words related to videography

All the hues of the rainbow encircle the cone's perimeter. The speed or ability of a lens to pass light. A standard for CCTV lens screw mounting. A visual perception that humans correspond to the categories called red, green, blue and others. f) One half of a complete interlaced video picture (frame), containing all the odd or even scanning lines of the picture. By planning shots ahead of a shoot, you can be more efficient with your time and gear you may be renting which will save you time and money. The C-mount description applies to both lenses and cameras. Most codecs employ proprietary coding algorithms for data compression.[1]. A filter that attenuates frequencies above a specified frequency and allows those below that value to pass. Hello good people of the English stackexachange, Non-native English speaker here. Lumens define “luminous flux,” which is energy within the range of frequencies we perceive as light.[6]. In color television, that part of the signal wave which has major control of the brightness values of the picture, whether displayed in color or in monochrome. The direct light that falls on an object. responsible for obtaining and scheduling the program content of station based on … The digital equivalent of analog bandwidth. b) The determination that an object is similar within a category of something already known; e.g., car, truck, man. Converting analog audio and/or video into digital form. Color depth is sometimes referred to as "bit" depth because it is directly related to the number of bits used for each pixel. Search for words that start with a letter or word: An electronic filter that attenuates audio frequencies below a certain level and allows them above that level. 3D Photography, Abnormal, Abrupt, Absorbing, Abstract, Absurd, Abundant, Academic, Acceptable, Accessible, Signals which exist for a brief period of time prior to the attainment of a steady-state condition. The range of signal frequencies that a piece of audio or video equipment can encode or decode; the difference between the limiting frequencies of a continuous frequency band. See what you can achieve with NewBlue solutions. b) Quantitatively: Any of a number of measures of spatial visual resolution such as the reciprocal of the value of the angular separation in minutes of arc of two neighboring objects (points or lines or other specified stimuli) which the observer can just perceive to be separate. The most basic unit of an image displayed on a computer or video display screen. photojournalism. The amplitude (voltage) difference between the most positive and the most negative excursions (peaks) of an electrical signal. film editing. Say you were shooting footage of a person walking in a park and you wanted to shift into a new view of the subject. b) Serial storage technology that uses MOS capacitors. [1], Nearly identical to HSI and HSL except Intensity and Lightness are called Value. Common Resolution Examples: (SD) 640×480, (HD) 1280×720, (HD) 1920×1080. It is the same size as a compact disc (CD). Electrical disturbance at the power supply frequency or harmonics thereof. filmmaking. An optical defect of a lens that causes different colors or wavelengths of light to be focused at different distances from the lens. b) A complete picture composed of two fields. In a progressive scanning system, all of the scanning lines comprising a frame also comprise a field. digital visual interface noun. The extent to which an electronic device such as a stereo system or television accurately reproduces sound or images. This glossary was compiled from various industry sources. All aging videography aside and cheesy post-production aspects ignored, the images here look great. b) CRT, LCD, LED or other photoluminescent panel upon which numbers, characters, graphics or other data is presented.[1]. Shot of other than principal action (but peripherally related); frequently used as transitional footage or to avoid a jump cut. White balance’s formal definition is the process of gathering the accurate colors for the light that is available. The range of sensor-to-lens distance for which the image formed by the lens is clearly focused. Also, the entire range of such frequencies. Medium Shot (MS) A shot of an object or people seen from a … The grid for the Rule of Thirds looks like a tic-tac-toe board because it separates the image into 9 separate sections. Video postea multo intolerabiliorem futuram tyrannidem quam unquam antea fuisse.
words related to videography 2021