small pleco with betta

There are many types of Platies on the market. When kept in sufficient numbers they shoal together, creating a dramatic visual effect. They have dramatic striped and patterned shells and grow from ½ to 2-inches in diameter. Since they like to shoal they are best kept in groups of at least 6, and more might be better to reduce aggression between them. Rasboras aren’t known for nipping. If you’d just like to add a couple of invertebrates to spice up your small set-up, then you may be able to stick with your existing tank, heater and filter. I don’t recommend keeping bettas in anything under 5-gallons, and for community tanks, bigger is definitely better! They prefer to be in groups of 5 to 7 and usually get on well with female bettas. I just got the pleco about two weeks ago and I thought everything was going fine. cave. They’re the … 10 Small Pleco Species That Also STAY That Way. Last, is the pit-bull pleco. However, bettas are very picky about their tank mates. A younger pleco may fit in your 25-gallon or 50-gallon betta sorority for a while. He is abt 3 1/2" now. You can keep one rubber lip pleco in a 20-gallon tank and move them into a larger container once they grow bigger. If your tank is overly small, plecos and betta are more prone to fight and get aggressive. Both bettas and plecos will not do well in dirty and stagnant water. Popular varieties include the Pygmy, Panda, and Albino Cory. There’s never any guarantee that things will work out between a betta and other community species, and sometimes things go sour without warning. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Species with similar care requirements to bettas. During my research for this list, I made sure to only cherry-pick plecos that grow no more than 4.5 inches, with the smallest one reaching just 2 inches. Learn how your comment data is processed. Your email address will not be published. May be golden/yellow, purple, blue, black, white, or albino colored. vor 1 Jahrzehnt. Since female bettas are less aggressive and territorial than males, you’ll have more options when picking their tank mates. They like to have plenty of room to swim and school together and are best kept in groups of 10 or more. These fish can reach 2.5-inches in length and are known for their bright red snouts and black tail markings. So how do you pick the best betta tank mates for your aquarium? Depending on the species you choose, they may range from 1 to 3.5-inches in length when fully grown. The Clown Pleco is a popular small pleco. If you get young shrimp that are only ½-inch long your betta could end up eating them. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. They are rather shy and prefer to hide around the plants and debris in the bottom of your tank. If you want to keep a pit-bull pleco, make sure you have at least a 20-gallon tank. Aquarium crevettes abri crevettes habitat crabe grotte de poisson rouge cachant fry race grotte cichlide poisson maison aquarium céramique grotte de crevettes cacher ♥ ♥ ♥ fait à la main avec amour dans le Michigan ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ La décoration d’aquarium construite à la main est la cachette parfaite ou Second, bettas have long fins and are often the victims of fish that like to nip. The biggest risk in adding companions to a small tank is you may overwhelm your filtration system. Since they will defend their territory, they are best kept as the only pleco in your 25-gallon or bigger tank and shouldn’t be kept with many other bottom dwellers. If you plan on keeping multiple clown plecos in the same aquarium you’ll need to increase this. NEW FISH EVERY WEEK! Your betta might pick on other fish if they don’t have enough room. First, bettas have been known to show extreme aggression to the point of killing other fish. The Robinson R22 Beta II is a two place, light utility helicopter with responsive handling and quick maneuverability. They grow to about 2 inches long and have a very slender body. While bettas are usually happy to have a tank to themselves, it’s more fun to build community aquariums. Should you opt for some tetras or choose a couple of snails instead? You could keep a betta and a pleco together, but check the size that the pleco will grow too. With a little planning, though, you can make it work! This can be a challenge when you have bettas, as these fish are territorial and don’t like to share space with other species. They grow to be around 4” in length and will have no problem cohabitating with a Betta because they keep to themselves. If you breed your Betta in a smaller tank, your Betta is more likely to feel threatened or afraid, no matter how compatible they might seem with their ‘tank mates’. Bristlenose Pleco for sale In general, bettas don’t do well with other bettas or other fish that look like bettas. They often climb out of the water and hang out at the top of your aquarium, so a secure hood or lid is essential. "stingray Pleco" And Little Rhom Lurking In The Background. A popular and colorful option for a community tank, the blue tetra poses problems for betta tanks. They are similar in activity to the neon and other schooling tetras, however, and usually do best in the same type of aquarium set-up. So now I am down to one female Betta. They will take advantage of any of the crevices in your decor, often to funny effect. Your betta and pleco will be happiest together in a large aquarium. You’ll need at least a 10-gallon tank to keep a single betta and a few other community fish and a minimum of 25-gallons for a group of female bettas. Mollies are actually multiple species of closely-related livebearing fish native to streams in South America. This is an ideal option for bigger tanks where you could keep a group of 30 to 50 and enjoy the impressive effect when they school together! Jun 15, 2015 - Explore Aquahome Aquatics Centre's board "Pleco Fish", followed by 158 people on Pinterest. The only fish thats suitable for your tank is guppies or a betta. There are small care differences that can be crucial to the success of your betta and pleco tank. These coin-shaped tetras have a fluorescent red spot over their eye, which gives them their name. Their bodies may be clear to a pale silver or gold color. If you have a problem with your nerite snails taking over your tank, get a few assassins. Even with the best of preparation, ultimately, the new tank mates may not get along and one or the other will have to be rehomed or returned to the pet store if things go sour. Known as the “jewel of the aquarium trade,” neon tetras are incredibly popular companions for community tanks. Bristlenose Pleco. Just like their name suggests, the betta fish is prone to fighting, thus, they are very dominant and might often be involved in sparring with other species. They can be a bit territorial among themselves, and are best kept in bigger tanks where you have room for a group of 5 or more. As long as they have some plants to hide in, you can keep up to 3 female fancy guppies in a small tank with your betta. Most loaches are relatively peaceful and are hardy. An excellent option for larger male betta set-ups, this species grows to almost 2.5-inches in length and is a powerful schooling swimmer. The recommended tank size for clown plecos is 20 gallons at minimum. Can I have a small (2" long) pleco in the same tank as my betta? This makes it a good option if you are upgrading your starter tank to a mid size aquarium. You’ll likely have room for one or perhaps two companions at most, however. The Clown Peckoltia is a beautiful small pleco. The main thing here is tank size. You’ll constantly see your shrimp cleaning the foliage and substrate in your tank. While they tend to be shy, they are social among themselves and are best kept in groups of three. 1,053 1.1K. But after seeing the other dwarf frog attack the betta I can't imagine him doing this much damage. 12"-18" for the common species, so you will need a big and well filtered tank. The store never told me he would get big, I even asked! Long-style tanks are best, since this gives each betta room at the surface without having to squabble over space. These peaceful algae eaters prefer tanks with a lot of plants and places to hide, but one or two should work in a small betta set-up. The celestial danio prefers densely planted tanks with plenty of room to school. Cory catfish are best kept in groups of 6 or more and most will grow to a full size between 2 and 3 inches long. I was thinking like maybe 4 inches long but it looks like he might get 6 inches. Has anyone had any issues keeping a small pleco with a betta? They can also be sensitive to water parameters, so make sure you tank is fully established and stable before adding them to your aquarium. They also come in several different variations, all of which range in colors from tan, brown, and black. Although you’ll have to supplement their diet with spirulina or other veggie-based fish foods, you should only keep a single pleco in a small tank. When kept in a group of 7 to 10, however, they’ll usually leave the betta sorority alone. The biggest challenge in deciding on companions for your betta in a tank that’s 10 gallons or less in size is you don’t have a lot of room to work with. The betta was a full grown male betta with a large tail now he almost has nothing. A coin-shaped fish with a pale to bright orange-red colored body, the fire rasbora may grow up to 2-inches in length. So the question becomes what fish can live with bettas? They enjoy shoaling together and are particularly dramatic in large groups. Another reason that they are popular is the long lifespan that they have. A common pleco can grow to be around 2 feet in length, longer than your aquarium (which is 20" long). Goldfish prefer cool water, the pleco and betta warm. They are more challenging to keep than other tetras. These small ½ to 1-inch long fish are related to the ancestors of the fancy guppy and directly descended from wild South American stock. The size of your tank matters, but how you arrange your decor and equipment is key to minimizing aggression between your betta fish and their companions. So you could potentially add three to five smaller tetras to your betta aquarium. Expect to pay $8 or so each. The Bristlenose pleco has an average size of 3-5 inches, and it is coveted since it keeps algal growth to a minimum. They usually get along with bettas in bigger tanks, however. These ones are mainly carnivorous like the Zebra Pleco. The reason for that is because they are great fish to watch while also being widely available and quite cheap. Most of us start by keeping betta fish on their own, but as the aquarium bug catches on, you may find yourself dreaming about setting up a community aquarium. Some hobbyists have some success keeping a Betta in a community but they are best kept alone. They tend to swim in the middle layer of the tank while bettas will swim closer to the top. There’s really no mistaking cory catfish for a betta. Prefer brackish (slightly salty), saltwater, or aquariums with a high water pH. They prefer very clean water and tanks with lots of plants and hiding places. This is probably the most common smaller pleco out there. Male fish are brighter than the females but both genders make great options for bigger aquarium communities. While I can’t sum up the entire list of 57 species in a sentence, they are all appropriate options for betta community tanks if you take the right precautions. However, even the smallest ones require at least a 30 gallon aquarium, preferably larger. 11 Antworten. Rasboras come in several different varieties. The most popular freshwater shrimp in the aquarium trade, adult cherry shrimp grow to a maximum size of 1.5-inches. If you keep a group of 3 to 5 with your male betta he won’t be able to easily pick on one loach. While both genders are territorial, male betta fish will really defend their space vigorously. They are pink with a black triangle on their body and grow to about 2 inches long. Jen has more than 30 years experience as a biologist, aquarist, and fishkeeper. Small ½ to 2-inch long freshwater shrimp with a clear carapace you can see straight through! You can keep them in small groups of 5 or in larger, more dramatic groups of 10 or more. These fish are the omnivoros giants of the aquarium world! I have a 2.5 gallon tank (Betta tank with submersible filter) and I want some kind of pleco/sucker that will deal with all the algae but all of the ones I know of grow to 2 inches which is too big for my little tank. I had a common pleco for over 5 years in my 55-gallon community tank. How to Start the Nitrogen Cycle in your Tank. 81% Upvoted. The dwarf frog I could see potentially doing it. Their bright red color really helps them stand out in your tank and they resemble miniature crayfish. If your pleco is the common variety, then you need to have it in a 20 gallon (minimum). tank. Otos are small schooling catfish that grow to a maximum of 4-inches long but are usually smaller. Peaceful betta friendly fish that are a similar size (2.5 to 5 inches in length) and that have short fins and tails. When I added him, I took my betta out so that he would have time to get used to his new home before adding a predator. Are aggressive or semi-aggressive rather than peaceful community species. I just recently set up a 10 gal. These shimmering fish look like a school of diamonds swimming together. They can live together, but 10 gal is really a bit small for any of the pleco species. While they might be a bit too brightly colored to keep with male bettas, they often do well in betta sororities. They won’t bother other fish or fry. If they are kept as a single fish, they become uncomfortable and some nipping behavior can start to show itself. Of the Dwarf Plecos, the most common are the Bristlenose Pleco (gets to 6 inches) the Rubbernose Pleco (5 inches) and the Clown Pleco (4 inches). Powered by a Lycoming O-360 four-cylinder engine, the R22’s proven reliability, low maintenance, and low operating costs make it ideal for a variety of applications. As you know, they’re called Siamese Fighting Fish for a reason! Rules of thumb to follow when searching for companions for your male betta: Fish that scavenge on the bottom of your tank or hang out on the sides are usually good options as companions for a male betta. Are much smaller than your betta, unless you have a large tank with room for them to school or shoal. They are completely aquatic and grow to a maximum length of 2.5 inches. They are relatively cheap and fun to keep in your tank. Ian The 10 best tank mates for bettas . Pitbull Pleco And Betta. It is shorter and fatter when compared to the common pleco, and its flat body is lined with bony plates for protection. These fish have prominent yellow to orange stripes and grow to a maximum of 5-inches. The wild-type fish has patterned brown scales but captive-bred varieties may come in a range of colors from a pale orange to albino. Another favorite of mine, the green neon is an especially good option for housing with male bettas. Some of these species are more active at night too, so your betta won’t be bothered by their activity. I believe they grow to only about 4 inches. Loaches are another bottom dweller that do well with bettas. These eating machines will do a great job at preventing algae from taking over your tank! In large tanks over 50-gallons, you can also use filters and bubble stones to generate water currents for groups of schooling and shoaling tetras, rasboras, and minnows. You’ll have to pay close attention to your water quality and be diligent about your routine maintenance if you want to keep your tank healthy. It’s best to go with species that either stay near the bottom and hide a lot of time or those that are active at night when your betta is resting. Most plecos found in pet stores fall under the classification of a common pleco. The key to having a peaceful tank is choosing the right companions based on the size and layout of your tank and adding them in the right numbers. These small fish grow to a maximum of 1-inch and have a metallic blue stripe running the length of their bodies. Use rocks, sticks, plants and other decorations to create distinct areas and hiding spots in your tank. One of the few non-aggressive species of barb, these shy fish get their name from their bright red color. These attractive schooling and shoaling species work well in large tanks and aren’t flashy enough that your male will think of them as rivals. After one week I have noticed that the Betta is blowing bubbles (yay), however, the water is getting cloudy. Rasboras are a hardy fish and are very peaceful with nearly all other tank mates. Clown Pleco; Panda Cory; Pygmy Cory; Shoaling and fast swimming species are also a good choice for the tank. Well I had small tank with my two female Betta's in it, then I bought 1 gallon tank and put them in there. My golden Bristlenose Pleco in the background. Next page . Here’s a list and description of the best species to house with bettas. 3.9 out of 5 stars 219. Yea id have to agree the smallest pleco i know i believe gets 3" and is a L046, it is also a carnivore and needs a larger tank. Closely related to Mollies and Swordtails, platys are a peaceful livebearing fish that come in a wide range of colors and scale patterns. This variety of nerite snail has a shell patterned like a zebra. They are vulnerable to being nipped at by other fish and males may attack their tankmates as well. In the end I guess it really doesn't matter who did it. Or shrimps and snails. Otos are a little skittish and prefer the company of a few other oto catfish. Can Harlequin Rasboras Live with Betta Fish? Otocinclus Catfish (or oto catfish) are a very small algae eating fish that will keep to themselves. You may be able to keep up to three pygmy corys in a small betta set-up. These easy-going fish are a great option for novice fish keepers and usually make good companions for bettas if you choose short-finned varieties. If your betta is particularly aggressive you can even add a Plecostomus without too much worry. They also need plenty of hiding places in your tank. While they can swim upright, they often prefer to stay inverted. These fish are the omnivoros giants of the aquarium world! They are super active now. You’d probably want to avoid adding more than 2 or 3 shrimp to a small betta tank. 5-Gallon Betta Tank on Amazon. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to He's been that size for about 7 months, so I don't think size will be an issue, especially sice I currently have 1 inch of fish in a 10 gallon! The smallest aquarium pleco available grows to a minimum length of 8 inches. These showy catfish do well in planted tanks 25-gallons and up but are too big for smaller set-ups. They grow to a maximum length of 2-inches and are best kept in groups of 10 or more. Some plecos might even need forty-five gallons and up. My betta hasn't acted agressive towards the other fish and i've had them all together for months. Even so, it doesn’t matter which type you get. They can grow up to 1.5-inches in length and have a bright red body with black markings on their bodies and fins. The common pleco is a bad addition to that aquarium, for a few reasons. The general rule of thumb for aquariums is to allow a minimum of 1 gallon of water for every inch of fish in the tank. They’re mellow and feed on algae and debris in your tank. Choose fish that hang out in the bottom parts of your tank, or create areas in a larger tank (20 gallons and up) that your betta won’t like and will naturally avoid. I'm worried that he might try to go after him again. 7 comments . Another tetra that makes a dramatic appearance in large groups, the rummy nose is ideal for sorority tanks.
small pleco with betta 2021