spring barley sowing date

Being better suited to lower to medium rainfall, it could have reached its yield potential, An earlier sowing time didn’t benefit Compass this year. The earlier sown crops were taller and produced substantial biomass. The earlier sown crops were taller and produced substantial biomass. The effect of sowing date on grain protein, hordein fraction content and malting quality of two-rowed spring barley was investigated by using ten commercial cultivars with different grain protein content and the relationships among these traits were examined. While this may be good in the short-term, it is important to also think about a varieties long-term impacts on your farm. “So, sow it as soon as you get decent seedbed conditions – the earlier the better. International: +61 3 5492 2787. At index 3, a high-yielding spring barley crop will require three bags of 18:6:12/acre at sowing plus two bags of CAN (27%N)/acre at early tillering. 15.10.19. Agronomically similar varieties Spartacus CL, Hindmarsh, Rosalind and La Trobe all yielded similar. Head loss counts (heads/m2) measured after harvest to determine the impact on yield (P=<0.001, LSD=30.3, CV=43.6%). For example, will the selected variety help to suppress weeds? Noworolnik K. (2013). There were differences between individual varieties in terms of protein, test weight, retention and screenings, but they didn’t behave differently between the two sowing times. Both the early and later sown plots emerged well and were even across varieties. Compass, Commander and Scope CL were the most affected. The photo on the right shows the April drilling date (foreground) at GS39 full flag leaf, the March-drilled crop at full ear emergence (near background) and the February-drilled crop post-flowering (far background). This was quite remarkable given that 20th April was labelled the latest drilling date in 2018 – even more so when you consider that the country experienced drought and a significant heatwave that lasted from mid-April to mid-September in that year. 69. In order to spread risk, consider growing varieties with different susceptibilities to certain grain quality parameters (test weight, protein, retention and screenings). As the title suggests when would you say the latest date for drilling either of these crops is? Generally the earlier a crop is sown the longer its phyllochron will be. In terms of grain quality, the only malt/food varieties to make malt grade were Westminster and Hindmarsh (food). The two Clearfield varieties, Scope CL and Spartacus CL, yielded similar and the lowest yielding varieties were Compass and Commander. Sowing spring barley. The highest yielding varieties were Oxford and Urambie which are long season varieties that thrived in the soft finish to the season. Spartacus CL also achieved malt specification but as it is currently undergoing malt accreditation, was classified as feed. See 2014 BCG Season Research Results, pp. M.Sc. Wimmera NVT barley grain yield (% of site mean) comparing to 2016 long-term averages (2012-2016) of 22 varieties at Horsham, Brim, Minyip and Kaniva. This leads to the tough decision about whether to keep your existing variety or make the switch to a new variety. One thing growers often fail to do is trial a new variety on their farm for a number of years. Spring sown cereals, especially barley, are an option if you have a situation where winter sowing wasn’t possible. In terms of yield, there was no measurable difference between sowing time with the mean of both sowing times being the same. If you were able to drill spring barley in February in good conditions, that is fine. Figure 1. Lee. Fathom, Rosalind, La Trobe and Hindmarsh are also among the top six yielding varieties (Figure 3). Oxford, which is a late maturing variety more suited to higher rainfall areas, also yielded well. The site received lower rainfall than other parts of the region but was still above average. From these six varieties, its then about choosing a variety or varieties based on attributes that will fit your farming system. For 2015, it is important that farmers thinking of sowing spring barley familiarise themselves with the changes to CAP and the introduction of the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and greening rules. This also carried through to maturity. Pests, weeds and diseases were controlled to best management practice. E. M. Potterton, T. McCabe, The effect of sowing date and nitrogen rate on the grain yield, grain quality and malt analyses of spring malting barley for distilling in Ireland, The Journal of Agricultural Science, 10.1017/S002185961800059X, 156, 4, (515-527), (2018). Barley is highly sensitive to acidity. In terms of when to sow a variety, previous research has shown that sowing earlier usually results in a yield benefit. Mallee growers, in particular, might be considering the value of replacing Scope CL with the new Spartacus CL. However, the soil was very hard and cloddy at sowing, possibly restricting seed to soil contact, and plant establishment numbers were slightly lower than expected. spring barley crops grown and frequently monitored at sites in Cork, Carlow and Wexford over three growing seasons from 2011 to 2013. Before then, conditions did not favour the rapid spread of mildew. When sown late, Compass achieved an 0.8t/ha yield advantage, equating to an additional $112t/ha (using Feed 1 price at Dooen of $139.50 from 1 December 2016). When looking at their five year average, yield performance is much lower for these varieties. Required fields are marked *. Search for more papers by this author. The value of a sound crop protection program. In terms of looking at an optimum drilling date, we should be looking at mid-March and into good seed beds; leaving us some time to achieve this work. An open invitation to the industry, It's that time of year again - SOYL Winter Workshops, Spring barley has great flexibility around drilling date, Make use of the time you have to achieve a good seed bed, Make every effort to improve and preserve soil health as much as possible ahead of drilling, Utilise the time you have to hit black-grass hard this spring. The highest yielding varieties at both sowing times were Rosalind and Fathom. Selection of the actual date should allow for soil fertility and the risk of frost damage in particular paddocks. Although all reasonable care has been taken in producing the reports The trial at Manangatang was dry sown into a pea stubble and emerged well. The laws of physics or the rules of nature? Fathom, Spartacus CL and Rosalind have performed consistently well at most sites in 2016. Note: Rosalind and Spartacus have only been in NVT trials for three years. The longer you delay your spring barley drilling date, the greater the opportunity you have to control black-grass with a total herbicide. This was also a result of the plant reaching maturity very quickly and secondary tillers forming, meaning crops were more exposed to weather (delayed harvest). From mid‐June, infected barley … Lodging, due to heavy, bulky crops and significant rainfall during the grain filling period was an issue particularly in Compass, Commander and Scope CL. Applying lime and correcting soil pH to 6.5 is an essential and often forgotten duty when establishing a spring barley crop. In this year’s barley time of sowing trial Fathom and Spartacus CL, which are both early maturing varieties, obtained a significant yield benefit when sown earlier. Compass performed poorly when sown early, with substantial lodging and head loss. Further information on head loss and lodging susceptibility, and harvest risks in varieties, can be found in the ‘Delayed harvest of barley’ article page 49. If Spartacus CL achieves malt accreditation (possible date 2018) these differences would increase. In terms of grain quality there were no differences in protein, screenings or retention; all varieties were within malt specifications. FragmentaAgronomica . Conversely, Compass suffered significant yield loss when sown early. Barley time of sowing and depth Key findings LaTrobe, GrangeR, and Skipper had reduced emergence from deeper sowing under both dry and wet sowing conditions. An overview of the six top yielding varieties and ratings for yield, delayed harvest, weed competition and disease (general disease rating). The below photo was taken at our Staunton in the Vale site and shows just how much control we achieved on spring wheat drilled in March compared to October-drilled winter wheat. The potential yield will gradually decline and harvesting will be later if sowing is later than this. The easiest win following spring barley is winter barley – the volunteers unless really thick are not really an issue and there is plenty of time to get the land cultivated and the winter barley established for the end of September. Figure 2. The trial at Nhill was sown into moist soil and emerged well achieving just under the target plant density of 140 plants/m2. These issues, and the above average rainfall in spring, led to the deterioration of crops (lodging and brackling) and discolouration of the grain which pushed barley outside of malt specifications. Plan ahead for best results. This has resulted in the variety results being a bit inconsistent in terms of rankings (compared to recent years). Retention and screenings were within malt thresholds for all varieties. More detailed information can be found in Appendix 4 on page 220. “Unlike spring barley, you don’t need to wait for the ground to warm-up for wheat,” he added. Spring barley is typically sown from December until late April, with the germination rate dependent on moisture and soil temperature. When looking at sowing time in the Wimmera, an increase in gross income could be achieved when altering the sowing date for some varieties. However, significant rainfall fell in the week following planting. GUIDELINES FOR INTERPRETING SOIL TEST RESULTS, GRDC Hands On Precision Agriculture Training – St Arnaud, GRDC Hands On Precision Agriculture Training – Longerenong, GRDC Hands On Precision Agriculture Training – Manangatang. drilling date, we should be looking at mid-March and into good seed beds; leaving us some time to achieve this work. Drilling date is vital in getting spring barley off to the best possible start and has a major influence on final yield. For the vast majority of growers, spring germinating black-grass will almost certainly have been in secondary dormancy and held in the soil profile. Morphological and qualitative characters and yield of spring barley depending on cultivar properties and sowing date. within, the authors do not warrant that the content is free from errors or omissions. However, from a quality perspective, we did see the shortest straw, the highest grain nitrogen and the highest specific weight in the April-drilled crops. I"m tempted with dry weather but a bit wary that soil temps might be too low. ... influenced by sowing date. Replicated trials were established at Nhill, Warmur, Manangatang (NVT), Ultima (NVT) and Kalkee. Whilst sowing ideally should take place before mid-march, wait until conditions are right for cultivation. Wheat, barley, and oat were sown at 120, 200, and 280 seeds/m2 (about 44, 72 and 100 lbs/A) in a split plot design with NT and CT as main plots and sowing rate x cereal species combinations as subplots. One of the poorer performers this year was Compass (particularly in the Mallee). So how have your crops yielded this year? Join Date: Jun 2009. This pushed all malt varieties out of specification. However, if Scope CL only made feed grade, an increase of $67t/ha could be achieved when growing Spartacus CL at Birchip and $58t/ha at Manangatang. While completely correct, the spring covers a fairly significant period in the first quarter of the year and within that time frame, depending on when you decide to take action, you can experience some very different outcomes. This research was funded by the GRDC as part of the Barley agronomy for the Southern Region project (DAN00173). Products may be identified by The effect of sowing date and nitrogen rate on the grain yield, grain quality and malt analyses of spring malting barley for distilling in Ireland - Volume 156 Issue 4 - E. M. Potterton, T. McCabe The standard seed rate of 350 seeds/m² appears to be the ideal seed rate for many of the spring barley varieties when good seedbeds and growing conditions are conducive to quick plant emergence, states Ron Granger, Limagrain UK’s arable technical manager. Phone: (03) 5492 2787 This table is a guide only and has been compiled from observations of the breeder and local departmental A series of trials was conducted under dryland conditions, in a Mediterranean-type climate, in order to study the main effects and interactions of sowing date and depth, seed rate and row spacing of wheat and barley. characteristics (Table 3). All other varieties did not differ in their performance as a result of sowing time. April was labelled the latest drilling date in 2018 – even more so when you consider that the country experienced drought and a significant heatwave that lasted from mid-April to mid-September in that year. potential yield (Table 1). The Warmur barley variety trial was sown just after rain and received a follow up rain after sowing. In 2016 there were a lot of earlier sown crops that, due to excellent growing conditions, produced substantial biomass resulting in severe lodging during the grain filling period and at maturity. The photo on the left, taken on the 18th April, illustrates the difference in emergence between the March and April drilling date. When heavy rains and wind occurred in spring, significant lodging occurred in susceptible varieties during flowering and at maturity. The variety didn’t appear to favour or capitalise on the above average rainfall and soft finish to the season like other varieties did. In terms of grain quality, test weight was very low for all varieties. Spartacus CL, La Trobe and Hindmarsh had high test weights (within malt specifications). Common problems were dark tipping and ‘bin burn’ which was discolouration that occurred in the paddock due to weather conditions. The February-drilled crop had the longest straw, the lowest grain nitrogen and experienced the most brackling. Effect of sowing time, cutting management and phosphorus levels on fodder and grain yield of oats. There was also lodging in Commander and Maritime. Until sowing, repeatedly check the homogeneity of the mixture, and for seeders with two or more tanks, apply the seeds of the mixture partners separately. Again, it is important to consider the long-term performance of a variety over a number of years and seasonal finishes, and not to throw a variety out on the back of an exceptionally rare year. Unfortunately, it is impossible to think about spring barley drilling dates without considering black-grass and what the implications are based on timings.​, Managing the threat of black-grass this spring. Later sowing of these varieties, reduced the extent of lodging. propriety or trade names to help readers identify them, however, this is not an endorsement or recommendation of any product or manufacturer referred to. 10 Table 1: Barley time of sowing guide. Protein dropped away in some varieties, but for commonly grown malt/food varieties in the region – Scope CL, Hindmarsh, La Trobe – were above nine per cent. For seeders with only a single tank, mix the seeds well at the ratio of 80% peas and 40% barley (relating to the standard sowing quantities of both crops) before filling the seeder. Spartacus CL and Fathom were slightly lower yielding than expected (below the site mean). Conversely, Spartacus CL made an additional $62 when sown early. Tips for winter barley in late autumn: Keep calm and don't panic, but adjust crop management to reflect lost growth . The Wimmera NVT long-term data is in line with the Mallee data, showing Spartacus CL and Compass yielding exceptionally well over a five year period (note: only three years of data for Spartacus CL). The effect of sowing date and plant density on barley. Sowing at 20 cm, instead of at a 5-cm depth, reduced plant establishment and grain yield by 76 and 62% respectively for barley, and 71 and 39% for wheat. Spot form of net blotch was quite evident at the site and was managed accordingly so as not to affect overall yield. Sowing date, sowing depth, seed rate and row spacing of wheat and barley under dryland conditions. This is why the benchmark spring population is higher at 305plants/m2 for Barley In order to achieve the optimum plant population in spring the seed rate at sowing has to be adjusted in order to take into account changes in expected establishment. Delaying the date of sowing of spring‐sown barley in 1953 and wheat in 1954 from February to April increased the incidence of powdery mildew, Erysiphe graminis DC., from May onwards. Figure 2 compares the 2016 average of all Mallee sites (as a percentage of the site mean) with a long-term (five years) average of each variety. Assessments included, establishment counts/scores, NDVI (measure of canopy greenness) and grain yield and quality parameters. Prior to harvest, minor head loss was also an issue but was fairly consistent across all varieties and there was no lodging among varieties. Factors other than tillage method (i.e., drill, sowing date, fertilizer rate, sowing depth) were held constant. Identifying the optimum sowing time for particular varieties can help growers plan management strategies that will allow their barley to reach its full potential. For late-sown crops, plant Important updates and advice regarding coronavirus (Covid-19), Spring barley drilling dates and yield performance, The initial yield results were interesting, with no significant difference in performance for both 2017 and 2018. Fathom, Scope CL and Spartacus CL all yielded significantly higher when sown earlier, whereas Compass favoured a later time of sowing with a 0.8t/ha yield benefit (Table 2). With that in mind, it's important to really dissect the spring drilling window to get a better understanding of the potential results we're dealing with. This stage can be broken by some kind of 'significant event' such as flooding or where land has been held at field capacity for several weeks (does that ring any bells this year?) Earlier drilling through late February and up to mid-March has been shown to boost yield potential compared to sowings in mid-March to early April (see Chart 1). This paper will review variety performance alone, however using this information in conjunction with a variety’s whole agronomic package will ensure optimum outcomes for barley growers. When and how spring barley tillers Under typical cultural conditions for spring barley, tillers emerge during about a two-week span with the total number formed depending on the variety and environmental conditions (Figure 8). Expected Establishment is affected by a number of factors: Sowing date Retention and protein were within malt specifications for all varieties. Assuming Scope CL achieved malt, there really is no difference between gross income of the two varieties. Table 2. Readers are responsible for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the contents of this website. Spring barley is an important food, feed and technical grain crop. Westminster, Oxford, GrangeR). Following spring barley with wheat is okay and will be necessary to correct many rotations for harvest 2021. The excellent growing season in 2016 delivered some excellent yield results but also created some challenges. It is very likely there will be a great deal of barley in the market place this autumn, so make every effort to ensure your crop has good plant counts, excellent spring vigour and is of high quality. A question most growers would be asking is why did Compass perform so poorly? Rosalind, Compass, Hindmarsh, La Trobe, Spartacus CL and Fathom are still the most consistent performing varieties long-term in the Wimmera and the Mallee. This was quite remarkable given that 20. The two times of sowing treatments (18 May and 20 June) were sown into a moist seed bed with the later time of sowing receiving adequate follow up rain. Figure 3. Time of sowing (TOS) is another factor that can influence yield. Table 4. Nitrogen applications for spring barley in England can normally be 50% applied at growth stage 11 and the remaining 50% applied 10 to 14 days later. to 5°C for spring barley and 8°C for maize, whereas the total number of heat units needed to bring plant to maturity (PHU_PLT) was set to 1 230 for spring barley and 1 200 for maize. Believe it or not there is a wheat crop in the left side, sitting under 1,000 black-grass heads/m2. Note: Rosalind and Spartacus have only been in NVT trials for three years. Mallee NVT barley grain yield (% of site mean) comparing 2016 to long-term averages (2012-2016) of 18 varieties at Manangatang, Rainbow, Murrayville, Birchip, Hopetoun, Ultima and Walpeup. For the purpose of this article, malt and feed grades have been determined based purely on Thesis , CCS ,HAU,Hisar . Information on this website is not a scientific journal and has been prepared solely as a means of disseminating information to the members of BCG and the community. The exceptional year saw a range of varieties with different maturities topping the yields across the multiple Mallee NVT sites. the most likely answer would be, "In the spring". Secondary tillers were prevalent late in the season, so the trial was desiccated before harvest to bring it in evenly. The development of secondary tillers also created issues, preventing barley from being harvested at optimum maturity. 10-03-13, 11:04 AM #2 ... have seen people sowing end of may/june last year 11-03-13, 10:21 AM #5. All other varieties were below 65kg/hl. It has shown though, how well some longer season varieties can yield in a higher rainfall year with a soft finish. CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME I THE BIG TEN I BOARD, STAFF AND COMMITTEE I THE YEAR THAT WAS I 2016 RESEARCH SITES I SITE DESCRIPTIONS I BCG RESEARCH METHODOLOGY I GUIDELINES FOR INTERPRETING SOIL TEST RESULTS I GRAIN PRICES I PRODUCTION COSTS I ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS I WHEAT VARIETY SPECIFICATIONS I NVT WHEAT YIELD RESULTS I BARLEY VARIETY SPECIFICATIONS I NVT BARLEY YIELD RESULTS I CANOLA VARIETY SPECIFICATIONS I NVT CANOLA YIELD RESULTS I NVT PULSE YIELD RESULTS I CEREAL GROWTH STAGE CHART, Your email address will not be published. Longer season varieties yielded higher than their long-term average in 2016 (eg. Deep seeding and high seeding rates … Gross income for Spartacus CL and Scope CL using NVT long-term average yield (t/ha) and Birchip and Manangatang grain prices from 1 December 2016. On high-clay soils, spring barley establishment can vary from 55% for Both sowing times however, were within malt thresholds. To compare the performance of new and existing barley varieties and the influence of sowing time on crop performance. The highest yielding variety was Rosalind which yielded significantly higher than Hindmarsh, Compass and La Trobe which were also above the site mean average (Table 1). cost or expense incurred from relying on the information within. In the heat unit method, the exact date of operation occurrence is varied from year to year, depending on the thermal conditions. E. M. Potterton, T. McCabe, The effect of sowing date and nitrogen rate on the grain yield, grain quality and malt analyses of spring malting barley for distilling in Ireland, The Journal of Agricultural Science, 10.1017/S002185961800059X, 156, 4, (515-527), (2018). Test weight was low in Commander and Compass, while protein was low (below malt grade) for malt varieties La Trobe, Scope CL and Commander. Barley yields (t/ha) at Kalkee when sown early (TOS1) and late (TOS2). Variety yield data (t/ha) and percentage (%) of site mean for Manangatang, Warmur, Ultima and Nhill. Will it have a high disease carry over? Chapter 5 The effect of plant density and sowing date on spring barley ..... 72 5.1 Introduction . To find out more about the cookies we use and how to delete them, see our Cookie Policy. Victorian Winter Crop Summary 2016, Agriculture Victoria. Generally, Fathom, Rosalind, Spartacus CL and Oxford performed well across most of the sites. It yielded 0.8t/ha better when. Both the early and later sown plots emerged well and were even across varieties. Content on this website has been prepared in good faith on the basis of information available at the date of publication. When sown later, it was one of the top performers with little to no lodging observed. To avoid penalising early varieties, the trial was not desiccated until all varieties had reached maturity and consequently, small grains from the secondary tillers (not fully formed) were evident in the sample causing the test weight to be lower and the screenings slightly higher (most varieties still below seven per cent). ​​David RobinsonHead of Innovation Knowledge Exchange, © COPYRIGHT FRONTIER AGRICULTURE LTD 2021. Emergence was even across the trial and throughout the season, and lodging was not an issue. Head loss counts were undertaken to gauge the level of head loss amongst varieties, in particular Compass and Scope CL (Figure 1). Unlimited nitrogen would have been beneficial, allowing the crop to reach its full yield potential. Plant Breeding Institute, Trumpington, Cambridge. The results have shown very distinct differences in growth habit, as can be seen in the below photos. Rosalind, Compass, Hindmarsh, La Trobe, Spartacus CL and Fathom are still the most consistent performing varieties over a five year average (Note: there is only three years of data available for Spartacus CL and Rosalind). Keeping in mind that this is one year of data in an above average season for most regions, it is extremely important to look at the long-term variety performance. In this instance, grain discolouration has been disregarded. Save my name, and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Sowing Date For maximum yield, winter varieties should be sown from the end of September to early November. ​If you were able to drill spring barley in February in good conditions, that is fine. If you were to ask an agronomist the question, "When should I drill my spring barley?" Another risk comes from purely chasing yield.
spring barley sowing date 2021