international travel quiz

Since 1984 it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Putting countries and sights on a map and finding the correct capitals, languages and flags of a country – love it! Content © - Please do not republish our articles. Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links meaning we might get a commission at no cost to you if you click on our links and make a purchase. From the smallest countries in Africa, to the weirdest flags of the world – the travel quiz is on! Iguazu Falls is located on the border between Argentina and Brazil. Turkey is the only country in this list which isn’t landlocked. Have you been to many places around the world and acquired a lot of worldly knowledge? Although many people think this landmark is called Big Ben, actually that is just the name of the bell inside the tower. They were such named after the nearby Spanish Embassy and have been in the city since 1723. There are 138 steps which lead up to the Trinità dei Monti church located at the top. This is the Treasury in Petra, Jordan. Obsessed with travel? The only pity is that you do not get any further information about the correct answers but as there is no clock ticking, you can simply search Google for more information. Taj Mahal, India Travel quiz It shows you the Google Street view and you have to make your guess where in the world this is. The Best Jobs For Traveling Around The World Jobs that require international travel will help fund your travels, feed your excitement, keep … Table of Contents 1. Ashford International (note: the London terminus is St Pancras International) Thank you for printing these travel questions. Can you guess the correct place based on what the photo shows you? International travel may require prophylactic medicines and vaccines. You have to choose the flags of different countries, and put their capital on the map. Read more about. The majority of its inhabitants are located in the more southern provinces near the Canada/USA border. Christ the Redeemer, Brazil 5. The park is an impressive 300 km2 and contains 16 lakes which have been divided into upper and lower lakes. 776 different Travel Quizzes on Please do not forget to come back to for more great quiz questions and answers. Well, it is even harder than we thought! While your next trip is on hold, CNN Travel's experts have been compiling a challenging travel quiz. Can you name their capital cities? At first it is not that simple, but once your ears adjust to the sounds it becomes easier every time you try it! Here you are asked to guess the world’s most obscure capital cities. by downfall Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . This game is super fun. If you spot a mistake please let us know. You can unsubscribe whenever you find our exclusive discounts and insider tips useless. Seen above is the Whitehaven Beach which is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. You are asked to find answers to 15 questions like “What was the Peruvian city of Cusco’s street plan designed to“. Feel free to retake this quiz after you've enjoyed your travel. If you would like to improve your knowledge about European, South American and African countries – or any other continent/region for that matter – the You Don’t Know is a real hit! Marriott International Travel Agent Quiz Marriott International, Inc. is based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, and encompasses a portfolio of more than 6,500 properties in 30 leading hotel brands spanning 127 countries and territories. The city makes for a great starting point when visiting the country to learn more about its history and culture before heading on to popular destinations such as Ha Long Bay, Sa Pa or Hoi an. . Here's your chance to prove it. Win free Scroll down for more… And in a nutshell there seem to be two reasons for traveling excessively: escaping or searching for something. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! You can challenge your globetrotting knowledge here. Try the hardest travel quiz by Rough Guides here. Play the travel quiz by The Guardian here. The others in this list include the Ostankino Television Tower at 540m, The Shard (seen above) at 310m and the Tokyo Skytree at 634m. The mountain is located between Nepal and China (Tibet) and is often tackled by adventure travellers and mountain climbers. Or how well do you know the flags of the world? Try this amazing Travel And Tour Quiz! If you want to take a free trip to Italy, the Caribbean, Canada, or other locations outside of the US, this is the place to start. Question 1 (out of 10): In 1999, this country was the top tourist destination in the world: Educate, entertain, and engage with Factmonster. Take our eight-question travel quiz to discover where you should go on your next vacation. Their capitals Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius are popular destinations for city breaks. There are also vegan/vegetarian versions with rice rather than mince. Geography and Travel quiz questions The Geography and Travel quiz questions from the Ultimate Summer Holiday Quiz, the giant free quiz from the Telegraph. This language quiz was developed by Quartz using audio clips from the Wikitongues project:  a global project that documents and preserves the diverse selection of languages around the world. As well as Amazon, Travel and Destinations also works with, Google Adsense and other partners. Queenstown is on the South Island. Golden Gate Bridge, USA 4. If you like a tipple on your travels, see how much 'knowledge' you've soaked up in our world booze quiz Published: 24 Oct 2014 Travel quiz: wine, beer and spirits of the world A Hostel-buddies game with Storytelling and European History, in Review: Easiest Way to Buy Tickets to Culture? It’s practically your duty to capture as much of it as possible!“, Pssst…a bit of an extra: Here are +29 songs for the perfect backpacker playlist. Click the button below to see how you did…. Thanks for your support. Thanks for playing. Content, facts and prices on this page are believed to be correct at time of writing. Win free international travel with these sweepstakes! Travel quiz: Picture round answers (Landmark = 1 point, capital city = 1 point) 1. The Whitsunday Islands are a stunning archipelago located near the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. In South Africa you’ll find more than 20 national parks with Kruger National Park being one of the most famous. It includes stuffed (or rolled) vine leaves and can contain mincemeat as well as various herbs and spices. These include cookies that allow our website to run properly. Update: Here is a new quiz app for Android to get capitals to the countries in this world right. Visa does charge a 1% fee on all foreign transactions, purchases, and ATM visits, but Betterment will reimburse you for all of these Try our fun “Around the World” travel quiz to see how many questions you can get. in this story: Quiz Travel quiz . Jane Richards For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. From the solar system to the world economy to educational games, Fact Monster has the info kids are seeking. Nothing else, just the street plans from a birds eye view. Marken Gjestehus in Bergen – Gateway to Fjords and Norway’s Nature, That Escalated Quickly – The Best Party Hostels in the World, Smartest Hostel Packing List in 2021 – 23 Clever Things to pack (+ Free download), 28 handpicked Boutique Hostels (you instantly want to sleep in! A. Mal Chenu For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Answer the questions to find out which volunteer destination is best suited to your budget, travel goals and the causes you care about. If you don't consent to this (using the toggle) then you won't see personalised ads. Wanna give it a try? You can use the button at the end to see which answers you got right and which you got wrong, as well as your overall score. Hostelgeeks is your gateway to the worlds finest hostels, the 5 Star Hostel. Then get ready for a tricky trivia quiz about facts from around the world. Europe Capitals Quiz … The official name is Elizabeth Tower. Jane Richards For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Sunset Destination Hostel in Lisbon – Swimming Pool and Bar on a Roof Top? Good Luck! Borders delineate the shapes of nations and the limits of their reach, culturally, militarily and in terms of natural resources. The options of how a good travel quiz can be set up is actually endless and over time we have come across many travel quizzes: some were really great, some not so much. Travel Mamas is here to solve your travel conundrum! At the end you will get a summary of how well you did. Travel-related vocabulary with example sentences and a follow-up quiz provides practice and context for understanding for English-language learners. Check out the travel Quiz ‘Where Are You’ here. Previous to this it was simply called the Clock Tower. We never send spam. Read about, Canberra is actually the capital of Australia. Get to the travel quiz Why Do you Love The World by BBC here, and find out why you might have constantly itchy feet. Now, after a few attempts, we are proud to say that we managed to identify Africa’s countries and all their correct locations. Also explore over 98 similar quizzes in this category. You can visit Hallstatt on a tour from Vienna or Salzburg, or get here yourself using public transport. You got it! Airport quizzes with quiz questions about Heathrow, LAX, Gatwick and IATA codes. Do you like to test your knowledge with a good travel quiz once in a while? World Capitals Quiz There are 196 nations on Earth. 43 What term is … It’s a wonderful city to visit and popular highlights include the Parliament of Canada, Rideau Canal and a whole host of fantastic museums. Travel quiz, December 4, 2020: In what year was smoking banned on all Australian international flights? We also use Google Analytics cookies (with IP anonymization) so as to understand our site traffic, ensure compatibility, find bugs and errors and improve user experience. We put the best hostels in the world under one roof so you can find them all with one click. Geografie-Quiz – testen Sie hier Ihr Erdkunde-Wissen! Share it with your friends. This one can be really, really hard! Travel Tips - Useful and Best Travel Tips, The Passenger Hostel in Porto – A New Level of Hosteling in Portugal and Europe. Learn more about the capital. These islands located near the Americas also includes Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius. I’ve only been there once and for way too short of a time. Border crossings have been flashpoints throughout history. Learn more about taking a, Bohemian Switzerland National Park is another destination that could easily be confused by its name. Travel Quiz – Around the World (25 Trivia Questions) – Play Online, Sign up for travel ideas and tips in your mailbox. If you want to take a free trip to Italy, the Caribbean, Canada, or other locations outside of the US, this is the place to start. Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy 3. You will get instant results, and can see if and how you improved – it’s our personal favourite! Trivia Questions! We share exclusive discounts to the best hostels in the world and even more exclusive content you won't find on the website. Cookies for basic non-personalised ads will be set for frequency capping, aggregated ad reporting, and to combat fraud and abuse, but not for personalisation. Test your knowledge of the planet with these questions and kindle your curiosity for more. We are Hostelgeeks, collecting amazing hostels all over the world. Mount Bromo is a volcano located in East Java, Indonesia. (Keep track of your answers as you go!) The country connects to various seas on its north, west and south coasts. For example, they may show you a photo of a Chinese statue, and it may be a China Town in some bigger city in the world, or, well, actually China. Travel quiz, July 5, 2019: What is the world's busiest international airline route? This travel game is also available for Asia, Australia, USA, and many more regions in the world! Read more about, The Burj Khalifa rises up to a height of 830m and is the tallest building in the world. Good Luck! Home » Blog » Quizzes » Travel Quiz – Around the World (25 Trivia Questions) – Play Online Travel Quiz – Around the World (25 Trivia Questions) – Play Online Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links meaning we might get a commission at no cost to you if you click on our links and make a purchase. Fancy another quiz? And you can use your Betterment debit card for international travel, as long as Visa is accepted. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand and is on the North Island along with Auckland. Travel 50 geography quiz questions for a travel themed pub quiz With more and more people organising pub quizzes to keep in touch with family and … This quiz has been designed by our team of Volunteer Travel Specialists who know our programs inside out. The Guardian put together this travel quiz which challenges you to identify these world cities from their street plans alone. Advertisements and Affiliate Link Disclosure. It’s part of several volcanoes within the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Take this quiz! This allows us to provide content to you and run the site. 51 Smart and Simple Travel Tips, 47 Best Travel Apps of 2021 – For better Deals, Tracking and even Souvenirs. Austria is located in central Europe and borders 8 countries. You thrive on finding the beauty around you, and showcasing it in stunning, unique ways. When you have selected your answer, you will also get a short, not too overwhelming explanation about the place. Try to not get too hungry testing your knowledge of international cuisine with this quick quiz. We love to see your photos! Once you’ve finished you’ll also find some more information about each place and question, allowing you to learn more. Travel quiz with questions and answers for your quizzes. Just scroll down the quiz and you will find the entire official list. You can play the flag travel quiz here and see how many flags of the world you can guess correctly! The International Travel sweepstakes list is full of chances for you to win trips overseas. According to this I’m supposed to be headed off to the wilds of Africa! Foto: Getty Images Menschen haben Spaß daran, ihr Wissen zu testen, und Weltenbummler wollen sich natürlich vor allem gern bei Quiz-Fragen aus den Bereichen Geografie und Reise beweisen. Grab a napkin and see how much you know about international tastes and treats. The travel-related words below are the most important terms to know when talking about travel or taking vacations.. Welcome to our Airport Quiz Airport Quiz II Which airport surpassed Heathrow in 2014 to become the busiest airport in the It now makes for a. After answering 25 fun & straightforward questions, we would help you pick your dream destination. Canada has 10 provinces as well as three territories stretching across the country. Awesome 30 questions on sightseeing, holiday destinations, famous places to visit, hotels, and other travel triva. When we took this travel test, they told us the following: “For you, the only thing better than seeing a jaw-dropping view is capturing it forever. When visiting various places in Croatia you can easily get here on day tours or using national buses. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are currently referred to as the Baltic States and are located along the Baltic Sea. We were specifically looking for a quiz that specializes in languages, and we happened across this travel quiz with languages by Quartz! Lot is the national airline of Poland and has connections to around 120 destinations. Authors We are keen to share with you our most favorite travel quiz (guess which one). Here are our 5 secret things to do in Skopje. The park is not located in Switzerland but in fact north Czech Republic. Pictures used are either created and owned by, are creative commons, provided by an author, or purchased via stock sites. How long before departure should you see your doctor? We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Go! However, if you did refer to it as Big Ben many people will likely know what you’re talking about. Resources We would love to hear from you as we know there must be great travel quizzes out there that we missed. 10 days C. 5 days D. 3 days 2. Travel Quiz – Around the World (25 Trivia Questions) – Play Online Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links meaning we might get a commission at no cost to you if you click on our links and make a purchase. Travel the world over and stop by impressive monuments, famous landmarks and hospitable places. You have to listen to different languages and then guess the correct one out of four possible choices. Super volcanos, sci-fi starscapes and plenty of booze trace a line … Try our travel quiz about famous landmarks in the world. They are an iconic photo spot and particularly majestic at sunrise or sunset. Goreme National Park is located in. Sounds hard, right?! Test your knowledge about the less-known countries and capitals here. Free Questions and Answers (For your Own Travel Quizzes), Discover some of the incredible places to visit in Canada, multi-destination trip to these Baltic States, Travel Quiz – Famous Landmarks and Attractions (Play Online), Travel Quiz – World Capitals (Play Online), Travel Quiz – Europe Capitals (Play Online), Advertisements and Affiliate Link Disclosure. Such as ensuring basic functionality, for our shop to work, as well as for security. Did you like this quiz? The travel quiz You Don’t Know challenges you to guess all of the African countries and place them at the correct spot on the map. Quiz: Can You Tell What Countries These International Border Crossings Are In? Take the quiz to help you narrow down your options and find the perfect program for you. The waterfall is majestic and beautiful and a must-see for anyone visiting this part of North America. Quiz: Where in the world should you study abroad? Quiz topic: Travel and destinations around the world I love the occasional challenge of travel related questions. Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam. When we first found this travel quiz we expected a lot and we were not disappointed! Unfortunately traveling can be cost prohibitive too – unless you find cool jobs that require international travel. In this article we skipped the un-cool and boring travel riddles and kept space for the – hopefully you’ll agree – super fun travel quizzes out there! This travel game is one of our favorites! I’d love to see more. Could you recognize them if you saw The design is kept simple and clean, making it easy to click through the different photos.
international travel quiz 2021