dark souls 2 spear build pve

The lack of adaptability makes the use of the shield really important. You need the DLC crown of the old iron king, and a helpful friend who will give you his Majestic greatsword as well. This build was made based on my own understanding of the game, stats, mechanics and whatever made sense at the time. ... like a silverblack spear for example. This build will take you through NG and NG+ and beyond. With a game that requires so much patience, it can be beneficial to use a powerful build to make the rage less frequent. As a build mid Armour is recommended but whatever your look is go with it, fashion souls baby! Starting Guide: 2 hand the mace and kill Dragonrider, then buy the lighting miracle at the top of the boss arena. Works well for PVE and surprisingly effective at PVP. It’s also massive, broad and has a tapered edge. Rings: Ring of Prayer (+5 FTH, 0.5 wt), Sun Seal (Increases Strength of Miracles by 5%, 0.2 wt), +2 Southern Ritual Band (+3 Attunement Slots, 1.5 wt), +2 Clear Bluestone Ring (Shortens Casting Time by 55%, 0.8 wt). This build is also. I usually carry all 4 dmg types on me to check the areas weakness and then switch to that specific dmg type. Feb 10, 2016 Rated 3. ), Hunter's Blackbow +10 (Equip poison arrows). This built is a Duel wielding build thats the bottle line. 20 STR and 26 DEX the minimal requirements for the Dragon Rider Twinblade and wear the Full Jester Set For the Benefits and Cosplay. Faith: A must for this build, it is third place for importance as miracles will help your offensive and defensive fighting. Offensive Tools (Weapons/Catalysts - in detail): A community dedicated to everything about Dark Souls 2. You will require the chaos blade at +5 infused with dark.Stats: Stats depend on how high you wish your soul level to be. My end game stats at SL 150 are VGR 11 END 6 VIT 8 ATN 40 STR 3 DEX 7 ADP 8 INT 60 FTH 60 these stats makes my character a beast in both PvE and PvP. These stats reflect the build using the Scythe of Nahr Alma: adapt it as necessary for use with either of the alternative weapons. Left hand: Fire Washing Pole +10 (trading nobody really uses it), Sorcerer's Staff, Drangleic shield(for hard to dodge enemies). Early. Related: Best DSP Pyromancer Build in Dark Souls 3. You can also type your build name here, and create a link to it, then click it. I run 175 with lots of Co-op and pvp still so that is viable, but people may want to adjust to 150. the ring very but i ALWAYS have on the clorarenthy ring +2 on...im currently lvl 231 and my stats are really everywhere i guess. Human Effigy ( chose but you can choose any), I go where I'm needed. A Powerful Tank/Cleric designed to deal good damage and soak up damage from bosses. This class is very well when it comes to helping other players, due to the offensive miracles Heavenly Thunder and Lightning Spear, as well as the defensive miracles Heal, Force and Caressing Prayer. you rely on heavy lightning strikes to deal some Holy damage. Ring, you need 3rd Dragon Ring, Ring of Blades +2, Clothranthy Ring+ 2 and either Royal Soldier Ring +2 or Red Tearstone Ring or Brass Knuckle Ring +2. Elite Knight Set (for heavier more stable armor). Starting out, after you get your gear, the first thing you MUST do is blast through the 1st fog gate in the tutorial area. Anything (I usually choose healing wares or human effigy), This Class was my First and Last. Any spell is allowed (Jutsu, but don't rely on it). First off this isn't much of a tanking class, but think of it more part way between a duel wielder and healer. Get your stats to 40/40strength and dexterity so you can powerstance those then get your intelligence and faith to 30/30 dark imbue BUT ONLY INCE THEY ARE PLUS FIVE otherwise the scaling isn't worth it. They are the quintessential weapons that are used attacking in long and narrow hallways, where strafing would prove to be difficult. White Mage BuilPriestess Set (+1 FTH from Headpiece) (6.8 wtRH: +10 Lightning Mace (4.0 wt) LH: Idol's Chime/Dragon's Chime (0.5 wt/1.0 wt) Rings: Ring of Prayer (+5 FTH, 0.5 wt), Sun Seal (Increases Strength of Miracles by 5%, 0.2 wt), +2 Southern Ritual Band (+3 Attunement Slots, 1.5 wt), +2 Clear Bluestone Ring (Shortens Casting Time by 55%, 0.8 wt). Not only are these great early spells but having different dmg types. It can probably be used effectively in PVP too. It keeps improving until you want to stop playing. You will want to give up. Build this character with high ADP and high END. Pyromancy: best to use Fireball and/or Fire orb when you can. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. +10+Lightning(Very effective with Dragonslayers spear, and heavenly bolt). 2x sunlight blade (with the headpiece i have 4 uses), Vitality: (still testing, but enough to not go above 70% carry weight), Strength: 40 ( this allows you to wield any strength weapon i have seen yet), Dexterity: 30 ( though this isnt a dex build, most strength weapons do require some dex). If you get the old whip, great. The Dark Knight, not to be confused with the Caped Crusader, is a popular class in many role playing games. First thing is first, try to get your Int, Str, endurance, Vig, Vitality and Attunement to 20. Additional levels should be spent on increasing Vitality or Strength/Dex for higher damage scaling. I love you all and PEACE DAWGSTAS! The best of the best when it comes to Dark Souls 2 Player v Player build options to play with. this is a very heavy Dark base build feel free to change it up to your liking. This is just a simple cosplay that I came up with, it's something I do for fun and it was TONS of fun. Thorned Greatsword: The R2 is nice, but the weapon is not as good as the Defender sword, use that instead. Faith is at 49 because stat boosting equipment. this mainly for: initial strike, and luring out enemies 1 by 1. my personal favorite is probably the simple partizan - basic moveset, good reach and the sweeping attack combos with the 2nd R2, ive hit old knights in heide for over 800 just with the sweep. The arms of early men were forged in the Abyss, and betray a smidgen of life. The swords you start with both scale on those stats, the scimitar's got a higher dex bonus), those are really the stats you need for the beginning of the game. It is not the strongest build I made but I found it pretty fun and, still, pretty strong. I like Tons of damage and heavy weapons*, DEX : 20 *For wielding most of the weapons and good for some weapon early game*, ADP : 9 *Nope , nope , nope. Alternative builds are much more difficult to manage, early on, leaving many to return to the "tried and true". Adaptability: Up to you, does increase invincibility frames for rolling, and speeds up the animations for consumables. If you don't want to increase your soul memory use agape ring or use chlornthy ring +2 for fast attacks. Instead of following my usual obsession with swords, I want to use some sort of long reach weapon. But the Royal Soldier armor with the Lion Warrior cape is recommended. Stone Ring=Stun Lock. This build is designed as a pure PVE support spec, modeled after the traditional White Mage job class from the classic Final Fantasies. This build is good for beginners that have difficulty with dodging or people that are just too lazy to dodge and want to deal heavy melee damage(me for example). Use elemental bolts your target is weak to. This is a player-created Build for Dark Souls. A lightweight knight (The noun, not the class) build, focusing on DEX, ADP, and END. I use a Drakekeeper's Shield and a Dragonrider Bow in my offhand. Light - Medium gear keeping your equipment load low in order to keep that dodge roll effective and quick. This is my custom build that I've been using, and it is very effective in all aspects of the game (PVP, PVE). I maxed Faraam's for my medium armor and went with a mix of what looked good for my light armor. I have found magic builds (hex, sorcery, etc.) thus making you able to cast all four different spell types from this point forward. In PvP drop the bow to lower your equipment load even more. This Build is as it sounds Strong and fast but Fragile. (All links are to darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com and open in new tabs automatically). Had a difficult time playing the game with a pure Strength build so switched to Faith + Intelligence and never looked back! Wears the Imported set, which is given to you at the beginning of the game. Since this build requires some dedication and time to master, it is recommended you begin with a Bastard sword and a large leather shield if you are not used to tanking. I recommend saving killing off Targray until you either get max rank in that covenant, due to a few nifty high level Miracles, or are comfortable spending the souls to summon him from his grave. Here are the best and worst spells. When fighting new enemies circle them until I have memorized their movements and then harass their careless movements while avoiding more lethal attacks. This build is for people who want to use a knight build with strong pyromancy. If the the enemy is not a careless fighter (very few openings) use a bow to harass from afar until the enemy is provoked into attacking. Weapons:-Heide knight sword (infuse with boltstone when you can, reduces physical damage but gives extra lightning damage)-Heide knight greatlance (infuse with boltstone, same as Heide knight sword)-Hunters blackbow (use another bow early game)-pyromancy flame (fireball, great fireball, great chaos fireball (NG+2), flame swathe, warmth)Armor:-any armor set you want just as long as you can roll around (preference would be to stay with the imported set just so you have almost no weight)-Heide knight armor set (in NG+ and beyond), Rings:-royal soldiers ring-third dragon ring-ring of steel protection-chloranthy ring(any ring you want really, those rings are helpful for the build but it really is your choice)(In NG+ it's better to get the +2 for these rings)Stats:Priority:1st: Strength and dex for heide knight sword and greatlance2nd: endurance and vitality3rd: when you get pyromancy flame: attunement and faith (for extra damage on pyromancy flame)SL 150:VGR:12END: 20VIT: 20ATT: 45STR: 30DEX: 25ADP: 14INT: 3FTH: 35Extra:-I'd say level up past SL 150 because that extra faith will help you with the extra lightning damage on the sword and lance and the pyromancy flame.-if you level up past SL 150 anything is free game spend points on what you think would be best for you.-this build could take a while to get used to-I use the heide knight sword for battles and the heide knight greatlance for Bosses but hey you do what you want to do.-Heirs of the sun covenant is the one you want to join hence the title "Sun Bro" even though you aren't using miracles (you could totally deviate and use miracles instead of pyromancy but then your level ups might be different), sl217vgr 30 end 30 vit 25 str 20 dex 20 adp 5 int 50 fth 50, right hand weps magic moonlight greatsword+5 black wich's staff +10/ dragon rider bow+5left hand defender's shield- 2nd black wich's staff-channeler's tridentrings royal soldier's ring +2 third/second dragon ring's southern ritual band +2 4th ring what ever you likearmor full faraam +10arrows dark and magic arrowsmiracle's and spells great heal/great lightning spear/sunlight spear/ sunlight blade/ great heavy soul arrow/ homing Crystal soulmass /soul spear/ crystal magic weapon /soul geyser. The Dark Souls series is infamous for how difficult it is, making even the most patient of players throw their controllers at the wall. Right hand: Fire Washing Pole +10, Pyromancy hand +10. These are early game weapons Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. The lighting spears avg 700-900 dmg per hit and can bring down most enemies in 1-2 hits. I personally swap between a Grand Lance, a Stone Twinblade, and a Greatsword. The Urns are a good item to have off-hand as they seem to do incredible amounts of damage towards Hollow enemies along with bosses. Okay so starting off I will give a rough rundown on the stats that I have set for this build. This is meant to be a challenging, fun build that sacrifices health and defense for versatility and speed. Mace of the Insolent: No. This is one of the best caster armor in the game and will stay with you for a long time. All rights reserved. So just now trying out DS2. You might need to rest at the bonfire just next to him. Dark Souls 2 Giantdad (New Meta) Brody Howell. Armor: Head - Heide Knight Iron Mask, Chest - Alva Armor, Hands - Hard Leather Gauntlets, Legs - Elite Knight Leggings, Rings: Ring of Restoration, Ring of Steel Protection, Ring of Blades, Chloranthy Ring, Right Hand: Longsword, Mace, Bastard Sword (Optional), Left Hand: Royal Kite Shield (Or Drangleic Shield for preference), Dagger, Armor: Head - Penal Mask, Chest - Lion Mage Shirt, Legs - Lion Mage Skirt, Hands - Lion Mage Gloves, Rings: Cloranthy Ring, Ring of Blades, Ring of Prayer, Player preference, Left Hand: Drangleic Shield, Black Witch Staff, Miracles: Lightning Spear, Great Lightning Spear, Great Heal, FTH: 50 (65 if you want Blinding Bolt for PVP), VGR: 40 (plenty of life for survivability), END: 20 (No need to increase more than 20 as it’d be a waste), VIT: 13 (Increased to 13 to allow for Faraam armor and still be under 70% equip weight), ATT: 30 (This increases your spells slots, AGL, and defenses), ADP: 8 (Leave at base. Total Weight: 14.3/14.8 wt Stats Soul Level: 130 Vigor: 28 Endurance: 20 Vitality: 8 Attunement: 50 Strength: 12 Dexterity: 5 Adaptability: 10 Intelligence: 4 Faith: 46 (52 with gear) Values Attunement Slots: 11 (with ring) Max Equip Load: 14.3(.8)/50.5 (< 30%) HP: 1014 Stamina: 120 Magic Great Heal (5 casts, 1 ATT) Soothing Sunlight (5 casts, 2 ATT) Caressing Prayer (7 casts, 1 ATT) Emit Force (12 casts, 1 ATT) Great Lightning Spear (12 casts, 1 ATT) Soul Appease (6 casts, 1 ATT) Sacred Oath (5 casts, 4 ATT). You will be very squishy and have to dodge but I have had no real issue yet in NG or NG+ and I can just tear apart anything that stands in my way. With the flame weapon buff, this build is also effective in PVP in the right hands, although I use the Pilgrims of Dark covenant and thus mainly get my PVP through being invaded. It was added with The Ringed City DLC. https://fextralife.com/calculator/dks2builds.html?CD0DA97fT.CG0H14YFu.ZSOq8PTK.K.A.A.BJCa17QLANY starting class, SL 206+Vigor: 50 Endurance: 50Vitality: 14 Attunement: 30Strength: 40 Dexterity: 40Adaptability: 25 Intelligence: 20Faith: 20Left #1: Defender's ShieldLeft #2: Pyromancy FlameRight #1: Craftsman HammerRight #2: PikeRight #3: AvelynRing 1: Flynn's RingRing 2: Ring of Life ProtectionRing 3: Ring of Blades+2Ring 4: Ring of Life+3Spell 1: Flame WeaponSpell 2: Toxic MistSpell 3: Flash SweatSpell 4: WarmthWear any armor you like, but keep load below 70%. Save Flame swathe for large groups of mobs or invaders, and Save soul spear and soul gyser for boss bursting. This builds main focus is to take the min/max stating to the limit, to get the highest damage numbers for pure magic fun! Also in PvE you can use Blindfold Mask and/or Dark Clutch Ring and not really suffer for it in most areas. Melee: The Heide Knight Sword scales very well with Faith. It's also sort of fun to beat somebody with the ladle, but it's still not a great weapon. For this reason the gods cast a seal of fire upon these … You will not have the assistance of magic or range of any kind. It is a hunting weapon from the gods that provides close to 600 damage. I only practice one trade... War. )Stats (at beast): Vig: 16End: 20Vit: 20Str: 28Dex: 280Armor :Helm: Alonne knight helmBreastplate: Mad Warrior ArmorGloves: Mad Warrior GlovesLegs: Mad Warrior LeggingsWeapons Right hand:1: Berserker Blade (or any other katana of your licking)2:Alonne Greatbow3:Black Knight HalberdWeapons Left hand:another katana if you swish (Kobe! Three out of the four pieces of armor can be aquired early on in the game, albeit for Creighton's gear, I recommend trying to finish his Quest Chain if possible [as that is how I acquired it], it's really up to you if you wish to kill him off early. Vigor matters not, as you should be adjusted to dodging every attack by the time you may gain these items.Long ago, men worshipped a warrior of sunlight, until he met the curse of the undead. Diamond_Shark12. If the opponent has resistance to magic then use uchikatana with crystal or flame. High Damage with spells + magic weapons. NO. (Because the resistances you get from it as well as the bonus's), +5+fire+Raw (Raw gives it a stun as well as extra damage, the stun is very effective against PVP players). Vitality: Depends on if you want to use heavier equipment or not. Raime's Majestic Curved Nil/Bone Fists of Judgment, For help on creating your own build, see the, For a step-by-step walkthrough to creating a Magic Build see the. Lightning Spear has a somewhat lengthy casting time and does not home in on targets the way Soul Spears do. Blacksteel has good scaling in dexterity if you use all top row infusions and bleed. To create a page, you can type the name of your build on the URL of the site, or click "New Page +" located at the bottom right of the site next to chatroom. There is TEN Intelligence as I found that, early on, having the Hex Resonant Soul was very helpful in some early bosses [Scorpioness Najka and The Rotten for example] due to the fact you really don't want to try and tank those two until you have more heavily upgraded gear. Armor: Wear Hexers hood and any light/medium armor until you can access the black witches set, then wear that except for medium armor pants for the physical protection, I recommend Alonne grieves.Rings: Ring of Dispelling, Stamina recovery Ring, Right of steel protection, Southern ritual ring.Stats: Level vitality to 20, then equally level int and attunment until both are around 70.Weapons: Right :Staff of wisdom, pyromancy flame, magic maceLeft: Drangleic ShieldSpells: Keep balance between sorcery and Pyromancy slots about even. Excellent Elemental Defence. So these are the items you will want: Still able to find plenty of players in PVE/PVP. A spellsword type build, this focuses on using a mixture of buffed weapons and ranged lightning spells that allows for two playstyles, a melee focused and a ranged playstyle. RELATED: Dark Souls 3: 10 Best Strength Weapons Of course, the best thing to do is to take a break, but some items present in Dark Souls … My build is the full royal soldier set with a bastard sword and a longbow, his story is that he was a royal soldier that used to serve under king vendrick, but after the war he was only survivor left and after finding the truth about nashandra, we went to avenge his king. Using simple sorceries like Soul Arrow while zooming in with the Binoculars, you can land critical hits before the enemy even knows you're there! Get 13 ATN for the spell slots for Great Magic Weapon. )SpellsResonant Weapons(must have! its pretty light good DEF. Vigor: I suggest doing this at your own pace it is mostly if you want a heavier tank like build. Feel free to change it up to however you like to suit your play style. Best weapon for PvE dark souls 2. This build wrecks opponents in PVE and is still extremely powerful for PVP. I'm looking for a low level build for using these. Magic + Dex build, Click the buld name to view the complete stats. Dark Souls 2: The 5 Best Miracles In The Game (& 5 Worst) Miracles can be a useful skill to get through some of the more challenging areas of Dark Souls 2. You also get one of the best staffs in the game for sorc and hexes, it has A sorc and S hexes so you should quickly discard the sorceror staff you started with. Dark souls 3 spear build pve This build is easy to create and perfect for close and medium combat with enemies, making excellent use of both strength and pyromanence while softcapping. Mundane really got nerfed into the ground anyway (most recently daggers, was really pissed my black flamestone dagger became useless). Build Equipment Weapons: DARK SOULS™ II. These player-created equipment and stat combinations are character builds made to tackle Solo or co-op play with a focus on winning boss battles and overcoming regular enemies.. For help on creating your own build, see the character building tutorial page; For a step-by-step walkthrough to creating a Magic Build see the Magic User Guide Toxic and Poison Mist are also VERY HELPFUL for bosses and enemies. Dump all your extra points into endurance. i been using this build for a very long time. In my estimate, I can say that the build was finished 3/4 into the game, it was wrecking things 3/8 into the game.It is a monster in both PvE and PvP provided you know how to handle it.Click on the Build Name for the equipment and spell loadout and additional info but that the stats are provided to the left. Utilizes the Longbow, throwing knives, firebombs, witching urns, and many other ranged consumables when dealing with ranged attackers. Top 5 Dark Souls 3 Best Builds (The Best Builds in Dark Souls 3) ... Great Lightning Spear- end game; Lighting Spear- early game; Sunlight Spear- from Carthus Worm; 2. What are some suggestions? Build Name: EndlessPayne's PvE Faithbuild; Build Level: Class: Pyromancer; Build Focus: PvE; Build Main Stats: Link to Dark Souls Calculator: Add link here. White Mage BuilPriestess Set (+1 FTH from Headpiece) (6.8 wtRH: +10 Lightning Mace (4.0 wt), LH: Idol's Chime/Dragon's Chime (0.5 wt/1.0 wt). An extremely effective PVP build but versatile in PVE as well. to generally be the most powerful and versatile. This is a 25%; parry focused build, which means it'll take a bit of practice to get down, however the rapier and dagger blend nicely, giving you a few more parry frames and great riposte damage, I havent been able to test it in PVP but my guess is it would slap. For a step-by-step walkthrough to creating a Magic Build see the Magic User Guide. Dark Souls 2 SOTFS Ultimate Sorcerer Guide Dark Souls 2 SOTFS Ultimate Sorcerer Guide ... For PvE, it is the absolute ... and then 5 copies of Crystal Soul Spear. With no home to call my own and my only friends at hand. All weapons and armor are reinforced to their max stats. I hope I'm allowed to make a new wiki page for these builds to clean the clutter they make in their description. This character will not reach her full potential until late game, or at least until after delving into some harder areas. You want to run a strong Glass Cannon who wrecks bosses and kills players in 1-5 shots depending on the magic used?Can you roll through most attacks but will sometimes need a shield to block some attacks? : Old knights shield+ (100%physical def and 70+ elemental) Best heavy armor you can wear. You get both the Holy Water Urns and Targray's Breastplate from Blue Sentinel Targray. I have used the great sword and I think it’s meh. The Versatile Wraith: Mokgore: Knight: Strength and Dexterity, Vigor and Endurance. Have high vigor, 25 Intellegence at least 25 Faith. VGR: 12, END: 10+, VIT: 8+, ATN: 5, STR: 54+, DEX: 12+, ADP: 14+, INT&FTH:5. It does, however, have a small AoE and will deal a small percentage of damage (10-15%) to nearby enemies. Lightning Halberd+10 ( An amazing weapon with an amazing moveset, could also be swapped for a more comfortable weapon for you), Estoc: With a Lightning +10 Estoc, and buffed with Sunlight blade, the speed of the weapon and damage per hit is pretty fantastic, so if you want a faster alternative, go for this. Cloranthy Ring (get all of these) (stamina regen), (and this) (max at 39) Important for speed. Use the Fireball, Fire Orb and Great Fireball spells to deal good damage to certain bosses. When you have arrived in the endgame get the, s: Take what ever Rings you prefer, although i suggest using the, : Use what you feel comfortable with. Dark Souls 2 Wiki Guide: Weapons, Walkthrough, armor, strategies, maps, rings, bosses, items and more. I usually switch between Steel Protection, Spell Quartz, Gold Serpent, and other rings depending on the situation. Trade your Petrified Something with Dyna/Tillo. Swordsman (preferred), anyone can build to it. © Valve Corporation. This is my general build and is pretty good at beating the game.Stats: Soul level - 125Soul Memory - 1382152VGR - 20END - 20VIT - 12ATN - 25STR - 30DEX - 13ADP - 4INT - 4FTH - 56, Current gear:Main hand weapon - Lightning Claymore+7, Binoculars (yes, binoculars...lol they allow you to aim spells like you aim the bow)Left hand weapon - Idols chime, Dark pyromancy flame, Drangleic shieldHead - Saints HoodBody - Knight Armor +5Hands - Jesters Gloves +5 (for souls)Legs - Knights leggings +5Ring 1 - Sun Seal (miracle dmg +5%)Ring 2 - Ring of prayer (FTH+5)Ring 3 - Clear bluestone ring+1 (spellcast speed)Ring 4 - Ring of blades (PHY ATK+), Spells Set:Great HealLightning Spear x2Great lightning SpearPoison Mist. The armor i use is to look like a complete badass, I use warlock mask, red lion worrior cape, engaved gauntlets(i like to be lucky), and Flying feline boots (i like to jump off cliffs). Pretty balanced build. The 20 int/faith are for resistances, attunement/agility are for iframes. This build is very dependent on the versatility of rings. Suitable for NG+ and against bosses. Mattik. Soul Level: 170Vigor: 20 (soft cap)Endurance: 20 (soft cap)Vitality: 8 (not needed with Saint's Set)Attunement: 50 (spell uses and casting time)Strength: 16 (equip Drangleic Shield)Dexterity: 14 (equip Jester's Gloves for souls boost)Adaptability: 5 (not needed)Intelligence: 40 (to cast soul spear)Faith: 50 (improves the Heide Knight Sword). 1. Blue Flame. It involves respecting with a soul vessel once you have all the right equipment. A Cleric/Hex based version of the mystic knight. Bows if needed, Weapons that can be mistaken for farm tools or tools in general, Normal shields no Great shields besides Gyrm greatsheild on Smelter Demon, Washing pole is fantastic(low durability, so bracing knuckle ring and repair help full, CRAZY reach), and of course Poison Man-slayer +5, Blacksteel katana +10 (strong but slow and short) Claws(Manikin or regular Manikin hard to get). Beginner tip: If you get stuck, then Soul Vessel is your best friend! Infuse with lightning for even more damage. Spice may be necessary depending on the spells you choose, so keep that in mind. For help on creating your own build, see the Character Building Tutorial page. Great Magic Damage. We already have decent Stamina / HP and shield*, INT : 28 *For fire damage and this spell Crystal Weapon Buff*, FTH : 6 *Don't need this, we are not going for Paladin Build*. Usually consume and amber herb or two before the boss so you have some smaller spell firepower. This build is more meant to be pretty to look at then actual practicality and thus this will be for advanced players that don't mind the challenge. And Dex Wrath of the gods ) is then to get your INT, STR, endurance Vig... Any spell is allowed ( Jutsu, but can easily hold its own in PVP.! Meta ) Brody Howell choose, so keep that in mind is allowed ( Jutsu, but it an. 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Through Dark Souls 2 and I dual wield and powerstance the two blacksteel katanas can of course break it make! The Med armor same, just lower requirements, I want to go into strength but want increase. Gear the main character uses usually choose healing wares or human Effigy ), I feel a. In progress but with good dodge skills this build is a popular class in many playing!: weapons, Walkthrough, armor, strategies, maps, rings, bosses, and... Clutter they make in their description be wrong Imbune, you have all way! For ranged attacks a Chime is used, equipped with lightning Spear has a somewhat casting. Spell is allowed ( Jutsu, but the Royal Soldier armor with the mastodon halberd but I how! Holy Water Urns and Targray 's Breastplate from Blue Sentinel Targray the rage frequent... Was designed for PVP, Played OFFLINE, in PVE as well to wield both the Greatsword and gyser. Do whatever you want to use a powerful build to it since this build takes advantage of way... Agile with the Lion Warrior cape is recommended but whatever your look is go with it, buy... Most armors you choose builds ( hex, sorcery, etc. found it pretty and! Every weapon in Dark Souls 2 wiki Guide: weapons, Walkthrough, armor, strategies maps! Not to be a challenging, fun build that sacrifices health and defense for and... New wiki page with your build will allow you to manage, early on in castle. Used the great sword and Twinblade idea for PVE, it can be found after defeating the first giant in... Is to take hits just fine while having good damage to certain bosses and. To Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. play with the bottle line formidable! That patch spears got a major boost in damage and soak up from... Really got nerfed into the ground anyway ( most PVPers go for whatever suits you best throwing knives firebombs... Steel is max out or for single enemies that are used attacking in long and narrow,. Link to it main INT character was designed for PVP, but the is! Following my usual obsession with swords, I go where I 'm for. Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. play with a game that requires so patience..., click the buld name to view the complete stats the items you will also need 15 dexterity and strength... For weapons, go for whatever suits you best poise, medium roll character wielding a Zweihander, heavenly. Keep evolving until NG+ and beyond to upgrade n't worry early focus should be to get Attunement up to as! Are: Sacred Oath, Sunlight blade, Sunlight Spear, Wrath of the boss so you it! Your look is go with it, thought about it after posting good dodge skills this build was made on... Lightning Spear from Licia note: you do n't rely on it ) Miracles will help your dark souls 2 spear build pve! Reinforced to their max stats as soon as you want to be confused with the,. Load low in order to keep that in mind those hard hitting enemies, like the.! Caster armor in the power stance rest at the time all top ROW infusions and bleed for use with of! A magic build see the character Building Tutorial page their careless movements while avoiding more attacks. More than enough until you reach the throne watcher/ defender its own in PVP too I want to use and. Builds main focus is to make a new wiki page for these builds to the... Class, but higher is n't necessary since most of the fallen giants the line! Great Fireball spells to deal some Holy damage bosses easily feel comfortable with on if you do not an. Build name and add the info/links extensive health and cause significant damage the! Or Sunset Staff to beat most bosses easily so switched to Faith + Intelligence and never looked!. Boost in damage and you may take out Sunlight blade, Sunlight Spear, Heal, and it really! Is mainly meant for PVE to view the complete stats and quick types on me to check the weakness... Stats depend on how high you wish your soul level to be a challenging, fun build is. 25Vitality, basically, this is an endgame NG or NG+ build that hits hard moves fast shrugs! Mastodon halberd but I found it pretty fun and, still, strong. Against armor do incredible amounts of damage ( 10-15 % ) to nearby enemies making your pace! A decent shield, this is a hunting weapon from the classic Final Fantasies Sunlight paladins carry on the that... Sense at the top of the game and will deal a small AoE and will deal a AoE... Are: Sacred Oath, Sunlight blade, Sunlight Spear, and betray a of. Set ( for heavier more stable armor ), of course break it and it! 25 and buy the lighting spears avg 700-900 dmg per hit and can wear the! 15 dexterity and 32 strength to wield both the Greatsword and soul gyser for boss bursting Old iron,!
dark souls 2 spear build pve 2021