I am interested in seeing some success stories, in how life has changed for people since ADHD treatment. I have been going round and round and backwards for too long whilst living with undiagnosed ADHD and now I'm going to try my 3rd med next week. Are there different meds for different kinds of ADHD? it's not some magical pill that will solve everything. This is the fourth non-stim medication I am trying. A place where people with ADHD and their loved ones can interact with each other exchanging stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. I was on Adderall for a couple years until one year the pharmacies near me literally all ran out (some legal/DEA thing about max annual supply). Some people may benefit from adding additional drugs in conjunction with the stimulants. Trying to find a sliding scale place. As a 26 year old, I was diagnosed a couple months ago. Over a million users here say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. Use adhd medication for adults or other citrus fruits to exfoliate your skin. 65% of those users who reviewed Vyvanse reported a positive effect, while 15% reported a … Once the need to elevate dopamine levels is removed, the person with ADHD can focus and concentrate without having to engage in hyperactive, adventurous, or risk taking behavior. My doc so far has only mentioned Vyvanse and different forms of adderall. Lets hear from those of you that struggled with jobs/school/life, then got medicated and excelled and succeeded. You have to do all the obnoxious lifestyle changes and intentionally combat ADHD behaviors. Success stories with medication/therapy. It still strongly helps me. Dilute the adhd medication for adults if your skin feels burning or stinging sensation. I take anywhere between 3 to 5 days a week depending on the week. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He was prescribed Ritalin, but, after a year, his parents and doctors agreed to discontinue the medication. Lets hear from those that have been on stimulants for years and what their thoughts are about it, how much life improvement theyve gained from it, how they deal with tolerance etc. best. I've been taking concerta for 14 years at this point. but still not able to stay on task and do what the fuck I need to do! That isnt a success story, nor is it life changing. I'm looking for meds and therapy. A place where people with ADHD and their loved ones can interact with each other exchanging stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. Curious what your concerta dose is that you can skip days. Also medication won't make you work, it just makes it a little easier to get started and stay focused. hide. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Weekly threads to plan and notice the positive in our lives. Medication success stories? But if you’re looking for a new stim to try... check out Vyvanse! Hi there! Do you take your meds every day? I know it's different for everyone but I can honestly say that even after a week I have noti… Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. My doc is against stims. I WANT to work hard! I was able to sit on the sofa and read through a book in one sitting. I'd love to hear people's success stories and how they arrived at a medication and dosage that works. I am PI. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I recently was prescribed Vyvanse and it has been going really well to be honest. Hi I’ve been diagnosed with adult adhd and complex trauma I’ve not been given any medication as of yet ,I have read this article and now feel if I speak to my psychiatrist he may try me on adderal as my life has no meaning to me at moment and is not changing .i dnt no why I’ve not been offered adderal and scared to ask but since reading this article I need to be honest … Adderall success stories? Much cleaner, longer lasting energy and focus. Many of our 900k+ users express they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. Not exactly long term, but after being diagnosed in February of last year I feel like things are finally starting to come together for me. It always starts off great and then the effect tapers off to the point that I don't get anything from my meds. I WANT to do well! That helps the tolerance from building as quickly. A cousin, whose son has ADHD, heard my husband and me arguing, and suspected that I might have it. Also suggest Guanfacine. Is Your Landlord Harassing You. Meds. I was on ritalin, adderall, and time-released adderall at various points as a teenager / college kid and for about 10 years I've been on the same dosage of concerta, which works great for me. Recent headlines say it all about the popular view of ADHD: “Ritalin: A cure for brattiness?” and “Johnny Get Your Pills.” ADHD is simply a figment of our national imagination. Have you discussed trying to add non-stimulants with your doctor, e.g. I was diagnosed 15+ years ago (12 then, now almost 30) and have been on at least 4 medications and several different doses. These kids are just unruly and their parents so career-oriented that they’d rather see their children pop pills than spend time with them. Disability advocate and Twin Falls, Idaho, resident Michelle Nielson, 41, shared the story of her stepson’s struggle with ADHD with Jordan Lite. We went to Ritalin first didn't make any changes then doctor put me on Concerta same as Ritalin no real positive response so he has just started me on Strattera 60mg for the first week then up to 120mg I haven't experienced any negative effects apart from slight nausea but usually settle down quickly. That's all I'm looking for. We noticed an improvement the very first day. I was on Ritalin for the past year and it kind of helped, but I really noticed a difference when I started Wellbutrin in November. Also known as: Dexedrine, Zenzedi, ProCentra. You have graduated high school, earned an associate’s degree, and got a good job.” The medication made a big difference in my life. I don't enjoy going off of it because there's a rubber-band effect, and I've also done CBT to try to work on other skills and my other learning disabilities. When I was diagnosed and started taking medication, the psychologist who had evaluated me for ADHD said, “You are amazing! I steadily went up in dosage (with my psychiatrist of course) until I reached a dosage that stuck long term. A place where people with ADHD and their loved ones can interact with each other exchanging stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. Meds used to help me get started. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Non-stimulant medications can take up to four to six weeks to have an effect. It is also probably … There's no how are you doing or anything. This was supposed to last him 10-12 hours. I just feel incapable of doing it alone. I know Joe will never read this. So I had to find an alternative for a couple months at the end of the year. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 6 Jan 2021), Cerner Multum™ (updated 4 Jan … From Jason’s Mom: Prompt ADHD Treatment, Teaching Accountability, and More According to Jason’s mom, Pamela, the most effective things she did in raising her son were: “I recognized signs of ADHD in Jason early on, and sought treatment right away.” “I worked with Jason’s teachers to get him help. Now they don't. Weekly threads to plan and notice the positive in our lives. My work keeps piling up and I feel the walls caving in. Agreed: The current name (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is most unfortunate. Gentle comedowns. Experiencing the positive effects of meds then having it snatched away from me has left me very down and hopeless about what else I can do. Too bad no one thought to ask the marketing department. week ends, off days. guanfacine (or something else)? New to ADHD and to Reddit. Anyone have success stories with medication? Stimulant drugs like Adderall and Ritalin are commonly prescribed to kids with what's known as ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Just wasting time away. I picked Vyvanse on the advice of a friend, and haven’t looked back since. I've tried three different therapists over the past 2+ years but my current one has been really helpful. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I'd like to hear from people who have seen consistent results for a year or longer...not the folks who were on meds for a few days and think they have it all figured out (only because that's what happened to me lol, clearly didn't last). users here say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. report. This thread is archived. But Keen’s story is not unusual. Does anyone have any good success stories for me, because I get extremely nervous about it. Weekly threads to plan and notice the positive in our lives. Stopping stimulant medication generally does not cause symptoms of withdrawal. ADHD is not a label for rowdy, naughty boys but a classified neuro-developmental disorder. \"Hi all diagnosed with ADHD after researching after a diagnosis been a roller coaster for me. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts r/ADHD: A place where people with ADHD and their loved ones can interact with each other exchanging stories, struggles, and non-medication … Press J to jump to the feed. Tell me your success stories with medication Im still going through the VERY long process of being prescribed. We made 250k usd last month with our dropshipping reddit. Dextroamphetamine has an average rating of 8.2 out of 10 from a total of 137 ratings for the treatment of ADHD. Click here to read full success story Adult Man – Cocaine Self-Treatment for Undiagnosed ADHD A 34-year old married man, who was a mid-level manager at a large retail company, was evaluated because of his drug use. Medication/Therapy Success Stories Success/Celebration This has most likely been posted before, but for the new people (like me) perhaps, in these trying times, maybe it would be wholesome to share some treatment success stories. The adderall high you get when you first start taking adderall makes doing things feel automatic, but that's not supposed to stay. I am not getting my shit done on the day to day. tHIS IS SO TRUE. I also have a history of depression, PTSD and substance abuse. That was good news for Curry: He discovered that he could be successful without treating his ADHD. His addictive behavior had seriously impaired his functioning at work, his relationship with his family and his marriage. Also medication won't make you work, it just makes it a little easier to get started and stay focused. It started in September when i told my GP i may have adhd … consultants in chandigarh with the highest rate of success goal-oriented stories a chance to acknowledge area best overseas education advancedseodirectory apeopledirectory businessfreedirectory 411freedirectory reddit-directory home add url latest links top hits … Your observations and feedback can help your child’s prescriber fine-tune the ADHD medication and its dosage. Meds helped me put a lot of these things in place but if I had none of these things in place meds wouldn't do much. What do you mean by rubber band effect? I searched this reddit and have not scene many success stories with Gaufacine. Use adhd medication for adults on your face and other affected areas. Please share. I’m about to finish my freshman year at Auburn with a 3.8 GPA and aspirations to attend law school. Medication and counseling have done wonders for me.” -Deena, Austin, Texas “I didn’t realize I had ADHD until I was in my 40s. 3 comments. Matt Curry was diagnosed with ADHD in 1978, when he was in seventh grade. Over a million (!!!) By the third day, Ezra asked me (unprompted), “Mom, can I have my calming medicine?” Even if you fall off the wagon, if you're still alive, you haven't failed yet. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. My therapist said sometimes it's like that, it's not very obvious but eventually your way of thinking just starts to change. I'm still adjusting medications, I switched to Vyvanse in march. I've tried Adderall XR and IR in different doses. TL;DR: I'd like to hear from people who have found long-term success(1 year +) on meds. It's just like I'm in and out, she just writes a script or adjusts after asking me like one question. I’m still in the “figuring out medication” phase and I am curious as to what others have experienced. I started meds about 2 and a half months ago so it's not like it's been so much of an extended amount of time. Fewer physical side-effects than IR and no in-and-out feeling like with XR. The medication is invaluable for me personally, and it truly let me tap in to potential I never would have been able to without it. It can really help to work with a psychiatrist on dosage and which medication to take. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose. That's really inspiring! I’m 19 now and have taken Vyvanse since age 9. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Weekly … Right now I'm doing an internship which also gives me some much needed structure in my day. Keep it for 5-10 minutes and then rinse off with adhd medication for adults. It's like I get all the other effects (euphoria, decreased appetite, etc.) However, I'm confused. Meds I’ve been reading about people’s experiences with adderall on this sub and I noticed that most of the stories that get posted are people talking about how they have terrible side effects or how the medication doesn’t work for them at all. Drugs.com provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Agree with the other posters that you should try a higher dose. Jamie occasionally references us here on Reddit, but I don't know that he actually reads anything, let alone this. He prescribed us Quillivant XR (liquid extended-release Methylphenidate, the most common ADHD medication, well known as Ritalin). Also scared about tolerance. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ADHD Medication Success? They've never suggested it but I'm in the process of getting another dr. It all seems to boil down to: ADHD is some sor… share. So this current doc I see only talks about the meds and that's it. It's weird because it's hard to notice much of a difference in the day to day but if I look back to just a couple of months ago I was in such a different headspace. I usually take breaks on the weekend but never thought about just taking a smaller dose. I have this fear that they'll just keep increasing and it'll keep not working after a while. I'm convinced that the key is scheduling. Others chimed in, a few sharing stories about how therapy, medication or a combination of the two had helped them find confidence in their … It's disappointing because when they work, I feel like the world is mine. Basically the combination of meds and therapy has been the key. Yeah I'm researching another doc because I live in NYC where a lot of people abuse meds. A place where people with ADHD and their loved ones can interact with each other exchanging stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. Weekly threads to plan and notice the positive in our lives. Glad to know it's possible to level out. I don't care about that euphoric feeling or anything. Or parents want to give their children an edge and are willing to give them drugs to get higher scores on their spelling tests. Like someone else said; it's about making things possible to focus on and accomplish, not making them effortless. Medication really is more of a tool, you have to be patient with yourself and keep learning to deal with things. People have told me I don't have to worry about tolerance. Success is subjective. I truly don't enjoy being a slacker. Over a million users here say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. There's nothing I feel like I'm completely unable to accomplish because of my ADHD, and I really credit that to medication. You have to make efforts to avoid time wasters and work towards better habits. The one I currently have seems like they just cater to med abusers. Hi guys. Sort by. Viewing 14 topics - 1 through 14 (of 14 total) (I'm doing CBT by the way). What's the deal with concerta? It's important to mention I don't take my medication every day. Home › Welcome to the ADDitude Forums › For Adults › ADHD Success Stories This forum has 14 topics, 38 replies, and was last updated 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Gazettechan . I like the feeling of accomplishment when I'm doing well at work and staying on top of my game. I've been on this sub-reddit for about a week and I've read several threads of people who are going in to get treatment or are about to start their treatment or medication but I haven't seen any success stories. Vyvanse has an average rating of 7.4 out of 10 from a total of 673 ratings for the treatment of ADHD. The key is learning how your medicine affects you and planning your daily routine accordingly along with taking breaks when you don’t need it, i.e. But even though it's not perfect I feel more motivated and in control. Apparently I was dealing with some mild depression and it was taking more of a toll on me than I realized. Do you get withdrawal on days off? As for your other point, I think we have all heard MANY success stories of ADHD, so much so that the public has sometimes gotten the impression that all people with ADHD should start their own airlines or devise a new theory of … r/ADHD: A place where people with ADHD and their loved ones can interact with each other exchanging stories, struggles, and strategies. Im sick and tired of being sick tired, I have been going round and round and backwards for too long whilst living with undiagnosed ADHD and now I'm going to try my 3rd med next week. It's been interesting and at times a little frustrating, because this is honestly the first time I'm actually trying and working at something – like, I never knew how to make schedules and study in school, etc – so I'm figuring out routines and which levels of productivity I can expect. I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD for as long as I can I remember. 100% Upvoted. Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/ADHD. The name "medication success story" I think puts too much emphasis on the medication - an ADHD success story always involves more than just adding pills. save. Maybe that will help but I still don't feel like a functioning adult. User Reviews for Dextroamphetamine to treat ADHD. Also hard because my insurance is high deductible and sucks. I am interested in seeing some success stories, in how life has changed for people since ADHD treatment. 77% of those users who reviewed Dextroamphetamine reported a positive effect, while 11% reported a negative effect. Press J to jump to the feed. I've been on the same dosage for 4 to 8 years now. Lots of varying opinions about that and I don't get how it really works. But I'm pretty happy with how I've been doing and actually feel optimistic for the future. ( euphoria, decreased appetite, etc. things possible to level out you... Understand them ' ADHD and their loved ones can interact with each other exchanging stories, struggles, and strategies... Walls caving in, diagnosis or treatment have experienced here on Reddit, but that 's it new Reddit an! Magical pill that will solve everything focus on and accomplish, not making them effortless but though... By using our Services or clicking I agree, you have to be honest has only mentioned Vyvanse and forms! 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