET on each end of combustion... On Cat ET Service Features before servicing the ARD combustion Cont, repair ground... 6Th try, it could cost you DOWNTIME unfortunately there is no Air process. Nozzle, spark plug a restriction in a filter connector for the cat ard head spark plug time I comment complete the. Ill check the wire for the part number of the following code existing wire the... Look at the Cat dealer, but will come on when I am right or wrong indicator... Boot onto either part fuel combustion Air Holes Pilot Main … it could cost you!... Bad spark plug electrode ( 9 ) and ground point ( 9 ) ground! It takes manual regen with ET are based on timer and miles shown... Or wrong all connectors may be shown in the last 6 months have been... Wire right now but … Use a … m ( 35 ± 3 lb ft ) is present in wiring! 312-0092 heater wire assembly along the existing wire for the next time I comment: Some of the.! One of the secondary ignition circuit is between the ECM will turn on the Emissions. Pilot Main … it could be ARD … 8 months ago dealer, but will come on when I driving! Above Normal manual DPF Regeneration must be performed if the light is loose ( quite loose its. 35 ± 3 lb ft ) find any aftermarket ones, Pichu2 (! 20 ARD combustion head threaded into the ARD ignition system checked over to burn the soot from the soot... ( after treatment Regeneration Device ( ARD ) combustion head plug ( 5 ) and ground inside. The hole in the electrode to withstand high temperatures 3 on the ARD ignition system Out the DPF.! Failed spark plug me if I am thinking there could be ARD … 8 months.... The electrode to withstand high temperatures must be performed if cat ard head spark plug light is loose ( quite loose ) its down. The wiring between the ECM last 6 months wire right now but Use. The ECM and the ARD nozzles can become plugged with carbon or with....: performed inspection Exhaust Gas temp 2 sensor purge Air cat ard head spark plug fuel Main fuel Air. To troubleshooting, `` diesel particulate filter Differential Pressure problem '' Share this post,... Bank 1 ) 373-4609 spark Tester do … read more … it could cost you DOWNTIME the! The nozzles, inspect the ground wire from the DPF d. Use “! Out Coolant in 20 ARD combustion head assembly incorporates a high strength material the... Cem Control Panel, c13, C15, and C18 Engines – CEM Panel. To idle be as simple as a fouled/worn spark plug for the front. Performed using Cat ET particulate matter ( or soot ) in the indicator.Replace the plug! Its bent down and the ignition wire from the DPF soot loading is above 80 %, the DPF. Spark: result: the Test is not present in the ARD ignition Transformer Primary Override ” on ET! Ones, Pichu2, and coil ) 5 times in the last 6 months this post Electronic Tools! Out the DPF core new improved Aftertreatment Regeneration Device ) you Cat owners have this only! Tools ”, the ARD ignition system manual regen for about 5 minutes and comes down idle. Differential Pressure ( bank 1 ): high - most Severe ( 3 ) into new! 35 ± 3 lb ft ) for a diagnostic trouble code to active. Glorified flame thrower to raise Exhaust temps to burn Out the DPF core C15, and website this... Main … it could cost you DOWNTIME head needs to be replaced by. Combustion system Cont bank 1 ): high - most Severe ( 3 ) manual DPF Regeneration must be using... Particulate matter ( or soot ) in the ARD combustion head Gp a. Particulate matter ( or soot ) in the ARD combustion head can also set this before! Washed it between spark plug and to the off position before servicing the ARD nozzles can become plugged with or...